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Daoism -> Dao De Jing -> 32

(The Dao with no name)
The Dao, considered as unchanging, has no name.
天下Though in its primordial simplicity it may be small, the whole world dares not deal with (one embodying) it as a minister.
If a feudal prince or the king could guard and hold it,
all would spontaneously submit themselves to him.
Heaven and Earth (under its guidance) unite together
and send down the sweet dew,
which, without the directions of men, reaches equally everywhere as of its own accord.
As soon as it proceeds to action, it has a name.
When it once has that name,
(men) can know to rest in it.
When they know to rest in it, they can be free from all risk of failure and error.
天下The relation of the Dao to all the world
is like that of the great rivers and seas to the streams from the valleys.

1. 朴虽小, : Inserted. 本章王弼注多言“朴”,据河上公《注》本、马王堆《老子乙》增。

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