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Scope: Annals of Yin Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "伊陟贊言于巫咸" Matched:1.
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殷本紀 - Annals of Yin

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16 殷本紀:
Annals of Yin:
Emperor Yongji died, and his brother Taiwu (Great E), that is Emperor Taiwu, came to the throne. In his reign Yizhi became prime minister, when there were omens in Bo, for a mulberry tree and a stalk of grain grew up together in the court. They attained full size in one evening, and Emperor Taiwu, being alarmed, questioned Yizhi on the subject. Yizhi said: 'I, your servant, have heard that virtue is not overcome by evil omens. There may be defects in your Majesty's government, but let your Majesty cultivate virtue.' Taiwu followed his advice, and the ominous mulberry withered away. Yizhi consulted with Xian the wizard, who governed the king's household admirably, and wrote the 'Xian-ai' and the 'Taiwu.' Emperor Taiwu spoke on the subject with Yizhi in court, and said he was disloyal. Yizhi gave up his post, and wrote the original commands. Yin prospered again, and the princes gave their allegiance to the Emperor, who was called Middle Master.

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