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Scope: Learning and Practice Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曰昔顏嘗睎夫子矣正考甫嘗睎尹吉甫矣公子奚斯嘗睎尹吉甫矣" Matched:1.
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學行卷第一 - Learning and Practice

English translation: Jeffrey S. Bullock [?] Library Resources
19 學行卷第... :
Learning and Practice:...:
He said: In the past, Yan looked up to the Master, Zheng Kaofu looked up to Yin Xifu, Gongzi Xisi looked up to Zheng Kaofu. If you do not desire to look up to someone, then that's that. But if you do look up to them, then who can stop you?
Someone said: The Confucian Books and the Classics are the same, but the world does not respect the Books. Can they still be studied?
Yangzi said: They can.
The other person snickered, saying: They should only be used for passing government exams and determining ranks.
Yangzi said: Great men study for the Dao; small men study for profit. Are you for the Dao, or are you for profit?
The other said: Plowing without any harvest, hunting without a feast: are these really "plowing" and "hunting"?
Yangzi said: Planting the Dao and getting the Dao, hunting de and getting de, these are the harvest and feast. I have never seen Shen and Chen side by side. Therefore, the junzi values changing for the good. Those who change for the good, are they not the sage's followers? The hundred rivers study the sea and arrive at the sea; mounds and foothills study the mountains but do not reach to the mountains. For this reason, the junzi hates to draw the line.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.