中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
《匪風》 | 英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 提到《匪風》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
1 | 匪風: | 匪風發兮、匪車偈兮、顧瞻周道、中心怛兮。 |
Fei Feng: |
Not for the violence of the wind; Not for a rushing motion of a chariot; - But when I look to the road to Zhou, Am I pained to the core of my heart. | |
2 | 匪風: |
匪風飄兮、匪車嘌兮。 顧瞻周道、中心弔兮。 |
Fei Feng: |
Not for the whirlwind; Not for the irregular motion of a chariot; - But when I look to the road to Zhou, Am I sad to the core of my heart. | |
3 | 匪風: |
誰能亨魚、溉之釜鬵。 誰將西歸、懷之好音。 |
Fei Feng: |
Who can cook fish? I will wash his boilers for him. Who will loyally go to the west? I will cheer him with good words. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/fei-feng