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Qing -> Quan Tang Shi -> 卷八百六十三 -> 題寺廊柱 -> 1

huáng wǎng ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄨㄤˇ
royal, imperial; ruler, superior
Child, heir. Refers to both sons and daughters. / Love, charity. / Respectful term for a man. / People in general. / Fourth of the five levels of nobility. / First of the twelve earthly branches of the zodiac.
bēi ㄅㄟ ㄅㄧˋ ㄆㄛ ㄆㄧˊ
dam, embankment; reservoir
tóu tou ㄊㄡˊ ㄊㄡ·
head; top; chief, first; boss
hǎo ㄏㄠˇ
Attractive appearance. / Wonderful, beautiful. / Healthy, fit. / Excellent. / Harmonious. / Complete. / In order to. / Adverb: very. / Adverb: many or long.
hào ㄏㄠˋ
Like, find pleasing. / Hole in a piece of jade or a coin..
yuè ㄩㄝˋ
moon; month; KangXi radical 74
míng ㄇㄧㄥˊ
Bright, brilliant. / Daytime. / Clear, obvious. / Clarify, make clear. / Understand. / Straightforwardly, clearly. / Clear, clean. / Wise. / Make wise. / Spirit, god. / Respect. / Eyesight. / Good eyesight. / See clearly. / The following (day, month, year, etc.).
wàng wáng ㄨㄤˋ ㄨㄤˊ
forget; neglect; miss, omit
què ㄑㄩㄝˋ
still, but; decline; retreat
huá huā huà ㄏㄨㄚˊ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄏㄨㄚˋ
flowery; illustrious; Chinese
yán ㄧㄢˊ
bamboo mat; feast, banquet
dào ㄉㄠˋ
go to, arrive, been to
xiǎo ㄒㄧㄠˇ
dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit
xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ
Walk, move (on foot). / Advance, move forward. / Leave, exit. / Patrol, go on inspection. / Inspection of the realm by the Son of Heaven. / Be married off. / Flow, circulate. / Channel, guide. / Revolution, circular motion. / Experience. / Luggage, belongings taken on a journey. / Do, carry out. / Actions. / Accomplishments. / Use, utilize. / Take over (an official duty). / Offer, present. / Moral conduct, behaviour. / A type of classical poem. / A piece of music. / Semi-cursive script. / Adverb: will, about to. / Adverb: again, once more. / Adverb: by chance, luckily. / Ambassador (official title). / Measure word for number of pourings of drinks.
háng ㄏㄤˊ
Road. / Track, pattern. / Row, line. / Row of soldiers in battle. / Unit of 25 soldiers. / Shaft of a feather (and by extension, wings). / Measure word for things which form rows. / Rank, position.

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