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Scope: The Junzi Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "子長多愛愛奇也" Matched:1.
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君子卷第十二 - The Junzi

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
9 君子卷第... :
The Junzi:
The Huainanzi's teaching is not as the useful as the Shiji. In the Shiji, a sage will find things he can use; the Huainan rarely has things he can use. Inevitably, what he selects to use must accord with the Confucian Dao! Now he's coming, now he's going—that's the Huainan. Elegant literature that is rarely useful, that's Sima Xiangru. Having many interests and not content to leave out anything—that was Sima Qian. Confucius had many interests, but his interests all revolved around yi. Sima Qian had many interests, but he was interested in the unusual.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.