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Scope: Kings who have wished to resign the Throne Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "三日不舉火十年不製衣正冠而纓絕捉衿而肘見納履而踵決" Matched:1.
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讓王 - Kings who have wished to resign the Throne

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《讓王》 Library Resources
10 讓王:
Kings who have wished...:
Zeng-zi was residing in Wei. He wore a robe quilted with hemp, and had no outer garment; his countenance looked rough and emaciated; his hands and feet were horny and callous; he would be three days without lighting a fire; in ten years he did not have a new suit; if he put his cap on straight, the strings would break; if he drew tight the overlap of his robe, his elbow would be seen; in putting on his shoes, the heels would burst them. Yet dragging his shoes along, he sang the 'Sacrificial Odes of Shang' with a voice that filled heaven and earth as if it came from a bell or a sounding stone. The Son of Heaven could not get him to be a minister; no feudal prince could get him for his friend. So it is that he who is nourishing his mind's aim forgets his body, and he who is nourishing his body discards all thoughts of gain, and he who is carrying out the Dao forgets his own mind.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.