| 说剑: |
昔赵文王喜剑,剑士夹门而客三千馀人,日夜相击于前,死伤者岁百馀人,好之不厌。如是三年,国衰,诸侯谋之。太子悝患之,募左右曰:“孰能说王之意止剑士者,赐之千金。”左右曰:“庄子当能。” |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
Formerly, King Wen of Zhao delighted in the sword-fight. More than three thousand men, masters of the weapon, appeared as his guests, lining the way on either side of his gate, and fighting together before him day and night. Over a hundred of them would die or be (severely) wounded in the course of a year, but he was never weary of looking on (at their engagements), so fond was he of them. The thing continued for three years, when the kingdom began to decay, and other states to plan measures against it. The crown-prince Kui was distressed, and laid the case before his attendants, saying, 'If any one can persuade the king, and put an end to these swordsmen, I will give him a thousand ounces of silver.' His attendants said, '(Only) Zhuangzi is able to do this.' |
| 说剑: |
太子乃使人以千金奉庄子。庄子弗受,与使者俱往见太子曰:“太子何以教周,赐周千金?”太子曰:“闻夫子明圣,谨奉千金以币从者。夫子弗受,悝尚何敢言!”庄子曰:“闻太子所欲用周者,欲绝王之喜好也。使臣上说大王而逆王意,下不当太子,则身刑而死,周尚安所事金乎!使臣上说大王,下当太子,赵国何求而不得也?”太子曰:“然。吾王所见,唯剑士也。”庄子曰:“诺。周善为剑。”太子曰:“然吾王所见剑士,皆蓬头、突鬓、垂冠,曼胡之缨,短后之衣,嗔目而语难,王乃说之。今夫子必儒服而见王,事必大逆。”庄子曰:“请治剑服。”治剑服三日,乃见太子。太子乃与见王,王脱白刃待之。 |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
Thereupon the prince sent men with a thousand ounces of silver to offer to Zhuangzi, who, however, would not accept them, but went with the messengers. When he saw the prince, he said, '0 prince, what have you to say to Zhou, and why would you give me the silver?' The prince replied, 'I have heard that you, master, are sagacious and sage. I sent you respectfully the thousand ounces of silver, as a prelude to the silks and other gifts. But as you decline to receive them, how dare I now tell you (what I wished from you)?' Zhuangzi rejoined, 'I have heard, 0 prince, that what you wanted me for was to wean the king from what is his delight. Suppose that in trying to persuade his Majesty I should offend him, and not fulfil your expectation, I shall be punished with death; and could I then enjoy this silver? Or suppose that I shall succeed in persuading his Majesty, and accomplish what you desire, what is there in the kingdom of Zhao that I might ask for which I would not get?' The crown-prince said, 'Yes; but my (father), the king, will see none but swordsmen.' Zhuangzi replied, 'I know; but I am expert in the use of the sword.' 'That is well,' observed the prince; 'but the swordsmen whom his Majesty sees all have their hair in a tangle, with whiskers projecting out. They wear slouching caps with coarse and unornamented tassels, and their coats are cut short behind. They have staring eyes, and talk about the hazards of their game. The king is delighted with all this; but now you are sure to present yourself to him in your scholar's dress, and this will stand greatly in the way of your success.' Zhuangzi said, 'I will then, with your leave, get me a swordsman's dress.' This was ready in three days, and when he appeared in it before the prince, the latter went with him to introduce him to the king, who then drew his sword from its scabbard and waited for him. |
| 说剑: |
庄子入殿门不趋,见王不拜。王曰:“子欲何以教寡人,使太子先?”曰:“臣闻大王喜剑,故以剑见王。”王曰:“子之剑何能禁制?”曰:“臣之剑,十步一人,千里不留行。”王大悦之,曰:“天下无敌矣。”庄子曰:“夫为剑者,示之以虚,开之以利,后之以发,先之以至。愿得试之。”王曰:“夫子休就舍,待命令设戏请夫子。”王乃校剑士七日,死伤者六十馀人,得五六人,使奉剑于殿下,乃召庄子。王曰:“今日试使士敦剑。”庄子曰:“望之久矣。”王曰:“夫子所御杖,长短何如?”曰:“臣之所奉皆可。然臣有三剑,唯王所用,请先言而后试。” |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
When Zhuangzi entered the door of the hall, he did not hurry forward, nor, when he saw the king, did he bow. The king asked him, 'What do you want to teach me, Sir, that you have got the prince to mention you beforehand?' The reply was, 'I have heard that your Majesty is fond of the sword-fight, and therefore I have sought an interview with you on the ground of (my skill in the use of) the sword.' 'What can you do with your sword against an opponent?' 'Let me meet with an opponent every ten paces, my sword would deal with him, so that I should not be stopped in a march of a thousand li.' The king was delighted with him, and said, 'You have not your match in the kingdom.' Zhuangzi replied, 'A good swordsman first makes a feint (against his opponent), then seems to give him an advantage, and finally gives his thrust, reaching him before he can return the blow. I should like to have an opportunity to show you my skill.' The king said, 'Stop (for a little), Master. Go to your lodging, and wait for my orders. I will make arrangements for the play, and then call you.' The king accordingly made trial of his swordsmen for seven days, till more than sixty of them were killed, or (severely) wounded. He then selected five or six men, and made them bring their swords and take their places beneath the hall, after which he called Zhuangzi, and said to him, 'To-day I am going to make (you and) these men show what you can do with your swords.' 'I have long been looking for the opportunity,' replied Zhuangzi. The king then asked him what would be the length of the sword which he would use; and he said, 'Any length will suit me, but I have three swords, any one of which I will use, as may please your Majesty. Let me first tell you of them, and then go to the arena.' |
