中国哲学书电子化计划 | |
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《泮水》 | 英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 提到《泮水》的书籍 电子图书馆 |
1 | 泮水: |
思乐泮水、薄采其芹。 鲁侯戾止、言观其旗。 其旗茷茷、鸾声哕哕。 无小无大、从公于迈。 |
Pan Shui: |
Pleasant is the semi-circular water, And we will gather the cress about it. The marquis of Lu is coming to it, And we see his dragon-figured banner. His banner waves in the wind, And the bells of his horses tinkle harmoniously. Small and great, All follow the prince in his progress to it. | |
2 | 泮水: |
思乐泮水、薄采其藻。 鲁侯戾止、其马蹻蹻。 其马蹻蹻、其音昭昭。 载色载笑、匪怒伊教。 |
Pan Shui: |
Pleasant is the semi-circular water, And we will gather the pondweed in it. The marquis of Lu has come to it, With his horses looking so grand. His horses are grand. His fame is brilliant. Blandly he looks and smiles; Without any impatience he delivers his instructions. | |
3 | 泮水: |
思乐泮水、薄采其茆。 鲁侯戾止、在泮饮酒。 既饮旨酒、永锡难老。 顺彼长道、屈此群丑。 |
Pan Shui: |
Pleasant is the semi-circular water, And we will gather the mallows about it. The marquis of Lu has come to it, And in the college he is drinking. He is drinking the good spirits; And may there be given him the old age that is seldom enjoyed! May he accord with the grand ways, So subduing to himself all the people! | |
4 | 泮水: |
穆穆鲁侯、敬明其德。 敬慎威仪、维民之则。 允文允武、昭假烈祖。 靡有不孝、自求伊祜。 |
Pan Shui: |
Very admirable is the marquis of Lu, Reverently displaying his virtue, And reverently watching over his deportment, The pattern of the people. With great qualities truly civil and martial, Brilliantly he affects his meritorious ancestors. In everything entirely filial, He seeks the blessing for himself. | |
5 | 泮水: |
明明鲁侯、克明其德。 既作泮宫、淮夷攸服。 矫矫虎臣、在泮献馘。 淑问如皋陶、在泮献囚。 |
Pan Shui: |
Very intelligent is the marquis of Lu, Making his virtue illustrious. He has made this college with its semicircle of water, And the tribes of the Huai will submit in consequence. His martial-looking, tiger leaders, Will here present the left ears [of their foes]. His examiners, wise as Gao-yao, Will here present their prisoners. | |
6 | 泮水: |
济济多士、克广德心。 桓桓于征、狄彼东南。 烝烝皇皇、不吴不扬。 不告于訩、在泮献功。 |
Pan Shui: |
His numerous officers, Men who have enlarged their virtuous minds, With martial energy conducting their expedition, Will drive far away those tribes of the east and south. Vigorous and grand, Without noise or display, Without having appealed to the judges, They will here present [the proofs of] their merit. | |
7 | 泮水: |
角弓其觩、束矢其搜。 戎车孔博、徒御无斁。 既克淮夷、孔淑不逆。 式固尔犹、淮夷卒获。 |
Pan Shui: |
How they draw their bows adorned with bone! How their arrows whizz forth! Their war chariots are very large! Their footmen and charioteers never weary! They have subdued the tribes of the Huai, And brought them to an unrebellious submission! Only lay your plans securely, And all the tribes of the Huai will be got! | |
8 | 泮水: |
翩彼飞鴞、集于泮林、食我桑黮、怀我好音。 憬彼淮夷、来献其琛、元龟象齿、大赂南金。 |
Pan Shui: |
They come flying on the wing, those owls, And settle on the trees about the college; They eat the fruit of our mulberry trees, And salute us with fine notes. So awakened shall be those tribes of the Huai; They will come presenting their precious things, Their large tortoises and their elephants' teeth, And great contributions of the southern metals. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/pan-shui