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庚桑楚 - Geng-sang Chu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《庚桑楚》 Library Resources
12 庚桑楚:
Geng-sang Chu:
Among the ancients there were those whose knowledge reached the extreme point. And what was that point? There were some who thought that in the beginning there was nothing. This was the extreme point, the completest reach of their knowledge, to which nothing could be added. Again, there were those who supposed that (in the beginning) there were existences, proceeding to consider life to be a (gradual) perishing, and death a returning (to the original state). And there they stopped, making, (however), a distinction between life and death. Once again there were those who said, 'In the beginning there was nothing; by and by there was life; and then in a little time life was succeeded by death. We hold that non-existence was the head, life the body, and death the os coccygis. But of those who acknowledge that existence and nonexistence, death and life, are all under the One Keeper, we are the friends.' Though those who maintained these three views were different, they were so as the different branches of the same ruling Family (of Chu) - the Zhaos and the Kings, bearing the surname of the lord whom they honoured as the author of their branch, and the Jias named from their appanage - (all one, yet seeming) not to be one.

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