Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
說 | 言+7 | 説 说 | shuō ㄕㄨㄛ | Explain. / Tell. / Advocate. / Oath. / A type of writing expounding upon a canon. | v6,p3979#03 | p.1164#08 | p.1246r4c02 |
| | | shuì ㄕㄨㄟˋ | Recommend, persuade. / Stop. | | | |
| | | yuè ㄩㄝˋ | Same as 「」 yuè ㄩㄝˋ: Happy, pleased, like. / To please. | | | |
苑 | 艸+5 | 菀 | yuàn yuǎn yù yǔn yūn yuān ㄩㄢˋ ㄩㄢˇ ㄩˋ ㄩㄣˇ ㄩㄣ ㄩㄢ | pasture, park, garden; mansion | v5,p3195#05 | p.1022#21 | p.1128r4c08 |
曰 | 曰+0 | | yuē ㄩㄝ | Say, speak. / Call, name. / Particle. | v2,p1482#02 | p.502#01 | p.648r3c03 |
子 | 子+0 | 㜽 𢀈 𢀉 𡐫 𣕓 只 | zǐ ㄗˇ | Child, heir. Refers to both sons and daughters. / Love, charity. / Respectful term for a man. / People in general. / Fourth of the five levels of nobility. / First of the twelve earthly branches of the zodiac. | v2,p1006#06 | p.277#01 | p.395r1c01 |
路 | 足+6 | 路 | lù luò ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ | road, path, street; journey | v6,p3704#06 | p.1225#22 | p.1289r6c04 |
負 | 貝+2 | 负 | fù ㄈㄨˋ | load, burden; carry, bear | v6,p3623#04 | p.1204#06 | p.1268r5c01 |
重 | 里+2 | 𡍴 | zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ | Heavy. / Important, significant. / Valuable, noble. / Solemn, dignified. / Respect, attach importance to. / Difficult. / Addition, also. / Supplies for an army. / Extreme. | v6,p3680#02 | p.1291#03 | p.1357r6c01 |
| | | chóng ㄔㄨㄥˊ | Repeat, duplicate. / Layer, level. / Start afresh, do again. | | | |
道 | 辵+9 | 𨕥 衟 𡬹 | dào ㄉㄠˋ | Road, path. / Journey. / Method. / Law, reason. / Doctrine, claim. / Skill, technique. / Principle, right way. / The Dao, the origin of all things in Daoism. / Speak, talk. / Take a course of action. / Take a course of action. / Rites paid to the spirit of roads. / Ancient administrative unit. / Daoism. | v6,p3864#01 | p.1262#06 | p.1326r3c02 |
| | | dǎo ㄉㄠˇ | Lead. / Flow smoothly. | | | |
遠 | 辵+10 | 逺 𨖸 𢕱 远 | yuǎn ㄩㄢˇ | Far off, remote (in distance). / Consider to be far off. / Long time. / Large or numerous differences. / Profound. / Forward looking and ambitious. / Remote, far-off place. / Far off countries. | v6,p3869#07 | p.1263#12 | p.1329r5c01 |
| | | yuàn ㄩㄢˋ | Leave, exit. / Keep away from, avoid. / Violate (a rule). | | | |
者 | 老+4 | | zhě ㄓㄜˇ | Pronoun used after verbs, adjectives, etc. in place of a person or thing. / Pronoun used after numbers in place of a thing. / Pronoun used after time or negation to express "when" or "if". / Expressive particle used in a declarative sentence after the subject. / Expressive particle used in a sentence after the subject to express cause or explanation. | v4,p2780#05 | p.961#01 | p.1080r1c01 |
| | | zhuó ㄓㄨㄛˊ | In, located in. | | | |
