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《民劳 - Min Lu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
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1 民劳:
Min Lu:
The people indeed are heavily burdened,
But perhaps a little ease may be got for them.
Let us cherish this centre of the kingdom,
To secure the repose of the four quarters of it.
Let us give no indulgence to the wily and obsequious,
In order to make the unconscientious careful,
And to repress robbers and oppressors,
Who have no fear of the clear will [of Heaven].
Then let us show kindness to those who are distant, and help those who are near; -
Thus establishing [the throne of] our king.

2 民劳:
惠此中国、以为民逑 。
式遏寇虐、无俾民忧 。
Min Lu:
The people indeed are heavily burdened,
But perhaps a little rest may be got for them.
Let us cherish this centre of the kingdom,
And make it a gathering-place for the people.
Let us give no indulgence to the wily and obsequious,
In order to make the noisy braggarts careful,
And to repress robbers and oppressors; -
So the people shall not have such sorrow.
Do not cast away your [former] service,
But secure the quiet of the king.

3 民劳:
惠此京师、以绥四国 。
式遏寇虐、无俾作慝 。
Min Lu:
The people indeed are heavily burdened,
But perhaps a little relief may be got for them.
Let us cherish this capital,
To secure the repose of the States in the four quarters.
Let us give no indulgence to the wily and obsequious,
To make careful those who set no limit to themselves,
And to repress robbers and oppressors; -
Not allowing them to act out their evil.
Then let us be reverently careful of our demeanour,
To cultivate association with the virtuous.

4 民劳:
惠此中国、俾民忧泄 。
式遏寇虐、无俾正败 。
Min Lu:
The people indeed are heavily burdened,
But perhaps a little repose may be got for them.
Let us cherish this centre of the kingdom,
That the sorrow of the people may be dispelled.
Let us give no indulgence to the wily and obsequious,
In order to make the multitudes of the evil careful,
And to repress robbers and oppressors,
So that the right shall not be over thrown.
Though you may be [but as] little children,
Your work is vast and great.

5 民劳:
惠此中国、国无有残 。
式遏寇虐、无俾正反 。
Min Lu:
The people indeed are heavily burdened,
But perhaps a little tranquillity may be got for them.
Let us cherish this centre of the kingdom,
That it may not everywhere suffer such wounds.
Let us give no indulgence to the wily and obsequious,
In order to make the parasites careful,
And to repress robbers and oppressors,
So that the right shall not be reversed.
The king wishes to hold you as [sceptres of] jade,
And therefore I thus strongly admonish you.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/min-lu