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Scope: Xu Wu-gui Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "有一狙焉委蛇攫搔見巧乎王王射之敏給搏捷矢" Matched:1.
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徐无鬼 - Xu Wu-gui

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《徐无鬼》 Library Resources
8 徐无鬼:
Xu Wu-gui:
The king of Wu, floating about on the Jiang, (landed and) ascended the Hill of monkeys, which all, when they saw him, scampered off in terror, and hid themselves among the thick hazels. There was one, however, which, in an unconcerned way, swung about on the branches, displaying its cleverness to the king, who thereon discharged an arrow at it. With a nimble motion it caught the swift arrow, and the king ordered his attendants to hurry forward and shoot it; and thus the monkey was seized and killed. The king then, looking round, said to his friend Yan Bu-yi, 'This monkey made a display of its artfulness, and trusted in its agility, to show me its arrogance - this it was which brought it to this fate. Take warning from it. Ah! do not by your looks give yourself haughty airs!' Yan Bu-yi, when he returned home, put himself under the teaching of Dong Wu, to root up his pride. He put away what he delighted in and abjured distinction. In three years the people of the kingdom spoke of him with admiration.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.