不 | 一+3 | 不 𠀚 𠙐 | bù ㄅㄨˋ | Not have. / To not be. / Negational adverb, used before verbs, adjectives, etc. to indicate negation. / Negational adverb expressing prohibition: do not. / Negational adverb expressing rhetorical question: is not...? | v1,p0011#06 | p.76#15 | p.30r1c01 |
| | | fǒu ㄈㄡˇ | Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used together with an affirmative word, expressing its negative or opposite. / Same as 「」 fǒu ㄈㄡˇ: Adverb used at the end of a question to form a yes-no question. | | | |
| | | fū ㄈㄨ | Sepal of a flower. | | | |
| | | pī ㄆㄧ | Same as 「」 pī ㄆㄧ: Large. | | | |
| | | bǐ ㄅㄧˇ | Show disdain for. | | | |
擇 | 手+13 | 択 择 | zé zhái ㄗㄜˊ ㄓㄞˊ | select, choose, pick out | v3,p1969#04 | p.458#05 | p.595r1c06 |
地 | 土+3 | 埊 𨻐 埅 𠏂 嶳 | dì de ㄉㄧˋ ㄉㄜ· | earth; soil, ground; region | v1,p0420#12 | p.224#06 | p.312r6c01 |
而 | 而+0 | | ér ㄦˊ | Whiskers. / Like, similar to. / Pronoun: you. / Pronoun: this, like this. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: and, then. / Connective: if, supposing. / Connective: yet, however. / Connective: therefore, hence. / Connective: expresses method or state. / Particle: of. / Expressive particle. | v4,p2810#01 | p.961#18 | p.1080r2c03 |
| | | néng ㄋㄥˊ | Same as 「」 néng ㄋㄥˊ: Able to, competent. / Same as 「」 néng ㄋㄥˊ: Ability, talent. | | | |
休 | 人+4 | | xiū ㄒㄧㄡ | rest, stop; retire; do not! | v1,p0117#18 | p.96#02 | p.93r1c01 |
家 | 宀+7 | 傢 宊 𠖔 𡩅 𡧚 | jiā jie gū ㄐㄧㄚ ㄐㄧㄝ· ㄍㄨ | house, home, residence; family | v2,p0930#15 | p.286#17 | p.420r1c02 |
貧 | 貝+4 | 𡧋 贫 | pín ㄆㄧㄣˊ | poor, impoverished, needy | v6,p3628#01 | p.1205#10 | p.1270r3c01 |
親 | 見+9 | 𢈥 寴 𡩁 亲 | qīn ㄑㄧㄣ | Parents. / Relatives. / Love, favour. / Close, intimate. / Contact, touch. / Personally. / Do oneself. | v6,p3671#12 | p.1136#12 | p.1230r5c04 |
老 | 老+0 | 耂 𠄰 | lǎo ㄌㄠˇ | old, aged; experienced | v4,p2778#01 | p.960#25 | p.1077r3c03 |
祿 | 示+8 | 祿 禄 | lù ㄌㄨˋ | blessing, happiness, prosperity | v4,p2402#08 | p.844#08 | p.982r4c04 |
仕 | 人+3 | | shì ㄕˋ | official; serve government | v1,p0112#03 | p.92#07 | p.85r2c02 |
昔 | 日+4 | | xī cuò xí ㄒㄧ ㄘㄨㄛˋ ㄒㄧˊ | formerly; ancient; in beginning | v2,p1488#11 | p.492#05 | p.634r5c01 |
由 | 田+0 | | yóu ㄧㄡˊ | Do, carry out. / Cause to happen. / Unite. / Complete, realize. / Go through, pass. / Carry out orders, do as asked. / Follow. / Accord with. / Cause. / Preposition: due to, because of. / Preposition: from. / Preposition: to, with. / Appoint, employ. / Rely on, make use of. / Evidence, proof. / Go along with, listen to. / New growth of a tree around dead wood. / Recovery, revival. / Like, similar to. / Still, yet. / Naturally, by itself. | v4,p2524#02 | p.757#01 | p.910r2c01 |
| | | dí ㄉㄧˊ | Road. / Method, way. | | | |
