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Scope: Geng-sang Chu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "此四六者不盪胸中則正正則靜靜則明明則虛虛則無為而無不為也" Matched:1.
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庚桑楚 - Geng-sang Chu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《庚桑楚》 Library Resources
16 庚桑楚:
Geng-sang Chu:
Repress the impulses of the will; unravel the errors of the mind; put away the entanglements to virtue; and clear away all that obstructs the free course of the Dao. Honours and riches, distinctions and austerity, fame and profit; these six things produce the impulses of the will. Personal appearance and deportment, the desire of beauty and subtle reasonings, excitement of the breath and cherished thoughts; these six things produce errors of the mind. Hatred and longings, joy and anger, grief and delight; these six things are the entanglements to virtue. Refusals and approachments, receiving and giving, knowledge and ability; these six things obstruct the course of the Dao. When these four conditions, with the six causes of each, do not agitate the breast, the mind is correct. Being correct, it is still; being still, it is pellucid; being pellucid, it is free from pre-occupation; being free from pre-occupation, it is in the state of inaction, in which it accomplishes everything.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.