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Scope: Yuan and Qian Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "為丹奉於期之首燕督亢之圖入不測之秦實刺客之靡也焉可謂之義也" Matched:1.
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渊骞卷第十一 - Yuan and Qian

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
13 渊骞卷第... :
Yuan and Qian:
Someone asked: Was Yao Li not one who was righteous (yi)? He did not even use his family as an excuse to refuse the commands of his kingdom.
Yangzi said: He allowed his wife and children to be burned to ashes in order to get close enough to Qing Ji to assassinate him. Though he might be outstanding among spiders and insects, what in his actions can be considered to be righteous?
The other asked about Nie Zheng.
Yangzi said: He rebelled against the Han for Yan Sui, killed head minister Han Xialei, and disfigured himself to protect his sister. Though he might be outstanding among brave men, what in his actions can be considered to be righteous?
The other asked about: Jing Ke.
Yangzi said: At the request of Prince Dan of Yan, he offered the King of Qin the head of Fan Yuqi and a map of Dukang in Yan, and entered into Qin with being suspected. Though he might be outstanding among assassins, what in his actions can be considered to be righteous?

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.