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Song-Ming -> Romance of the Three Kingdoms -> Cao Ren Withstands The South Land; Zhuge Liang Angers Zhou Yu -> 19

曹仁曹洪:「?」曹仁:「。」便Cao Ren withdrew into the city. During the night he called his officers to a council. Then said Cao Hong, "The loss of Yiling has brought us to a dangerous pass. Now it seems the time to open the guide-letter of the Prime Minister, and see what plans he arranged for our salvation in this peril." "You but say what I think," replied Cao Ren. Whereupon he tore open the guide-letter and read it. His face lighted up with joy, and he at once issued orders to have the morning meal prepared at the fifth watch. At daylight the whole army moved out of the city through three gates, but they left a semblance of occupation in the shape of banners on the walls.

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