| 大传: |
礼:不王不禘。王者禘其祖之所自出,以其祖配之。诸侯及其大祖,大夫士有大事,省于其君,干祫,及其高祖。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
According to the rules, only the king offered the united sacrifice to all ancestors. The chief place was then given to him from whom the founder of the line sprang, and that founder had the place of assessor to him. The sacrifices of the princes of states reached to their highest ancestor. Great officers and other officers, who had performed great services, when these were examined (and approved) by the ruler, were able to carry their sacrifices up to their high ancestor. |
| 大传: |
牧之野,武王之大事也。既事而退,柴于上帝,祈于社,设奠于牧室。遂率天下诸侯,执豆笾,逡奔走;追王大王亶父、王季历、文王昌;不以卑临尊也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
The field of Mu-ye was the great achievement of king Wu. When he withdrew after the victory, he reared a burning pile to God; prayed at the altar of the earth; and set forth his offerings in the house of Mu. He then led all the princes of the kingdom, bearing his offerings in their various stands, and hurrying about, and carried the title of king back to Tai who was Dan-fu, Ji-li, and king Wen who was Chang - he would not approach his honourable ancestors with their former humbler titles. |
| 大传: |
上治祖祢,尊尊也;下治子孙,亲亲也;旁治昆弟,合族以食,序以昭缪,别之以礼义,人道竭矣。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
Thus he regulated the services to be rendered to his father and grandfather before him - giving honour to the most honourable. He regulated the places to be given to his sons and grandsons below him - showing his affection to his kindred. He regulated (also) the observances for the collateral branches of his cousins;-associating all their members in the feasting. He defined their places according to their order of descent; and his every distinction was in harmony with what was proper and right. In this way the procedure of human duty was made complete. |
| 大传: |
圣人南面而听天下,所且先者五,民不与焉。一曰治亲,二曰报功,三曰举贤,四曰使能,五曰存爱。五者一得于天下,民无不足、无不赡者。五者,一物纰缪,民莫得其死。圣人南面而治天下,必自人道始矣。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
When a sage sovereign stood with his face to the south, and all the affairs of the kingdom came before him, there were five things which for the time claimed his first care, and the people were not reckoned among them. The first was the regulating what was due to his kindred (as above) the second, the reward of merit; the third, the promotion of worth; the fourth, the employment of ability; and the fifth, the maintenance of a loving vigilance. When these five things were all fully realised, the people had all their necessities satisfied, all that they wanted supplied. If one of them were defective, the people could not complete their lives in comfort. It was necessary for a sage on the throne of government to begin with the (above) procedure of human duty. |
| 大传: |
立权度量,考文章,改正朔,易服色,殊徽号,异器械,别衣服,此其所得与民变革者也。其不可得变革者则有矣:亲亲也,尊尊也,长长也,男女有别,此其不可得与民变革者也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
The appointment of the measures of weight, length, and capacity; the fixing the elegancies (of ceremony); the changing the commencement of the year and month; alterations in the colour of dress; differences of flags and their blazonry; changes in vessels and weapons, and distinctions in dress: these were things, changes in which could be enjoined on the people. But no changes could be enjoined upon them in what concerned affection for kin, the honour paid to the honourable, the respect due to the aged, and the different positions and functions of male and female. |
| 大传: |
同姓从宗,合族属;异姓主名,治际会。名著,而男女有别。其夫属乎父道者,妻皆母道也;其夫属乎子道者,妻皆妇道也。谓弟之妻“妇”者,是嫂亦可谓之“母”乎?名者人治之大者也,可无慎乎? |
| Da Zhuan: |
Members of the same surname were united together in the various ramifications of their kinship, under the Heads of their different branches. Those of a different surname had their mutual relations regulated principally by the names assigned to them. Those names being clearly set forth, the different positions of males and females were determined. When the husband belonged to the class of fathers [or uncles], the wife was placed in that of mothers [or aunts]; when he belonged to the class of sons [or cousins], the wife was placed in that of (junior) wives. Since the wife of a younger brother was (thus) styled (junior) wife, could the wife of his elder brother be at the same time styled mother [or aunt]? The name or appellation is of the greatest importance in the regulation of the family - was not anxious care required in the declaration of it? |
| 大传: |
四世而缌,服之穷也;五世袒免,杀同姓也。六世,亲属竭矣。其庶姓别于上,而戚单于下,昏姻可以通乎?系之以姓而弗别,缀之以食而弗殊,虽百世而昏姻不通者,周道然也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
For parties four generations removed (from the same common ancestor) the mourning was reduced to that worn for three months, and this was the limit of wearing the hempen cloth. If the generations were five, the shoulders were bared and the cincture assumed; and in this way the mourning within the circle of the same was gradually reduced. After the sixth generation the bond of kinship was held to be at an end. As the branch-surnames which arose separated the members of them from their relatives of a former time, and the kinship disappeared as time went on, (so far as wearing mourning was concerned), could marriage be contracted between parties (so wide apart)? But there was that original surname tying all the members together without distinction, and the maintenance of the connexion by means of the common feast - while there were these conditions, there could be no intermarriage, even after a hundred generations. Such was the rule of Zhou. |
| 大传: |
服术有六:一曰亲亲,二曰尊尊,三曰名,四曰出入,五曰长幼,六曰从服。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