事 | 亅+7 | 亊 叓 𠭏 | shì ㄕˋ | Office, duty. / Job, career. / Things, affairs. / Accident, incident. / Engage (in), pursue. / Serve. | v1,p0023#03 | p.85#24 | p.58r3c02 |
二 | 二+0 | 贰 弍 貳 | èr ㄦˋ | two; twice | v1,p0002#01 | p.86#01 | p.58r6c01 |
之 | 丿+3 | 㞢 | zhī ㄓ | Towards; go to. / Demonstrative pronoun: this, these. / Third person pronoun: him, her, it. / Auxiliary word: of. / Auxiliary word: used between subject and predicate, cancels independence of a clause. / Auxiliary word: used in a sentence for aesthetic purpose only, no meaning. | v1,p0043#01 | p.82#04 | p.47r2c02 |
時 | 日+6 | 旹 时 | shí ㄕˊ | Season. / Unit of time equal to two hours. / [The passage of] time. / Time, times. / Age, period, epoch. / Occasion, opportune moment. / On time. / Then, at that time. / Always, constantly. / Same as 「」 sì ㄙˋ: Wait until, wait for (a chance). | v2,p1505#05 | p.494#22 | p.639r3c04 |
常 | 巾+8 | | cháng ㄔㄤˊ | common, normal, frequent, regular | v1,p0744#01 | p.333#12 | p.477r2c01 |
食 | 食+0 | 饣 𩚁 飠 𩚃 餐 | shí sì yì ㄕˊ ㄙˋ ㄧˋ | eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 | v7,p4440#01 | p.1415#29 | p.1489r2c03 |
藜 | 艸+15 | | lí ㄌㄧˊ | Chenopodium album, pigweed | v5,p3320#04 | p.1065#30 | p.1174r6c04 |
藿 | 艸+16 | | huò hé ㄏㄨㄛˋ ㄏㄜˊ | lophanthus rugosus, betony | v5,p3325#01 | p.1067#16 | p.1177r2c01 |
實 | 宀+11 | 実 宲 𡾍 寔 实 | shí ㄕˊ | Prosperous, wealthy. / Wealth, possessions. / Goods, supplies. / Full. / Fit into, stuff into. / Fruit, seed. / Result. / Real thing, actual content. / Fact, thing which happened. / True, honest. / Firm, unwavering. / In fact, actually. / Prove, show to be true. / Carry out, implement. / Term in arithmetic for a multiplicand or dividend. / Really, indeed so. / This. / Particle used in a sentence after moving forward the object. | v2,p0952#03 | p.291#04 | p.427r6c01 |
為 | 火+5 | 爲 为 | wéi ㄨㄟˊ | Create, make. / Build, construct. / Do. / Plant, grow. / Govern. / Research, study. / Serve as. / Change into, become. / As, in the role of. / Count as, be considered as. / Called, named. / Expresses judgement: is. / Make, cause (to). / Have. / Take part in. / Write, author. / Connective: if. / Particle used in the middle of a sentence to move forward the object. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence to express a rhetorical question. | v3,p2198#11 | p.669#10 | p.844r4c03 |
| | | wèi ㄨㄟˋ | Help, assist. / Preposition: for, on behalf of. / Preposition: by (passive). / Preposition: because of, due to. / Preposition: with, together with. / Connective: because. / Say. / False, fake. | | | |
米 | 米+0 | | mǐ ㄇㄧˇ | hulled or husked uncooked rice | v5,p3141#01 | p.906#31 | p.1024r4c01 |
