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Scope: Horses's Hoofs Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "夫赫胥氏之時民居不知所為行不知所之含哺而熙鼓腹而遊民能以此矣" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

馬蹄 - Horses's Hoofs

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《馬蹄》 Library Resources
3 馬蹄:
Horses's Hoofs:
Horses, when living in the open country, eat the grass, and drink water; when pleased, they intertwine their necks and rub one another; when enraged, they turn back to back and kick one another - this is all that they know to do. But if we put the yoke on their necks, with the moonlike frontlet displayed on all their foreheads, then they know to look slily askance, to curve their necks, to rush viciously, trying to get the bit out of their mouths, and to filch the reins (from their driver); this knowledge of the horse and its ability thus to act the part of a thief is the crime of Bo-le. In the time of (the Di) He-xu, the people occupied their dwellings without knowing what they were doing, and walked out without knowing where they were going. They filled their mouths with food and were glad; they slapped their stomachs to express their satisfaction. This was all the ability which they possessed. But when the sagely men appeared, with their bendings and stoppings in ceremonies and music to adjust the persons of all, and hanging up their benevolence and righteousness to excite the endeavours of all to reach them, in order to comfort their minds, then the people began to stump and limp about in their love of knowledge, and strove with one another in their pursuit of gain, so that there was no stopping them: this was the error of those sagely men.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.