| 说剑: |
王曰:“愿闻三剑。”曰:“有天子剑,有诸侯剑,有庶人剑。”王曰:“天子之剑何如?”曰:“天子之剑,以燕溪、石城为锋,齐、岱为锷,晋、魏为脊,周、宋为镡,韩、魏为夹,包以四夷,裹以四时,绕以渤海,带以常山,制以五行,论以刑德,开以阴阳,持以春夏,行以秋冬。此剑直之无前,举之无上,案之无下,运之无旁,上决浮云,下绝地纪。此剑一用,匡诸侯,天下服矣。此天子之剑也。” |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
'I should like to hear about the three swords,' said the king; and Zhuangzi went on, 'There is the sword of the Son of Heaven; the sword of a feudal prince; and the sword of a common man.' 'What about the sword of the Son of Heaven?' 'This sword has Yan-qi and Shi-cheng for its point; Qi and (Mount) Dai for its edge; Jin and Wei for its back; Zhou and Song for its hilt; Han and Wei for its sheath. It is embraced by the wild tribes all around; it is wrapped up in the four seasons; it is bound round by the Sea of Bo; and its girdle is the enduring hills. It is regulated by the five elements; its wielding is by means of Punish ments and Kindness; its unsheathing is like that of the Yin and Yang; it is held fast in the spring and summer; it is put in action in the autumn and winter. When it is thrust forward, there is nothing in front of it; when lifted up, there is nothing above it; when laid down, there is nothing below it; when wheeled round, there is nothing left on any side of it; above, it cleaves the floating clouds; and below, it penetrates to every division of the earth. Let this sword be once used, and the princes are all reformed, and the whole kingdom submits. This is the sword of the Son of Heaven.' |
| 说剑: |
文王芒然自失,曰:“诸侯之剑何如?”曰:“诸侯之剑,以知勇士为锋,以清廉士为锷,以贤良士为脊,以忠圣士为镡,以豪桀士为夹。此剑值之亦无前,举之亦无上,案之亦无下,运之亦无旁,上法圆天以顺三光,下法方地以顺四时,中和民意以安四乡。此剑一用,如雷霆之震也,四封之内,无不宾服而听从君命者矣。此诸侯之剑也。” |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
King Wen looked lost in amazement, and said again, 'And what about the sword of a feudal lord?' (Zhuangzi) replied, 'This sword has wise and brave officers for its point; pure and disinterested officers for its edge; able and honourable officers for its back; loyal and sage officers for its hilt; valiant and eminent officers for its sheath. When this sword is thrust directly forward, as in the former case, there is nothing in front of it; when directed upwards, there is nothing above it; when laid down, there is nothing below it; when wheeled round, there is nothing on any side of it. Above, its law is taken from the round heaven, and is in accordance with the three luminaries; below, its law is taken from the square earth, and is in accordance with the four seasons; between, it is in harmony with the minds of the people, and in all the parts of the state there is peace. Let this sword be once used, and you seem to hear the crash of the thunder-peal. Within the four borders there are none who do not respectfully submit, and obey the orders of the ruler. This is the sword of the feudal lord.' |
| 说剑: |
王曰:“庶人之剑何如?”曰:“庶人之剑,蓬头、突鬓、垂冠,曼胡之缨,短后之衣,瞋目而语难,相击于前,上斩颈领,下决肝肺。此庶人之剑,无异于斗鸡,一旦命已绝矣,无所用于国事。今大王有天子之位,而好庶人之剑,臣窃为大王薄之。” |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
'And what about the sword of the common man?' asked the king (once more). (Zhuangzi) replied, 'The sword of the common man (is wielded by) those who have their hair in a tangle, with whiskers projecting out; who wear slouching caps with coarse and unornamented tassels, and have their coats cut short behind; who have staring eyes, and talk (only) about the hazards (of their game). They hit at one another before you. Above, the sword slashes through the neck; and below, it scoops out the liver and lungs. This is the sword of the common man. (The users of it) are not different from fighting cocks; any morning their lives are brought to an end; they are of no use in the affairs of the state. Your Majesty occupies the seat of the Son of Heaven, and that you should be so fond of the swordsmanship of such common men, is unworthy, as I venture to think, of your Majesty.' |
| 说剑: |
王乃牵而上殿,宰人上食,王三环之。庄子曰:“大王安坐定气,剑事已毕奏矣。”于是文王不出宫三月,剑士皆服毙其处也。 |
| Delight in the Sword-fight:...: |
On this the king drew Zhuangzi with him, and went up to the top of the hall, where the cook set forth a meal, which the king walked round three times (unable to sit down to it). Zhuangzi said to him, 'Sit down quietly, Great King, and calm yourself. I have said all I wished to say about swords.' King Wen, thereafter, did not quit the palace for three months, and the swordsmen all killed themselves in their own rooms. |