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Scope: Cultivating the Self Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曰日有光月有明" Matched:1.
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修身卷第三 - Cultivating the Self

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
14 修身卷第... :
Cultivating the Self:...:
Someone asked about governing oneself.
Yangzi said: Govern yourself by using Confucius as a model.
The other said: 'Govern yourself by using Confucius as a model.' But people like Confucius are rare!
Yangzi said: Use a good horse to lead other horses. Indeed, can this not be done?
The other said: If one plants too large a field, the weeds grow higher and higher. If one thinks of those far away, the heart grows more miserable.
Yangzi said: The sun shines, the moon is bright. If for three years you do not see the light of the sun, you will inevitably go blind. If for three years you do not see the light of the moon, your spirit will become obscured. Once the spirit is withered and vision has been destroyed, like a blind man using a walking stick to poke at the ground to find the road, you simply walk in darkness.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.