Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
曹 | 曰+7 | 曺 | cáo ㄘㄠˊ | ministry officials; surname | v2,p1511#06 | p.502#13 | p.651r4c01 |
公 | 八+2 | 㒶 | gōng ㄍㄨㄥ | fair, equitable; public; duke | v1,p0242#01 | p.126#28 | p.151r3c01 |
一 | 一+0 | 弌 壹 | yī ㄧ | one; a, an; alone | v1,p0001#01 | p.75#01 | p.1r1c01 |
战 | 戈+12 | 戦 战 | zhàn ㄓㄢˋ | war, fighting, battle | v2,p1412#12 | p.414#11 | p.553r5c01 |
奔 | 大+6 | 犇 | bēn ㄅㄣ | Run. / Quickly, hastily. / Flee in defeat. / Flee, go into exile. / Chase, pursue. / Refers to a girl leaving to stay with her lover without approval. | v1,p0533#01 | p.252#03 | p.372r1c02 |
| | | fèn ㄈㄣˋ | Be defeated. | | | |
| | | bèn ㄅㄣˋ | Head for, go towards. / Almost, approximately. | | | |
波 | 水+5 | | bō bēi bì ㄅㄛ ㄅㄟ ㄅㄧˋ | waves, breakers; undulations | v3,p1597#07 | p.617#08 | p.782r1c01 |
后 | 彳+6 | 𨒥 𢔏 后 | hòu ㄏㄡˋ | Behind, to the rear of. / To be left behind. / Later in time. / Future. / Descendents, offspring. | v2,p0822#03 | p.366#18 | p.511r2c01 |
赤 | 赤+0 | 𤆍 烾 | chì ㄔˋ | red; communist, 'red'; bare | v5,p3506#01 | p.1213#22 | p.1280r2c02 |
壁 | 土+13 | | bì ㄅㄧˋ | partition wall; walls of a house | v1,p0494#08 | p.240#10 | p.331r2c01 |
功 | 力+3 | | gōng ㄍㄨㄥ | achievement, merit, good result | v1,p0365#08 | p.146#11 | p.192r3c03 |
传 | 人+11 | 传 | chuán zhuàn ㄔㄨㄢˊ ㄓㄨㄢˋ | summon; propagate, transmit | v1,p0208#09 | p.114#23 | p.122r2c01 |
万 | 禸+8 | 万 卍 㸘 𤍚 𢁭 | wàn ㄨㄢˋ | ten thousand; innumerable | v5,p3247#08 | p.1042#33 | p.1149r4c02 |
古 | 口+2 | 𠖠 𡇣 | gǔ ㄍㄨˇ | old, classic, ancient | v1,p0568#03 | p.171#08 | p.240r1c02 |
名 | 口+3 | | míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ | Name. / Writing. / To name, give a name to. / Call, refer to as. / Title, name of. / Title, status. / Fame, recognition. / Famous, well-known. / Large. / Between the eyebrows and eyelashes. / The School of Names. | v1,p0582#06 | p.175#09 | p.254r2c01 |