Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
兩 | 入+6 | 両 㒳 两 | liǎng liàng ㄌㄧㄤˇ ㄌㄧㄤˋ | two, both, pair, couple; ounce | v1,p0024#02 | p.126#13 | p.145r6c02 |
鬢 | 髟+14 | 鬂 鬓 | bìn ㄅㄧㄣˋ | hair on temples | v7,p4537#04 | p.1457#10 | p.1519r5c06 |
蒼 | 艸+10 | 𡶍 𦭆 苍 | cāng cǎng ㄘㄤ ㄘㄤˇ | blue; green | v5,p3266#10 | p.1050#16 | p.1160r2c02 |
然 | 火+8 | 燃 𤓉 | rán ㄖㄢˊ | Burn. / Demonstrative pronoun: like this, like that. / Expresses affirmation: true, indeed so. / Believe correct, affirm. / Adverb: actually, thus. / Connective: but, however, yet. / Particle used at the end of a sentence to express comparison. Like, as if. / Particle used after an adjective or adverb to express state. / Particle used at the end of a sentence to express affirmative mode. | v3,p2213#05 | p.675#12 | p.852r5c01 |
心 | 心+0 | 㣺 忄 | xīn ㄒㄧㄣ | heart; mind, intelligence; soul | v4,p2267#01 | p.375#01 | p.521r1c01 |
浩 | 水+7 | 澔 | hào gé gǎo ㄏㄠˋ ㄍㄜˊ ㄍㄠˇ | great, numerous, vast, abundant | v3,p1626#01 | p.624#15 | p.793r5c02 |
松 | 木+4 | 枩 㮤 梥 庺 鬆 | sōng ㄙㄨㄥ | pine tree; fir tree | v2,p1173#05 | p.514#11 | p.679r5c04 |
窗 | 穴+7 | 窓 𡆧 䆫 牕 窻 | chuāng cōng ㄔㄨㄤ ㄘㄨㄥ | window | v4,p2731#12 | p.865#32 | p.1000r3c04 |
深 | 水+8 | 𣸧 | shēn ㄕㄣ | deep; depth; far; very, extreme | v3,p1662#10 | p.632#01 | p.806r2c03 |
處 | 虍+5 | 処 䖏 处 | chǔ ㄔㄨˇ | Stay, reside. / Settle. / Be in, located in. / Retire. / Appoint, serve in office. / Stop, rest. / Remain, stay. / Implement, carry out. / Handle, process. / Judge, form a judgement. / Decide, fix. / Distinguish, separate. / Standard, rule. | v4,p2822#12 | p.1073#25 | p.1183r5c02 |
| | | chù ㄔㄨˋ | Place, location. / Position, role. | | | |
藥 | 艸+15 | 薬 葯 药 | yào yuè shuò lüè ㄧㄠˋ ㄩㄝˋ ㄕㄨㄛˋ ㄌㄩㄝˋ | drugs, pharmaceuticals, medicine | v5,p3320#11 | p.1065#47 | p.1175r5c01 |
爐 | 火+16 | 爐 炉 | lú ㄌㄨˊ | fireplace, stove, oven, furnace | v3,p2246#25 | p.686#31 | p.862r1c06 |
前 | 刀+7 | 歬 𣦃 | qián ㄑㄧㄢˊ | in front, forward; preceding | v1,p0248#04 | p.140#15 | p.184r4c01 |
攜 | 手+18 | 㩗 携 | xié xī xí ㄒㄧㄝˊ ㄒㄧ ㄒㄧˊ | lead by hand, take with; carry | v3,p1987#05 | p.463#31 | p.597r4c06 |
將 | 寸+8 | 𤕭 𢪇 将 畺 | jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ | Take. / Use. / Push forward. / Drive. / Help, support. / Help financially. / Advance, go forward. / Carry out, execute. / Follow. / Comply, submit. / Do, carry out. / Accompany, see off. / Transmit. / Express. / Offer (as a sacrifice). / Look after, raise. / Protect. / Strong, robust. / Long time. / Carry, lead. / Side, beside. / Will, about to. / Close to, almost. / How? / Preposition: with. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: or, otherwise. / Connective: if, supposing. / Particle used after a verb. / A kind of insect. | v4,p2375#10 | p.294#16 | p.434r1c03 |
| | | jiàng ㄐㄧㄤˋ | Command troops. / Military commander. / Appoint as military commander. | | | |
| | | qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ | Please, humbly request. / [Onomatopoeia] | | | |
| | | zāng ㄗㄤ | Female sheep. | | | |
道 | 辵+9 | 𨕥 衟 𡬹 | dào ㄉㄠˋ | Road, path. / Journey. / Method. / Law, reason. / Doctrine, claim. / Skill, technique. / Principle, right way. / The Dao, the origin of all things in Daoism. / Speak, talk. / Take a course of action. / Take a course of action. / Rites paid to the spirit of roads. / Ancient administrative unit. / Daoism. | v6,p3864#01 | p.1262#06 | p.1326r3c02 |
| | | dǎo ㄉㄠˇ | Lead. / Flow smoothly. | | | |
士 | 士+0 | | shì ㄕˋ | scholar, gentleman; soldier | v1,p0416#01 | p.242#38 | p.333r1c03 |
通 | 辵+7 | 𢓶 | tōng tòng ㄊㄨㄥ ㄊㄨㄥˋ | pass through, common, communicate | v6,p3845#08 | p.1258#04 | p.1317r2c02 |