百 | 白+1 | 佰 𦣻 | bǎi bó mò ㄅㄞˇ ㄅㄛˊ ㄇㄛˋ | one hundred; numerous, many | v4,p2643#01 | p.785#04 | p.932r4c01 |
里 | 里+0 | 裏 裡 | lǐ ㄌㄧˇ | unit of distance; village; lane | v6,p3680#01 | p.1291#02 | p.1357r4c01 |
外 | 夕+2 | 𡖄 舀 | wài ㄨㄞˋ | out, outside, external; foreign | v2,p0860#01 | p.246#02 | p.336r4c02 |
沒 | 水+4 | 歿 歾 𣇶 没 | méi mò ㄇㄟˊ ㄇㄛˋ | not, have not, none; to drown, sink | v3,p1571#02 | p.611#10 | p.771r2c04 |
後 | 彳+6 | 𨒥 𢔏 后 | hòu ㄏㄡˋ | Behind, to the rear of. / To be left behind. / Later in time. / Future. / Descendents, offspring. | v2,p0822#03 | p.366#18 | p.511r2c01 |
南 | 十+7 | 𡴖 𡴟 | nán nā ㄋㄢˊ ㄋㄚ | south; southern part; southward | v1,p0065#02 | p.157#05 | p.217r3c01 |
游 | 水+9 | 逰 汓 㳺 | yóu ㄧㄡˊ | Float, move in water. / Swimming. / Wade or swim across water. / Section of a waterway. / Waterway. / Fly around, circle. / Active, moving. / Float in the air. / Ethereal, unreal. / Praise, venerate. / Spread, hand down. / Walk. / Tour, visit. / Place travelled to. / Villa located in a garden. / Recreation. / Leasurely and contented. / Travel for the purposes of study or official employment. / Persuade (a ruler). / Send someone to persuade (a ruler). / Communication. / Hatching of silkworms. / Exercise, practice. / Unfurling of leaves. / Type of administrative area. | v3,p1684#08 | p.635#14 | p.813r4c02 |
| | | liú ㄌㄧㄡˊ | Tassels of a flag. | | | |
於 | 方+4 | 烏 𣱏 𤕘 于 亏 扵 | yú ㄩˊ | Be (copula). / Be, exist. / Preposition: in. / Preposition: from or to. / Preposition: compared to. / Preposition: to, for, towards. / Preposition: by (indicating passive tense). / Preposition: with, using. / Preposition: due to, because of. / Preposition: by, according to. / Connective: just as. / Auxiliary word, no meaning. | v3,p2175#02 | p.481#11 | p.622r2c03 |
楚 | 木+9 | 椘 𣕪 檚 | chǔ ㄔㄨˇ | name of feudal state; clear | v2,p1244#09 | p.539#23 | p.708r5c03 |
從 | 彳+8 | 従 从 | cóng ㄘㄨㄥˊ | Follow, accompany. / Cause to follow, make go along with. / Pursue, chase after. / Die with, bury along with the dead. / Listen to, do as required. / Eloquent. / Obedient, submissive. / Route to peaceful society, correct order. / Perform, participate in. / Blood relation through the male line. / Secondary, sub- (of official titles). / Preposition: from. / Preposition: towards. / Preposition: because of, due to. / Addition, also. | v2,p0829#12 | p.368#18 | p.514r5c01 |
| | | zòng ㄗㄨㄥˋ | North-south. / Alliance of states opposed to the Qin alliance. / Straight, upright. / Indulge, allow to. / Connective: even if. | | | |
| | | zōng ㄗㄨㄥ | Trace, vestige. | | | |
| | | sǒng ㄙㄨㄥˇ | See 從容。 | | | |
車 | 車+0 | 𠦴 车 | chē jū ㄔㄜ ㄐㄩ | cart, vehicle; carry in cart | v5,p3511#01 | p.1239#01 | p.1296r2c04 |
