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Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

孝经 - Xiao Jing

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《孝经》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: "The Classic of Filial Piety"]

孝治 - Filial Piety in Government

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《孝治》 Library Resources
1 孝治:
Filial Piety in Government:...:
The Master said, "Anciently, when the intelligent kings by means of filial piety ruled all under heaven, they did not dare to receive with disrespect the ministers of small states. How much less would they do so to the dukes, marquises, counts, and barons! Thus it was that they got (the princes of) the myriad states with joyful hearts (to assist them) in the (sacrificial) services to their royal predecessors.
The rulers of states did not dare to slight wifeless men and widows. How much less would they slight their officers and the people! Thus it was that they got all their people with joyful hearts (to assist them) in serving the rulers, their predecessors.
The heads of clans did not dare to slight their servants and concubines. How much less would they slight their wives and sons! Thus it was that they got their men with joyful hearts (to assist them) in the service of their parents.
In such a state of things, while alive, parents reposed in (the glory of) their sons, and, when sacrificed to, their disembodied spirits enjoyed their offerings. Therefore for all under heaven peace and harmony prevailed; disasters and calamities did not occur; misfortunes and rebellions did not arise.
It is said in the Book of Poetry: To an upright, virtuous conduct All in the four quarters of the state render obedient homage."

纪孝行 - An Orderly Description of the Acts of Filial Piety

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 纪孝行:
An Orderly Description of...:
The Master said, "The service which a filial son does to his parents is as follows: In his general conduct to them, he manifests the utmost reverence. In his nourishing of them, his endeavor is to give them the utmost pleasure. When they are ill, he feels the greatest anxiety. In mourning for them (dead), he exhibits every demonstration of grief. In sacrificing to them, he displays the utmost solemnity. When a son is complete in these five things, (he may be pronounced) able to serve his parents.
He who (thus) serves his parents, in a high situation will be free from pride, in a low situation will be free from insubordination, and among his equals will not be quarrelsome. In a high situation pride leads to ruin; in a low situation insubordination leads to punishment; among equals quarrelsomeness leads to the wielding of weapons. If those three things be not put away, though a son every day contribute beef, mutton, and pork to nourish his parents, he is not filial."

五刑 - Filial Piety in Relation to the Five Punishments

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 五刑:
Filial Piety in Relation...:
The Master said, "There are three thousand offenses against which the five punishments are directed, and there is not one of them greater than being unfilial.
When constraint is put upon a ruler, that is the disowning of his superiority. When the authority of the sages is disallowed, that is the disowning of (all) law. When filial piety is put aside, that is the disowning of the principle of affection. These (three things) pave the way to anarchy."

Total 3 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.