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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version


Radical:+ 10 strokes = 16 strokes total.
References:Kangxi: p.894#08 Hanyu: v5,p3005#21
Composition:Top: 𥫗, bottom: .
Mandarin: ㄋㄚˋ
Unihan definition:(same as ) a hawser; a cable; a bamboo rope used to tie on a boat

Example usage

六书故·卷二十三》:笝   诺盇切竹索也又作筰   自莫切竹索也说文曰筊也筊竹索也汉西南有筰夷
通雅·卷四十九》:弹牵 船上水曳牵即牵字去声其竹索谓之弹子大者曰缆音转昵洽切即笝字合韵作笚又有●=𥫗柞=字亦竹索也自莫切说文曰●=𥫗柞=筊也汉有卭筰杜诗架竹为长桥连笮动袅那即筰也
六书故·卷二十三》:笝   诺盇切竹索也又作筰   自莫切竹索也说文曰筊也筊竹索也汉西南有筰夷
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