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Scope: Annals of Yin Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "既醜有夏復歸于亳" Matched:1.
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殷本紀 - Annals of Yin

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5 殷本紀:
Annals of Yin:
Yiyin's name was A-Heng. A-Heng wanted to meet Tang, but had no opportunity of doing so; he therefore became cook to the prince of Xin, and while bringing Tang dishes to taste urged him to perfect himself in the way of the ancient kings. Some say that when Yiyin was living in retirement Tang sent five times to invite him to a meeting before he would obey him, and talk about matters connected with the guileless king and the nine rulers. Tang promoted Ren to the administration of affairs. Yiyin went from Tang to Xia. Being indignant with the sovereign of Xia, he returned to Bo, and as he entered by the north gate met Rujiu and Rufang, and the 'Rujiu' and 'Rufang' were written.

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