Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
一 | 一+0 | 弌 壹 | yī ㄧ | one; a, an; alone | v1,p0001#01 | p.75#01 | p.1r1c01 |
围 | 囗+9 | 囲 囗 围 | wéi ㄨㄟˊ | surround, encircle, corral | v1,p0722#14 | p.220#01 | p.306r6c03 |
之 | 丿+3 | 㞢 | zhī ㄓ | Towards; go to. / Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Third person pronoun: him, her, it. / Auxiliary word: of. / Auxiliary word: used between subject and predicate, cancels independence of a clause. / Auxiliary word: used in a sentence for aesthetic purpose only, no meaning. | v1,p0043#01 | p.82#04 | p.47r2c02 |
木 | 木+0 | | mù ㄇㄨˋ | tree; wood, lumber; wooden | v2,p1149#06 | p.509#01 | p.662r5c05 |
持 | 手+6 | | chí ㄔˊ | sustain, support; hold, grasp | v3,p1866#02 | p.429#05 | p.573r1c01 |
千 | 十+1 | 仟 | qiān ㄑㄧㄢ | thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler | v1,p0059#01 | p.155#19 | p.212r5c01 |
钧 | 金+4 | 銞 銁 钧 | jūn ㄐㄩㄣ | unit of measure equivalent to thirty catties | v6,p4178#11 | p.1299#10 | p.1372r6c03 |
屋 | 尸+6 | 𦤿 | wū ㄨ | house; room; building, shelter | v2,p0972#01 | p.301#19 | p.449r2c03 |
五 | 二+2 | 伍 𠄡 㐅 | wǔ ㄨˇ | five; surname | v1,p0011#03 | p.86#11 | p.64r3c01 |
寸 | 寸+0 | 等 寸 | cùn ㄘㄨㄣˋ | inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 | v1,p0503#08 | p.293#32 | p.432r2c02 |
键 | 金+9 | 𨭙 键 | jiàn ㄐㄧㄢˋ | door bolt, lock bolt; key | v6,p4225#07 | p.1315#14 | p.1388r2c05 |
而 | 而+0 | | ér ㄦˊ | Whiskers. / Like, similar to. / Pronoun: you. / Pronoun: this, like this. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: and, then. / Connective: if, supposing. / Connective: yet, however. / Connective: therefore, hence. / Connective: expresses method or state. / Particle: of. / Expressive particle. | v4,p2810#01 | p.961#18 | p.1080r2c03 |
| | | néng ㄋㄥˊ | Same as “” néng ㄋㄥˊ: Able to, competent. / Same as “” néng ㄋㄥˊ: Ability, talent. | | | |
制 | 刀+6 | 𠜔 𠝦 𠝁 𠛐 制 | zhì ㄓˋ | system; establish; overpower | v1,p0335#01 | p.139#02 | p.181r6c04 |
开 | 门+4 | 𨴂 𨵑 开 | kāi ㄎㄞ | open; initiate, begin, start | v7,p4286#02 | p.1331#05 | p.1405r4c01 |
阖 | 门+10 | 閤 阖 | hé gé ㄏㄜˊ ㄍㄜˊ | close; whole, entire; all; leaf | v7,p4312#01 | p.1340#02 | p.1411r5c04 |
岂 | 豆+3 | 岂 | qǐ kǎi ㄑㄧˇ ㄎㄞˇ | how? what? | v6,p3565#04 | p.1191#20 | p.1261r1c01 |
材 | 木+3 | | cái ㄘㄞˊ | material, stuff; timber; talent | v2,p1158#01 | p.511#16 | p.672r6c01 |
足 | 足+0 | 疋 𤴕 | zú jù ㄗㄨˊ ㄐㄩˋ | foot; attain, satisfy, enough | v6,p3686#01 | p.1221#17 | p.1287r6c03 |
任 | 人+4 | 仼 | rèn rén ㄖㄣˋ ㄖㄣˊ | trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow | v1,p0122#06 | p.94#24 | p.88r6c05 |
哉 | 口+6 | 才 | zāi ㄗㄞ | Begin, start. / Modal particle expressing exclamation. / Modal particle expressing questioning or a rhetorical question. | v1,p0611#07 | p.189#08 | p.270r2c01 |
盖 | 草+10 | 𤇁 盖 葢 | gài gě hé ㄍㄞˋ ㄍㄜˇ ㄏㄜˊ | cover, hide, protect | v5,p3260#13 | p.1051#12 | p.1161r3c02 |
所 | 户+4 | 𢨷 | suǒ ㄙㄨㄛˇ | Place. / Location. / A suitable place or location. / Measure word, used for counting buldings. / Used before a verb, creates a noun-like phrase. / If. Mainly used in oaths and curses. / Used together with 为 to indicate the passive tense. / Indicates an approximate number. / Number, number of times. / Meaning. | v3,p2259#01 | p.415#16 | p.556r1c01 |
居 | 尸+5 | 㞐 㝒 | jū ㄐㄩ | Sit down. / Wait. / Live, dwell. / Dwelling, residence. / Tomb. / Rank, position occupied. / Person occupying the rank of ruler. / Live peacefully. / Usually, normally. / Located in. / Defend (a post), guard (a region). / Remain behind to handle matters. / Have, possess. / Employ, implement. / Stop, rest, remain. / Store, stockpile. / Raise, rear (livestock). / Used before times expressing time elapsed: after. | v2,p0968#04 | p.300#30 | p.448r1c02 |
| | | jǔ ㄐㄩˇ | Movement, action. | | | |
| | | jù ㄐㄩˋ | Arrogant. / Straight. / Saw. | | | |
| | | jī ㄐㄧ | Modal particle expressing exclamation or questioning. | | | |
要 | 襾+3 | 𡢗 𦥼 𠾅 | yāo ㄧㄠ | Waist. / Wear around the waist. / Restrict, constrain. / Intercept. / Invite, call upon. / Coerce, threaten. / Seek. / Seek to gain trust and favour. / End, put a stop to.
/ Confirm, verify.
| v4,p2805#08 | p.1128#16 | p.1226r2c01 |
| | | yào ㄧㄠˋ | The key, the main point. / The important. / Summarize. / Ultimately, in the end. / Need, require. / Will, shall. / Desire, wish. | | | |
| | | yǎo ㄧㄠˇ | Same as “” yǎo ㄧㄠˇ: See "騕褭". | | | |
也 | 乙+2 | 𠃟 匜 | yě ㄧㄝˇ | Modal particle used at the end of a sentence, expressing assertion and affirmation. / Modal particle used at the end of a question for emphasis. / Modal particle used at the end of a cause-effect sentence to express explanation. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | v1,p0050#05 | p.84#04 | p.55r1c01 |