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Scope: The Priority of Filial Devotion Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "或曰力有扛洪鼎揭華旗" Matched:1.
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孝至卷第十三 - The Priority of Filial Devotion

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
13 孝至卷第... :
The Priority of Filial...:
Someone said: As for physical strength, there are those who can carry a massive ritual cauldron or raise military flags. In terms of wisdom and de, are there not also those who compare in this way?
Yangzi said: These are merely cases of one man being like a hundred. De that allows one to harmonize with the stupid and foolish, and to abdicate the ten thousand kingdoms; wisdom that clearly perceives Heaven and Earth, and can give form to unfathomable profundity—are these merely equal to the de and wisdom of a hundred men?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.