Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
巴 | 己+1 | 笆 | bā ㄅㄚ | greatly desire, anxiously hope | v2,p0985#01 | p.327#01 | p.467r4c02 |
山 | 山+0 | | shān ㄕㄢ | mountain, hill, peak | v1,p0759#11 | p.307#01 | p.452r2c03 |
楚 | 木+9 | 椘 𣕪 檚 | chǔ ㄔㄨˇ | name of feudal state; clear | v2,p1244#09 | p.539#23 | p.708r5c03 |
水 | 水+0 | 氵 | shuǐ ㄕㄨㄟˇ | water, liquid, lotion, juice | v3,p1545#01 | p.603#01 | p.757r1c01 |
淒 | 水+8 | 凄 | qī ㄑㄧ | bitter cold, miserable, dreary | v3,p1645#02 | p.629#23 | p.802r6c03 |
涼 | 水+8 | 凉 凉 | liáng liàng ㄌㄧㄤˊ ㄌㄧㄤˋ | cool, cold; disheartened | v3,p1657#06 | p.628#24 | p.804r1c04 |
地 | 土+3 | 埊 𨻐 埅 𠏂 嶳 | dì de ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄜ· | earth; soil, ground; region | v1,p0420#12 | p.224#06 | p.312r6c01 |
二 | 二+0 | 贰 弍 貳 | èr ㄦˋ | two; twice | v1,p0002#01 | p.86#01 | p.58r6c01 |
十 | 十+0 | 拾 拾 | shí ㄕˊ | ten, tenth; complete; perfect | v1,p0058#09 | p.155#17 | p.207r5c02 |
三 | 一+2 | 叁 弎 | sān sàn ㄙㄢ ㄙㄢˋ | three | v1,p0004#03 | p.76#05 | p.11r2c01 |
年 | 干+3 | 秊 𠫺 | nián ㄋㄧㄢˊ | year; new-years; person's age | v1,p0037#06 | p.340#01 | p.483r6c01 |
棄 | 木+8 | 弃 𢍞 𨓋 | qì ㄑㄧˋ | reject, abandon, discard | v2,p1237#07 | p.531#15 | p.702r4c01 |
置 | 网+8 | 寘 𦌃 𦌤 𦋽 𦋲 | zhì ㄓˋ | Release, pardon. / Give up, abandon. / Place, put. / Establish, put in place. / Buy, purchase. / A post, a stage. / Coach, carriage. | v4,p2919#02 | p.948#20 | p.1065r3c01 |
身 | 身+0 | | shēn ㄕㄣ | Pregnant. / The body (of a person or animal). / Itself. / I, myself. / Personally, directly. / Personally experience or carry out. / Life. / One's own moral character, ability, etc. / A world in buddhist doctrine. | v6,p3807#01 | p.1237#01 | p.1295r6c01 |
| | | yuān ㄩㄢ | Same as 「」 yuān dú ㄩㄢ ㄉㄨˊ: India. | | | |
懷 | 心+16 | 怀 怌 褱 | huái ㄏㄨㄞˊ | bosom, breast; carry in bosom | v4,p2369#10 | p.408#17 | p.548r1c06 |
舊 | 臼+12 | 旧 | jiù ㄐㄧㄡˋ | old, ancient; former, past | v5,p3043#18 | p.1006#01 | p.1114r6c01 |
空 | 穴+3 | | kōng kòng kǒng ㄎㄨㄥ ㄎㄨㄥˋ ㄎㄨㄥˇ | empty, hollow, bare, deserted | v4,p2719#08 | p.863#01 | p.997r6c01 |
吟 | 口+4 | 唫 㕂 | yín ㄧㄣˊ | sing, hum; recite; type of poetry | v1,p0591#10 | p.177#19 | p.257r5c01 |
聞 | 耳+8 | 𦕁 䎽 䎹 𦖫 𥹢 闻 | wén ㄨㄣˊ | Hear. / Make hear. / Have heard, become aware of. / Knowledge, experience. / Rumour, saying. / Renowned, well-known. / Spread, disseminate. | v7,p4294#12 | p.968#11 | p.1084r3c01 |
| | | wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Reputation, fame. / Same as 「」 wèn ㄨㄣˋ: Inquire after, give regards to. | | | |
