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项羽本纪 - Annals of Xiang Yu

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18 项羽本纪:
Annals of Xiang Yu:
The second day, accompanied by one hundred cavalrymen, Pei Gong came to meet King Xiang in Hongmen. Pei Gong apologized: "The general and I fought side by side against Qin. The general fought on the northern side of the (Yellow) river, and I fought on the south. I did not expect that I could be the first to break into Guanzhong and defeat Qin, and finally meet the general here. There must be a petty man trying to casts a bone between the general and me." King Xiang said: "This is all because of your officer Cao Wushang, otherwise I would not have done this."
King Xiang invited Pei Gong to a feast on that day. King Xiang and Xiang Bo sat facing the east. Yafu sat facing the south. Yafu was namely Fan Zeng. Pei Gong sat facing the north. Zhang Liang sat beside (Pei Gong) facing the west. Fan Zeng glanced several times at King Xiang, holding the jade on his girdle to hint (that it was time to take action). King Xiang remained silence and did not react. Fan Zeng stood up, came out and found Xiang Zhuang, said to him: "The Lord has not the heart (to kill). You should go in and toast, then ask to dance with a sword, and kill Pei Gong on his seat. Otherwise we all will be his prisoner one day."
So Zhuang went in and toasted, then he said: "The Lord drinks with Pei Gong, but there is no entertainment in the army, please allow me to dance with my sword." King Xiang said: "Approved." Xiang Zhuang drew his sword and danced. Xiang Bo also drew his sword and danced along, protecting Pei Gong obscurely with his body. Zhuang had no chance.
At this moment, Zhang Liang went out to the gate and found Fan Kuai. Fan Kuai asked: "How is the situation?" Liang said: "Very dangerous! Xiang Zhuang is dancing with sword, intending to kill Pei Gong!" Kuai said: "This is urgent! Let me in, I will save him with my life." Kuai broke through the gate with shield and sword. The guards tried to stop him. He crashed the guards to the ground with his shield. Then he rushed in (to the hall), stood facing the west with the mantle on his shoulders, his eyes opening so wide that the brow ridge was about to break up. King Xiang touched his sword and asked: "Who is this?" Zhang Liang said: "This is Pei Gong's stableman, Fan Kuai." King Xiang said: "A hero! Bestow wine on him!" Kuai was hence given wine. He (gave thanks) on his knees, then stood up and drank it all. King Xiang said: "Bestow pork on him!" He was then given raw pork. Kuai laid his shield on the ground, put the pork on it, cut the pork with his sword and ate. King Xiang asked: "Hero! Can you drink again?" Fan Kuai answered: "Even death will not scare me, how would wine! The emperor of Qin was as cruel as tiger and wolf, killing and torturing the people without an end. So the people revolted against him. King Huai (of Chu) made the agreement with all lords that the first who broke into Guanzhong should be king. Since Pei Gong defeated Qin and took over the city of Xian Yang, he kept nothing for himself. He sealed the palace, and waited for the King's arrival. He ordered his men to guard the pass only to prevent bandits and emergencies. You did not award such a man of merit, but instead trusted lies and tricks, intending to kill him. This is the same behavior as the dead Qin. I suggest your highness not do this." The King did not answer him, instead he only said: "Sit." Fan Kuai then took the seat beside Liang. After a while, Pei Gong got up and went out to the washroom, and asked Kuai to come with him.

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