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Scope: Annals of the Xia Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "帝曰毋若丹朱傲維慢游是好毋水行舟朋淫于家用絕其世" Matched:1.
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夏本紀 - Annals of the Xia

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23 夏本紀:
Annals of the Xia:
The Emperor said, 'Do not be arrogant like Zhu of Dan, who took his pleasure only in idleness and dissipation. He would make boats go where there was no water, introduced licentious friends into his family, and thereby cut off the hereditary honours of his house. I could not follow that line of conduct.' Yu said, 'I was married at Tushan on the days xin and ren, and on the days gui and jia my son Qi was born. I did not treat him as a son, and therefore was able to complete my labours on the water and on land. I assisted, in completing the five Tenures, extending over 5000 li. In the provinces I appointed twelve tutors, and in the regions beyond to the four seas I established five presidents. These all did their duty, and achieved great results, but the Miao tribes were obstinate, and refused to do their work. Think of this, your Majesty.' The Emperor said, 'That my virtue is the guide is the result of your orderly arrangements.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.