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Scope: The Junzi Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "子遊子夏得其書矣未得其所以書也" Matched:1.
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君子卷第十二 - The Junzi

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
12 君子卷第... :
The Junzi:
Someone said: The sage's dao is like Tian. But if it is like Tian, then it should be constant. Why, then, the sage's many changes?
Yangzi said: The sage indeed changes much. Ziyou and Zixia understood his writings, but they did not grasp why he wrote. Zai Wo and Zigong understood his words, but they did not grasp why he spoke. Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian understood his actions, but they did not grasp why he acted. The sage's writings, words, and actions are Tian. How can it be that Tian rarely changes?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.