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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version


This page provides quick links to various tools and features of the site.

Digital humanities tools

A range of tools for use in digital humanities research and teaching are available online, and new tools can be created by third parties using the CTP API.

Developer tools

Contributed tools and resources

The following resources have not been created by the Chinese Text Project, but are made available through the site with the kind permission of their authors. Please note that these resources are provided as-is, and that their copyright and other intellectual property rights belong to their original authors. Please be sure to cite the use of these resources and their authors in your publications according to standard scholarly conventions.

The Late Imperial Primer Literacy Sieve: A digital tool for approximating how the primer-literate read texts
Sarah Schneewind and Joshua Day
This downloadable tool creates interactive visual representations of how texts may have been read by partially literate contemporary readers, whose understanding of the written language was confined mainly to characters contained in certain primer texts.
[Full details, online demo and download]

If you have created or are responsible for a scholarly tool or resource that you think might be useful to readers of the site and would like to make publicly available here, please contact the editor to discuss this.