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Data wiki -> 陈准
陈准[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:820483
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | person | |
name | 陈准 | |
name | 陈准 | default |
authority-cbdb | 12826 | |
authority-wikidata | Q20062738 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 陈准 |
陈准(? - 300年),即陈准,颍川郡许昌(今河南许昌)人。西晋官员。官至太尉。出身颍川陈氏,青州刺史陈佐之子,曹魏司空陈群族孙,曾祖父是陈群的叔叔陈谌。
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Source | Relation |
陈匡 | father |
Text | Count |
陈书 | 2 |
御定渊鉴类函 | 2 |
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