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《采蘩 - Cai Fan》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《采蘩》 Library Resources
1 采蘩:
Cai Fan:
She gathers the white southernwood,
By the ponds, on the islets.
She employs it,
In the business of our prince.

2 采蘩:
Cai Fan:
She gathers the white southernwood,
Along the streams in the valleys.
She employs it,
In the temple of our prince.

3 采蘩:
Cai Fan:
With head-dress reverently rising aloft,
Early, while yet it is night, she is in the prince's temple;
In her dead-dress, slowly retiring,
She returns to her own apartments.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/cai-fan