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Scope: Metaphorical Language Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "曾子再仕而心再化曰吾及親仕三釜而心樂" Matched:1.
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寓言 - Metaphorical Language

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《寓言》 Library Resources
3 寓言:
Metaphorical Language:...:
Zeng-zi twice took office, and on the two occasions his state of mind was different. He said, 'While my parents were alive I took office, and though my emolument was only three fu (of grain), my mind was happy. Afterwards when I took office, my emolument was three thousand zhong; but I could not share it with my parents, and my mind was sad.' The other disciples asked Zhongni, saying, 'Such an one as Shan may be pronounced free from all entanglement: is he to be blamed for feeling as he did?' The reply was, 'But he was subject to entanglement. If he had been free from it, could he have had that sadness? He would have looked on his three fu and three thousand zhong no more than on a heron or a mosquito passing before him.'

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.