乘 | 丿+9 | 乗 𠅞 𠓸 𨍱 | chéng ㄔㄥˊ | Drive. / Ride. / Rule, govern. / Wear, put on. / Ascend, go up. / Defend. / Adjust to, take advantage of. / Depend on, rely on. / Trample. / Bully and humiliate. / Conquer, overcome in battle. / Launch an attack on, chase. / Inherit, carry on the wishes of. / Calculate. / Multiply (arithmetic). | v1,p0040#01 | p.83#09 | p.47r5c01 |
| | | shèng ㄕㄥˋ | Chariot, fighting vehicle with four horses. / Chariot-riding soldiers. / Chariot horse. / Measure word, used for counting vehicles, horses, boats, etc. / Measure word. Unit of area equal to four qiu. / Four. / Pair up. / Name of a book of the state of Jin. | | | |
積 | 禾+11 | 积 | jī ㄐㄧ | accumulate, store up, amass | v4,p2626#16 | p.859#24 | p.996r2c02 |
粟 | 米+6 | 𥾄 𥸫 𥹟 𠧼 䅇 | sù ㄙㄨˋ | unhusked millet; grain | v5,p3146#17 | p.908#14 | p.1025r6c01 |
萬 | 禸+8 | 万 卍 㸘 𤍚 𢁭 | wàn ㄨㄢˋ | ten thousand; innumerable | v5,p3247#08 | p.1042#33 | p.1149r4c02 |
鍾 | 金+9 | 钟 锺 | zhōng ㄓㄨㄥ | cup, glass, goblet; surname | v6,p4232#03 | p.1316#05 | p.1388r5c01 |
累 | 糸+5 | 纍 | lèi lěi léi lǜ liè ㄌㄟˋ ㄌㄟˇ ㄌㄟˊ ㄌㄩˋ ㄌㄧㄝˋ | tired; implicate, involve; bother | v5,p3381#04 | p.919#35 | p.1038r2c01 |
茵 | 艸+6 | | yīn ㄧㄣ | a cushion, mattress; wormwood; Skimmia japon | v5,p3204#04 | p.1029#03 | p.1135r4c03 |
坐 | 土+4 | 座 㘸 | zuò ㄗㄨㄛˋ | sit; seat; ride, travel by | v1,p0423#12 | p.225#15 | p.317r1c01 |
列 | 刀+4 | 列 𠜺 | liè ㄌㄧㄝˋ | a line; to arrange in order, classify | v1,p0325#05 | p.137#26 | p.177r5c03 |
鼎 | 鼎+0 | 鼑 𪔂 | dǐng zhēn ㄉㄧㄥˇ ㄓㄣ | large, three-legged bronze caldron | v7,p4740#01 | p.1525#08 | p.1565r6c04 |
愿 | 心+10 | 願 | yuàn ㄩㄢˋ | sincere, honest, virtuous | v4,p2333#10 | p.397#06 | p.540r5c02 |
可 | 口+2 | 歌 厥 | kě kè ㄎㄜˇ ㄎㄜˋ | may, can, -able; possibly | v1,p0567#07 | p.172#12 | p.244r1c02 |
復 | 彳+9 | 覆 𢕛 𠣸 复 | fù fòu ㄈㄨˋ ㄈㄡˋ | return; repeat; repeatedly | v2,p0834#02 | p.369#22 | p.516r2c04 |
得 | 彳+8 | 𢔶 䙷 𢔨 | dé ㄉㄜˊ | Get, obtain. / Plunder. / Covet. / Success. / Fitting, appropriate. / Compatible. / Satisfied, pleased. / Possible, can. / Same as 「」 dé ㄉㄜˊ: Morals, morality. / Same as 「」 dé ㄉㄜˊ: Reward kindness, thank. | v2,p0828#03 | p.367#31 | p.513r6c02 |
也 | 乙+2 | 𠃟 匜 | yě ㄧㄝˇ | Modal particle used at the end of a sentence, expressing assertion and affirmation. / Modal particle used at the end of a question for emphasis. / Modal particle used at the end of a cause-effect sentence to express explanation. / Modal particle used in the middle of a sentence to express a pause. | v1,p0050#05 | p.84#04 | p.55r1c01 |
枯 | 木+5 | | kū ㄎㄨ | dried out, withered, decayed | v2,p1178#03 | p.517#03 | p.684r1c01 |
魚 | 魚+0 | 𤉯 鱼 | yú ㄩˊ | fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 | v7,p4674#01 | p.1465#01 | p.1524r2c06 |
銜 | 金+6 | 㘅 衘 衔 | xián ㄒㄧㄢˊ | bit; hold in mouth, bite; gag | v2,p0840#15 | p.1305#12 | p.1380r2c01 |
