Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
阿 | 阜+5 | 啊 | ā ㄚ | Prefix used before terms referring to relatives or nicknames. | v6,p4119#11 | p.1348#06 | p.1415r5c03 |
| | | ē ㄜ | Large hill. / Curved part of a mountain. / Hillside or bank of a river. / Eaves of the ancestral temple which rise up at the four corners (a style also used over the coffin in a grave). / Roof. / Submit to, cater for. / Favor, partiality. / Intimate, be close with. / Delicate item woven of silk. / Delayed and arrogant sound of acceptance. / Soft and beautiful appearance. | | | |
房 | 戶+4 | | fáng páng ㄈㄤˊ ㄆㄤˊ | house, building; room | v3,p2260#04 | p.415#15 | p.555r4c03 |
久 | 丿+2 | 乆 | jiǔ ㄐㄧㄡˇ | long time (ago); time passage, grow late | v1,p0033#03 | p.81#19 | p.47r1c02 |
已 | 己+0 | | yǐ ㄧˇ | Stop, discontinue. / Complete / The past. / Recover, be cured. / Leave [a post], retire. / Value and carry out. / Adverb: shortly, before long. / Adverb: already. / Adverb: extremely. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence. / Interjection. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Use. / Same as 「」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Particle: used together with some words expressing direction and time. | v2,p0984#01 | p.326#11 | p.467r3c01 |
滅 | 水+10 | 烕 𣹹 𢦹 灭 | miè ㄇㄧㄝˋ | extinguish; wipe out, exterminate | v3,p1696#09 | p.642#01 | p.821r1c01 |
閣 | 門+6 | 阁 | gé ㄍㄜˊ | chamber, pavilion; cabinet | v7,p4298#02 | p.1334#11 | p.1408r6c04 |
道 | 辵+9 | 𨕥 衟 𡬹 | dào ㄉㄠˋ | Road, path. / Journey. / Method. / Law, reason. / Doctrine, claim. / Skill, technique. / Principle, right way. / The Dao, the origin of all things in Daoism. / Speak, talk. / Take a course of action. / Take a course of action. / Rites paid to the spirit of roads. / Ancient administrative unit. / Daoism. | v6,p3864#01 | p.1262#06 | p.1326r3c02 |
| | | dǎo ㄉㄠˇ | Lead. / Flow smoothly. | | | |
遂 | 辵+9 | 𨒉 𨔱 𨓸 𨔲 | suì ㄙㄨㄟˋ | Ditch between fields. / Waterway. / Pass through. / Succeed, go well. / Finished, past. / Grow up, bring up. / Favourable, as hoped. / Follow. / Not interfere with. / Advance. / Item used in archery. / Distant suburbs. / Adverb: finally, at last. / Adverb: and then, thereupon. / Part of a clock. / Distant, far off. / Name of a state in ancient China. | v6,p3862#03 | p.1260#32 | p.1328r5c01 |
| | | zhuì ㄓㄨㄟˋ | Fall. | | | |
成 | 戈+2 | 𢦩 | chéng ㄔㄥˊ | completed, finished, fixed | v2,p1399#01 | p.411#11 | |
墟 | 土+12 | | xū ㄒㄩ | high mound; hilly countryside; wasteland | v1,p0479#12 | p.238#28 | p.329r2c01 |
欲 | 欠+7 | 慾 | yù ㄩˋ | desire, want, long for; intend | v3,p2140#07 | p.567#36 | p.729r4c02 |
厭 | 厂+12 | 厌 | yàn yā yān ㄧㄢˋ ㄧㄚ ㄧㄢ | dislike, detest, reject; satiate | v1,p0078#03 | p.162#51 | p.231r3c01 |
東 | 木+4 | 东 | dōng ㄉㄨㄥ | east, eastern, eastward | v2,p1165#04 | p.513#12 | p.675r6c02 |
南 | 十+7 | 𡴖 𡴟 | nán nā ㄋㄢˊ ㄋㄚ | south; southern part; southward | v1,p0065#02 | p.157#05 | p.217r3c01 |
氣 | 气+6 | 気 炁 𣱛 气 | qì xì ㄑㄧˋ ㄒㄧˋ | air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit | v3,p2011#14 | p.599#12 | p.751r5c04 |
翻 | 羽+12 | 繙 | fān ㄈㄢ | flip over, upset, capsize | v5,p3358#02 | p.959#31 | p.1076r5c01 |
傷 | 人+11 | 伤 | shāng ㄕㄤ | wound, injury; fall ill from | v1,p0211#09 | p.115#01 | p.123r5c02 |
掩 | 手+8 | 揜 揞 | yǎn ㄧㄢˇ | to cover (with the hand); shut, conceal; ambush | v3,p1893#05 | p.439#09 | p.582r5c01 |
鮑 | 魚+5 | 鲍 | bào bāo pāo ㄅㄠˋ ㄅㄠ ㄆㄠ | abalone; dried fish; surname | v7,p4683#01 | p.1468#14 | p.1526r6c06 |
車 | 車+0 | 𠦴 车 | chē jū ㄔㄜ ㄐㄩ | cart, vehicle; carry in cart | v5,p3511#01 | p.1239#01 | p.1296r2c04 |