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Scope: The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings Request type: Paragraph
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应帝王 - The Normal Course for Rulers and Kings

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《应帝王》 Library Resources
6 应帝王:
The Normal Course for...:
Non-action (makes its exemplifier) the lord of all fame; non-action (serves him as) the treasury of all plans; non-action (fits him for) the burden of all offices; non-action (makes him) the lord of all wisdom. The range of his action is inexhaustible, but there is nowhere any trace of his presence. He fulfils all that he has received from Heaven, but he does not see that he was the recipient of anything. A pure vacancy (of all purpose) is what characterises him. When the perfect man employs his mind, it is a mirror. It conducts nothing and anticipates nothing; it responds to (what is before it), but does not retain it. Thus he is able to deal successfully with all things, and injures none.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.