笛 | 竹+5 | 篴 | dí ㄉㄧˊ | bamboo flute; whistle | v5,p2955#01 | p.879#33 | p.1010r6c04 |
賦 | 貝+8 | 赋 | fù ㄈㄨˋ | tax; give; endow; army; diffuse | v6,p3644#04 | p.1210#03 | p.1277r3c04 |
到 | 刀+6 | | dào ㄉㄠˋ | go to, arrive, been to | v1,p0334#03 | p.138#36 | p.181r5c02 |
鄉 | 邑+9 | 郷 鄕 乡 | xiāng xiǎng xiàng ㄒㄧㄤ ㄒㄧㄤˇ ㄒㄧㄤˋ | country; rural; village | v6,p3786#04 | p.1275#02 | |
翻 | 羽+12 | 繙 | fān ㄈㄢ | flip over, upset, capsize | v5,p3358#02 | p.959#31 | p.1076r5c01 |
似 | 人+5 | 𠚦 | sì shì ㄙˋ ㄕˋ | resemble, similar to; as if, seem | v1,p0127#02 | p.97#10 | p.95r1c04 |
爛 | 火+17 | 烂 | làn ㄌㄢˋ | rotten, spoiled, decayed | v3,p2249#02 | p.687#25 | p.862r2c05 |
柯 | 木+5 | | kē ㄎㄜ | axe-handle; stalk, bough; surname | v2,p1178#06 | p.520#22 | p.688r1c02 |
人 | 人+0 | 𠔽 亻 | rén ㄖㄣˊ | Man, person. / Others, other people. / The people, ordinary men. / Talent, material. / [A man's] character. / Affairs of men, world of man. / Benevolence. | v1,p0101#10 | p.91#01 | p.80r2c01 |
沉 | 水+4 | 瀋 沈 | chén ㄔㄣˊ | sink, submerge; addicted to | v3,p1574#01 | p.610#07 | p.773r5c04 |
舟 | 舟+0 | | zhōu ㄓㄡ | boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 | v5,p3055#01 | p.1008#24 | p.1117r3c01 |
側 | 人+9 | 侧 | cè zè ㄘㄜˋ ㄗㄜˋ | side; incline, slant, lean | v1,p0189#12 | p.111#34 | p.119r1c08 |
畔 | 田+5 | | pàn ㄆㄢˋ | boundary path dividing fields | v4,p2539#01 | p.760#37 | p.913r2c04 |
千 | 十+1 | 仟 | qiān ㄑㄧㄢ | thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler | v1,p0059#01 | p.155#19 | p.212r5c01 |
帆 | 巾+3 | 㠶 𩗋 拚 | fān ㄈㄢ | sail; boat | v1,p0730#13 | p.328#14 | p.473r2c02 |
過 | 辵+9 | 过 𨓺 | guò ㄍㄨㄛˋ | Pass by, go by. / Exceed, go beyond. / Too much, excess. / Mistake, make a mistake. / Crime, commit a crime. / Lose. / Visit. | v6,p3849#08 | p.1261#22 | p.1325r2c01 |
| | | guō ㄍㄨㄛ | Name of a state in pre-Qin China. | | | |
病 | 疒+5 | | bìng ㄅㄧㄥˋ | illness, sickness, disease | v4,p2664#13 | p.772#06 | p.920r5c02 |
樹 | 木+12 | 𡬾 𣕒 𣚤 树 | shù ㄕㄨˋ | tree; plant; set up, establish | v2,p1287#04 | p.551#29 | p.720r2c01 |
前 | 刀+7 | 歬 𣦃 | qián ㄑㄧㄢˊ | in front, forward; preceding | v1,p0248#04 | p.140#15 | p.184r4c01 |
頭 | 頁+7 | 𥘖 头 | tóu tou ㄊㄡˊ ㄊㄡ· | head; top; chief, first; boss | v7,p4372#05 | p.1404#20 | p.1477r6c01 |
萬 | 禸+8 | 万 卍 㸘 𤍚 𢁭 | wàn ㄨㄢˋ | ten thousand; innumerable | v5,p3247#08 | p.1042#33 | p.1149r4c02 |
木 | 木+0 | | mù ㄇㄨˋ | tree; wood, lumber; wooden | v2,p1149#06 | p.509#01 | p.662r5c05 |
春 | 日+5 | 萅 𦸬 旾 𣈤 | chūn chǔn ㄔㄨㄣ ㄔㄨㄣˇ | spring; wanton | v2,p1496#10 | p.493#06 | p.636r3c02 |