Radical: | 虫+ 8 strokes = 14 strokes total. |
References: | Kangxi: p.1087#20 Cihai: p.1192r6c02 GSR: 464.o Hanyu: v4,p2865#08 |
Composition: | Left: 虫, right: 享. |
Mandarin: | dūn ㄉㄨㄣ |
Cantonese: | deon1 |
Kangxi: | 《··》蜳:《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤都昆切,音敦。《類篇》螴蜳,氣不安定也。《·》螴蜳不得成。又《司馬彪註》螴蜳,讀曰沖融,言畏怖之氣沖融兩溢,不安定也。又《集韻》敕轉切,音腞。《正韻》羽敏切,音允。義𠀤同。 |
Example usage
《·》: | 有甚憂兩陷而無所逃,螴蜳不得成,心若縣於天地之間,慰睯沈屯,利害相摩,生火甚多,眾人焚和。 |
(The case of men) is still worse. They are troubled between two pitfalls, from which they cannot escape. Chrysalis-like, they can accomplish nothing. Their minds are as if hung up between heaven and earth. Now comforted, now pitied, they are plunged in difficulties. The ideas of profit and of injury rub against each other, and produce in them a very great fire. The harmony (of the mind) is consumed in the mass of men. |
《·》: | 隷作蜳。 |
《·》: | 螴蜳不得成,釋文:「螴蜳,郭音陳惇。」 |
《·》: | 螴蜳不得成,釋文:「螴蜳,郭音陳惇。」 |
《》: | 螴蜳不得成, |
《·》: | 矜惕之狀曰螴蜳。 |
《》: | 螴蜳不得成, |
《·》: | 矜惕之狀曰螴蜳。 |
《》: | ...天螴蜳,翺翔成... |
《·》: | 此時心螴蜳,莫問卯與酉。 |
《》: | 蜳音惇。 |
《》: | 螴蜳不得成, |
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