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Discussion -> Latest updates -> Parallel passage database update

2013-01-20 09:53:35Parallel passage database update
Posted by: admin (CTP Admin)Hundreds of thousands of new parallel passages have been added to the parallel passage database by means of an automated study, meaning that over half of all passages in the pre-Qin and Han section of the database now contain at least one parallel with some other text on the site (many of course containing far more). Parallels can be browsed by clicking the yellow parallel passage icon to the left of a paragraph, and can be searched using the Advanced search function.

In addition, the parallel passage display now provides a visual summary of text reuse within the selected paragraph. Parallel groups are indicated using shades of red; the stronger the shade of red a region is shaded, the more parallel groups it belongs to. Clicking on a shaded region jumps down to the corresponding list of parallels below. More details available here: .

2013-01-21 01:38:16Parallel passage database update
Posted by: preacherbob (Robert W. Wilson)Thanks for the update in English as well as Chinese. For me it helps. English is my native
language. Robert W. Wilson

2013-03-05 13:19:28Parallel passage database update
Posted by: admin (CTP Admin)The parallel passage data has now been expanded to include the following additional texts: 申鉴, 世说新语, 颜氏家训, 文心雕龙, 抱朴子, 人物志, 金楼子, 水经注, 神仙传, 三国志, 高士传, 艺文类聚, 意林, 太平广记. Thanks to everyone for your support!

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