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Scope: Kings who have wished to resign the Throne Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "湯將伐桀因卞隨而謀卞隨曰非吾事也" Matched:1.
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讓王 - Kings who have wished to resign the Throne

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《讓王》 Library Resources
15 讓王:
Kings who have wished...:
When Tang was about to attack Jie, he took counsel with Bian Sui, who said, 'It is no business of mine.' Tang then said, 'To whom should I apply?' And the other said, 'I do not know.' Tang then took counsel with Wu Guang, who gave the same answer as Bian Sui; and when asked to whom he should apply, said in the same way, 'I do not know.' 'Suppose,' Tang then said, 'I apply to Yi Yin, what do you say about him?' The reply was, 'He has a wonderful power in doing what is disgraceful, and I know nothing more about him!' Tang thereupon took counsel with Yi Yin and attacked Jie.
Tang overcame him, after which he proposed to resign the throne to Bian Sui, who declined it, saying, 'When you were about to attack Jie, and sought counsel from me, you must have supposed me to be prepared to be a robber. Now that you have conquered Jie, and propose to resign the throne to me, you must consider me to be greedy. I have been born in an age of disorder, and a man without principle twice comes, and tries to extend to me the stain of his disgraceful proceedings - I cannot bear to hear the repetition of his proposals.' With this he threw himself into the Zhou water and died.
Tang further made proffer of the throne to Wu Guang, saying, 'The wise man has planned it; the martial man has carried it through; and the benevolent man should occupy it: this was the method of antiquity. Why should you, Sir, not take the position?' Wu Guang refused the proffer, saying, 'To depose the sovereign is contrary to right; to kill the people is contrary to benevolence. When another has encountered the risks, if I should accept the gain of his adventure, I should violate my disinterestedness. I have heard it said, "If it be not right for him to do so, one should not accept the emolument; in an age of unprincipled (government), one should not put foot on the soil (of the) country" - how much less should I accept this position of honour! I cannot bear to see you any longer.' And with this he took a stone on his back, and drowned himself in the lu water.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.