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道家 -> 莊子 -> 內篇 -> 齊物論 -> 9

天下Under heaven there is nothing greater than the tip of an autumn down,
and the Tai mountain is small.
There is no one more long-lived than a child which dies prematurely,
彭祖and Peng Zu did not live out his time.
Heaven, Earth, and I were produced together,
and all things and I are one.
Since they are one,
can there be speech about them?
But since they are spoken of as one,
must there not be room for speech?
One and Speech are two;
two and one are three.
Going on from this (in our enumeration),
the most skilful reckoner cannot reach (the end of the necessary numbers),
and how much less can ordinary people do so!
Therefore from non-existence we proceed to existence
till we arrive at three;
proceeding from existence to existence, to how many should we reach?
Let us abjure such procedure,
and simply rest here.
