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Confucianism -> The Analects -> Xian Wen -> 17

子贡Zi Gong said,
管仲"Guan Zhong, I apprehend, was wanting in virtue.
桓公公子纠When the Duke Huan caused his brother Jiu to be killed,
Guan Zhong was not able to die with him.
。”Moreover, he became prime minister to Huan."
The Master said,
管仲桓公"Guan Zhong acted as prime minister to the duke Huan,
诸侯made him leader of all the princes,
天下and united and rectified the whole kingdom.
Down to the present day, the people enjoy the gifts which he conferred.
管仲But for Guan Zhong,
we should now be wearing our hair unbound, and the lappets of our coats buttoning on the left side.
匹夫匹妇Will you require from him the small fidelity of common men and common women,
who would commit suicide in a stream or ditch,
。”no one knowing anything about them?"

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