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Scope: Learning and Practice Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曰視日月而知眾星之蔑也仰聖人而知眾說之小也" Matched:1.
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学行卷第一 - Learning and Practice

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
12 学行卷第... :
Learning and Practice:...:
Practice, practice! By means of practicing what is false, one overcomes what is true. How much more does practicing what is true overcome what is false. Indeed! Those who study should examine what is true and that's all.
Someone said: How can one know what is true and practice it?
Yangzi said: Looking at the sun and moon, one knows the faintness of the multitude of stars. Gazing upon the sage one knows the pettiness of the multitude of other doctrines.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.