The considerations which regulated the mourning worn were six - first., the nearness of the kinship; second, the honour due to the honourable; third, the names (as expressing the position in the relative circle); fourth, the cases of women still unmarried in the paternal home, and of those who had married and left it; fifth, age; and sixth, affinity, and external relationship. |
| 大传: |
从服有六:有属从,有徒从,有从有服而无服,有从无服而有服,有从重而轻,有从轻而重。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
Of the considerations of affinity and external relationship there were six cases - those arising from inter-relationship; those in which there was no inter-relationship; those where mourning should be worn, and yet was not, those where it should not be worn, and yet was; those where it should be deep, and yet was light; and those where it should be light, and yet was deep. |
| 大传: |
自仁率亲,等而上之,至于祖,名曰轻。自义率祖,顺而下之,至于祢,名曰重。一轻一重,其义然也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
Where the starting-point was affection, it began from the father. Going up from him by degrees it reached to the (high) ancestor, and was said to diminish. Where the starting-point was the consideration of what is right, it began with the ancestor. Coming down by natural degrees from him, it reached to the father, and was said to increase. In the diminution and the increase, the considerations of affection and right acted thus. |
| 大传: |
君有合族之道,族人不得以其戚戚君,位也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
It was the way for the ruler to assemble and feast all the members of his kindred. None of them could, because of their mutual kinship, claim a nearer kinship with him than what was expressed by the places (assigned to them). |
| 大传: |
庶子不祭,明其宗也。庶子不得为长子三年,不继祖也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
Any son but the eldest, (though all sons of the wife proper), did not sacrifice to his grandfather,--to show there was the Honoured Head (who should do so). Nor could he wear mourning for his eldest son for three years, because he was not the continuator of his grandfather. |
| 大传: |
别子为祖,继别为宗,继祢者为小宗。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
When any other son but the eldest became an ancestor of a line, he who succeeded him became the Honoured Head (of the branch); and his successor again became the smaller Head. |
| 大传: |
有百世不迁之宗,有五世则迁之宗。百世不迁者,别子之后也;宗其继别子者,百世不迁者也。宗其继高祖者,五世则迁者也。尊祖故敬宗。敬宗,尊祖之义也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
There was the (great) Honoured Head whose tablet was not removed for a hundred generations. There were the (smaller) Honoured Heads whose tablets were removed after five generations. He whose tablet was not removed for a hundred generations was the successor and representative of the other than the eldest son (who became an ancestor of a line); and he was so honoured (by the members of his line) because he continued the (High) ancestor from whom (both) he and they sprang; this was why his tablet was not removed for a hundred generations. He who honoured the continuator of the High ancestor was he whose tablet was removed after five generations. They honoured the Ancestor, and therefore they reverenced the Head. The reverence showed the significance of that honour. |
| 大传: |
有小宗而无大宗者,有大宗而无小宗者,有无宗亦莫之宗者,公子是也。公子有宗道:公子之公,为其士大夫之庶者,宗其士大夫之适者,公子之宗道也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
There might be cases in which there was a smaller Honoured Head, and no Greater Head (of a branch family); cases in which there was a Greater Honoured Head, and no smaller Head; and cases in which there was an Honoured Head, with none to honour him. All these might exist in the instance of the son of the ruler of a state. The course to be adopted for the headship of such a son was this; that the ruler,. himself the proper representative of former rulers, should for all his half-brothers who were officers and Great officers appoint a full brother, also an officer or a Great officer, to be the Honoured Head. Such was the regular course. |
| 大传: |
绝族无移服,亲者属也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
When the kinship was no longer counted, there was no further wearing of mourning. The kinship was the bond of connexion (expressed in the degree of mourning). |
| 大传: |
自仁率亲,等而上之,至于祖;自义率祖,顺而下之,至于祢。是故,人道亲亲也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
Where the starting-point was in affection, it began with the father, and ascended by steps to the ancestor. Where it was in a consideration of what was right, it began with the ancestor, and descended in natural order to the deceased father. Thus the course of humanity (in this matter of mourning) was all comprehended in the love for kindred. |
| 大传: |
亲亲故尊祖,尊祖故敬宗,敬宗故收族,收族故宗庙严,宗庙严故重社稷,重社稷故爱百姓,爱百姓故刑罚中,刑罚中故庶民安,庶民安故财用足,财用足故百志成,百志成故礼俗刑,礼俗刑然后乐。《》云:“不显不承,无斁于人斯”,此之谓也。 |
| Da Zhuan: |
From the affection for parents came the honouring of ancestors; from the honouring of the ancestor came the respect and attention shown to the Heads (of the family branches). By that respect and attention to those Heads all the members of the kindred were kept together. Through their being kept together came the dignity of the ancestral temple. From that dignity arose the importance attached to the altars of the land and grain. From that importance there ensued the love of all the (people with their) hundred surnames. From that love came the right administration of punishments and penalties. Through that administration the people had the feeling of repose. Through that restfulness all resources for expenditure became, sufficient. Through the sufficiency of these, what all desired was realised. The realisation led to all courteous usages and good customs; and from these, in fine, came all happiness and enjoyment - affording an illustration of what is said in the ode - 'Glory and honour follow Wen's great name, And ne'er will men be weary of his fame.' |