索 | 糸+4 | 索 | suǒ ㄙㄨㄛˇ | large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated | v5,p3369#09 | p.918#16 | p.1035r5c01 |
幾 | 幺+9 | 𢆻 𢆼 几 | jǐ jī ㄐㄧˇ ㄐㄧ | how many? how much?; a few, some | v2,p1095#08 | p.342#14 | p.486r2c02 |
何 | 人+5 | | hé ㄏㄜˊ | Ask, enquire. / What. / Who, which one. / How, in what way. / Why, for what reason. / Where, in what place. / How much, to what extent. | v1,p0130#04 | p.98#15 | p.97r2c04 |
| | | hē ㄏㄜ | Criticize, condemn. | | | |
| | | hè ㄏㄜˋ | Carry on one's back. / Bear, carry a burden. | | | |
蠹 | 虫+18 | 蠧 螙 | dù ㄉㄨˋ | moth; insects which eat into clot | v4,p2908#09 | p.1104#05 | p.1202r3c02 |
壽 | 士+11 | 寿 夀 𦓃 𦓂 𠭵 𠷎 | shòu ㄕㄡˋ | old age, long life; lifespan | v1,p0483#10 | p.244#04 | p.334r3c02 |
忽 | 心+4 | | hū ㄏㄨ | suddenly, abruptly; neglect | v4,p2274#09 | p.378#34 | p.525r2c02 |
如 | 女+3 | | rú ㄖㄨˊ | Go to. / According to, in accordance with. / Like, similar to. / As good as, comparable to. / Should. / Or, alternatively. / If, should it be the case. / As for, as regards. / Adjectival suffix. | v2,p1025#09 | p.255#21 | p.378r5c02 |
過 | 辵+9 | 过 𨓺 | guò ㄍㄨㄛˋ | Pass by, go by. / Exceed, go beyond. / Too much, excess. / Mistake, make a mistake. / Crime, commit a crime. / Lose. / Visit. | v6,p3849#08 | p.1261#22 | p.1325r2c01 |
| | | guō ㄍㄨㄛ | Name of a state in pre-Qin China. | | | |
隙 | 阜+10 | 𨻶 隟 | xì ㄒㄧˋ | crack, split, fissure; grudge | v6,p4150#11 | p.1359#22 | p.1433r3c04 |
草 | 艸+6 | 艸 艹 屮 | cǎo zào ㄘㄠˇ ㄗㄠˋ | grass, straw, thatch, herbs | v5,p3203#04 | p.1030#17 | p.1136r6c01 |
木 | 木+0 | | mù ㄇㄨˋ | tree; wood, lumber; wooden | v2,p1149#06 | p.509#01 | p.662r5c05 |
欲 | 欠+7 | 慾 | yù ㄩˋ | desire, want, long for; intend | v3,p2140#07 | p.567#36 | p.729r4c02 |
長 | 長+0 | 镸 𨱗 𠤐 𠑷 𠔊 𠑻 𠑿 𡕣 长 | cháng zhǎng zhàng ㄔㄤˊ ㄓㄤˇ ㄓㄤˋ | long; length; excel in; leader | v6,p4050#01 | p.1328#07 | p.1399r3c04 |
霜 | 雨+9 | 孀 | shuāng ㄕㄨㄤ | frost; crystallized; candied | v6,p4070#02 | p.1376#29 | p.1456r1c04 |
露 | 雨+12 | 露 | lù lòu ㄌㄨˋ ㄌㄡˋ | dew; bare, open, exposed | v6,p4078#06 | p.1378#22 | p.1456r6c01 |
停 | 人+9 | 仃 | tíng ㄊㄧㄥˊ | stop, suspend, delay; suitable | v1,p0194#07 | p.110#32 | p.118r4c01 |
賢 | 貝+8 | 臤 贒 贤 | xián ㄒㄧㄢˊ | virtuous, worthy, good; able | v6,p3646#06 | p.1209#28 | p.1276r5c02 |
養 | 食+6 | 䍩 𢼝 养 | yǎng yàng ㄧㄤˇ ㄧㄤˋ | raise, rear, bring up; support | v7,p4452#08 | p.1419#26 | p.1491r4c09 |
待 | 彳+6 | | dài dāi ㄉㄞˋ ㄉㄞ | treat, entertain, receive; wait | v2,p0818#07 | p.366#05 | p.510r3c04 |
故 | 攴+5 | | gù ㄍㄨˋ | Cause. / State of affairs. / Event, incident. / Plot. / Old. / Past, original. / Death. / On purpose. / Originally. / Hence, thus. | v2,p1453#05 | p.469#25 | p.601r5c01 |