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Scope: Kings who have wished to resign the Throne Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "回有郭外之田五十畝足以給饘粥" Matched:1.
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讓王 - Kings who have wished to resign the Throne

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《讓王》 Library Resources
11 讓王:
Kings who have wished...:
Confucius said to Yan Hui, 'Come here, Hui. Your family is poor, and your position is low; why should you not take office?' Hui replied, 'I have no wish to be in office. Outside the suburban district I possess fields to the extent of fifty acres, which are sufficient to supply me with congee; and inside it I have ten acres, which are sufficient to supply me with silk and flax. I find my pleasure in playing on my lute, and your doctrines, Master, which I study, are sufficient for my enjoyment; I do not wish to take office.' Confucius looked sad, changed countenance, and said, "How good is the mind of Hui! I have heard that he who is contented will not entangle himself with the pursuit of gain, that he who is conscious of having gained (the truth) in himself is not afraid of losing other things, and that he who cultivates the path of inward rectification is not ashamed though he may have no official position. I have long been preaching this; but to-day I see it realised in Hui: this is what I have gained.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.