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-> -> -> Amplification of 'the Perfect Virtue' in Chapter I

《廣至德 - Amplification of 'the Perfect Virtue' in Chapter I》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 廣至德:
Amplification of 'the Perfect...:
The Master said, "The teaching of filial piety by the superior man does not require that he should go to family after family and daily see the members of each. His teaching of filial piety is a tribute of reverence to all the fathers under heaven. His teaching of fraternal submission is a tribute of reverence to all the elder brothers under heaven. His teaching of the duty of a subject is a tribute of reverence to all the rulers under heaven.
It is said in the Book of Poetry: The happy and courteous sovereign Is the parent of the people.
If it were not a perfect virtue, how could it be recognized as in accordance with their nature by the people so extensively as this?"

URN: ctp:xiao-jing/amplification-of-the-perfect-virtue-in