宵 | 宀+7 | 𣆺 | xiāo ㄒㄧㄠ | night, evening, dark | v2,p0932#02 | p.286#15 | p.420r1c01 |
語 | 言+7 | 语 | yǔ ㄩˇ | Speak (with someone). / Spoken words. / Language. / Proverb, saying. | v6,p3974#09 | p.1163#08 | p.1245r6c03 |
| | | yù ㄩˋ | Tell. / Warn, admonish. | | | |
忘 | 心+3 | | wàng wáng ㄨㄤˋ ㄨㄤˊ | forget; neglect; miss, omit | v4,p2270#09 | p.376#24 | |
卻 | 卩+7 | 却 | què ㄑㄩㄝˋ | still, but; decline; retreat | v1,p0317#02 | p.159#28 | p.227r5c01 |
花 | 艸+4 | 蘤 芲 | huā ㄏㄨㄚ | flower; blossoms | v5,p3181#07 | p.1020#21 | p.1125r4c01 |
時 | 日+6 | 旹 时 | shí ㄕˊ | Season. / Unit of time equal to two hours. / [The passage of] time. / Time, times. / Age, period, epoch. / Occasion, opportune moment. / On time. / Then, at that time. / Always, constantly. / Same as 「」 sì ㄙˋ: Wait until, wait for (a chance). | v2,p1505#05 | p.494#22 | p.639r3c04 |
盡 | 皿+9 | 𥁞 尽 | jìn ㄐㄧㄣˋ | Finished, all gone. / Finish, end. / Die. / Until. / Exert oneself to the utmost. / Exhaust. / Limit, extreme. / (Spoken) clearly and unambiguously. / Fully, completely. / Most (superlative). / Advance, move forward. / Expense. | v4,p2567#05 | p.795#22 | p.940r3c05 |
日 | 日+0 | 𡆸 | rì mì ㄖˋ ㄇㄧˋ | sun; day; daytime | v2,p1482#01 | p.489#01 | p.627r1c01 |
眠 | 目+5 | 𥺠 緡 | mián miǎn mǐn ㄇㄧㄢˊ ㄇㄧㄢˇ ㄇㄧㄣˇ | close eyes, sleep; hibernate | v4,p2483#03 | p.805#04 | p.949r5c01 |
明 | 日+4 | 朙 | míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ | Bright, brilliant. / Daytime. / Clear, obvious. / Clarify, make clear. / Understand. / Straightforwardly, clearly. / Clear, clean. / Wise. / Make wise. / Spirit, god. / Respect. / Eyesight. / Good eyesight. / See clearly. / The following (day, month, year, etc.). | v2,p1491#08 | p.491#12 | p.631r3c01 |
鏡 | 金+11 | 镜 | jìng ㄐㄧㄥˋ | mirror; lens; glass; glasses | v6,p4250#10 | p.1320#10 | p.1392r5c02 |
懶 | 心+16 | 懒 | lǎn ㄌㄢˇ | lazy, languid, listless | v4,p2368#13 | p.408#16 | |
開 | 門+4 | 𨴂 𨵑 开 | kāi ㄎㄞ | open; initiate, begin, start | v7,p4286#02 | p.1331#05 | p.1405r4c01 |
長 | 長+0 | 镸 𨱗 𠤐 𠑷 𠔊 𠑻 𠑿 𡕣 长 | cháng zhǎng zhàng ㄔㄤˊ ㄓㄤˇ ㄓㄤˋ | long; length; excel in; leader | v6,p4050#01 | p.1328#07 | p.1399r3c04 |
在 | 土+3 | | zài ㄗㄞˋ | Exist, be alive. / Be in a certain place. / Inquire after, pay one's respects to. / Preposition: due to, being that. / Preposition: specifies location or time of an action - in, at. | v1,p0418#07 | p.223#10 | p.312r2c07 |
匣 | 匚+5 | | xiá ㄒㄧㄚˊ | small box, case, coffer | v1,p0084#11 | p.153#27 | p.206r2c01 |
素 | 糸+4 | | sù ㄙㄨˋ | White, untreated silk. / Natural color, uncolored. / Simple, unadorned. / Root, beginning. / Fruit and vegetables. / Constantly, repeatedly. / Beforehand, first. | v5,p3368#03 | p.918#11 | p.1034r4c03 |
琴 | 玉+8 | 𨪖 𨫹 𤫍 珡 𩰔 | qín ㄑㄧㄣˊ | Wooden stringed musical instrument, originally with five strings, later seven. / To plant, grow (ancient dialect). / Burial mound (ancient dialect). | v2,p1119#07 | p.735#11 | p.897r1c05 |
欲 | 欠+7 | 慾 | yù ㄩˋ | desire, want, long for; intend | v3,p2140#07 | p.567#36 | p.729r4c02 |
弄 | 廾+4 | 弄 挊 瘧 | nòng lòng ㄋㄨㄥˋ ㄌㄨㄥˋ | do, play or fiddle with; alley | v1,p0515#01 | p.353#17 | p.498r3c02 |
半 | 十+3 | | bàn ㄅㄢˋ | half | v1,p0046#01 | p.156#07 | p.214r5c02 |
無 | 火+8 | 𣟒 𣚨 𠘩 无 橆 | wú ㄨˊ | Not have. / Philosophical category referring to absence, non-existence, or vacuity. / Adverb expressing negation: not. / Adverb expressing questioning: or not. / Connective: regardless of. / Connective: even if. / Particle used at the beginning of a sentence, no meaning. / Do not. / Barren, uncultivated. | v3,p2211#15 | p.673#26 | p.848r2c04 |
弦 | 弓+5 | 絃 | xián ㄒㄧㄢˊ | string; hypotenuse, crescent | v2,p0993#07 | p.357#31 | p.501r2c03 |