Chinese Text Project | |
Simplified Chinese version |
《采蘩 - Cai Fan》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《采蘩》 Library Resources |
1 | 采蘩: |
于以采蘩、于沼于沚。 于以用之、公侯之事。 |
Cai Fan: |
She gathers the white southernwood, By the ponds, on the islets. She employs it, In the business of our prince. | |
2 | 采蘩: |
于以采蘩、于㵎之中。 于以用之、公侯之宫。 |
Cai Fan: |
She gathers the white southernwood, Along the streams in the valleys. She employs it, In the temple of our prince. | |
3 | 采蘩: |
被之僮僮、夙夜在公。 被之祁祁、薄言还归。 |
Cai Fan: |
With head-dress reverently rising aloft, Early, while yet it is night, she is in the prince's temple; In her dead-dress, slowly retiring, She returns to her own apartments. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/cai-fan