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《宴桃园豪杰三结义,斩黄巾英雄首立功 - Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood In The Peach Garden; One Victory Shatters The Rebels In Battlegrounds》 |
1 | 宴桃园豪... : | 词曰: |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: | So sung: | |
滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空:青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。一壶浊酒喜相逢:古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 | ||
O so vast, O so mighty, The Great River rolls to sea, Flowers do waves thrash, Heroes do sands smash, When all the dreams drain, Same are loss and gain. Green mountains remain, Under pink sunsets, Hoary fishers and woodcutters, Along the banks, find calm water, In autumn moon or in spring wind, By the wine jars, fill porcelain. Discuss talk and tale, Only laugh and gale... | ||
2 | 宴桃园豪... : | 话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分:周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉分争,又并入于汉。汉朝自高祖斩白蛇而起义,一统天下。后来光武中兴,传至献帝,遂分为三国。推其致乱之由,殆始于桓、灵二帝。桓帝禁锢善类,崇信宦官。及桓帝崩,灵帝即位,大将军窦武、太傅陈蕃,共相辅佐。时有宦官曹节等弄权,窦武、陈蕃谋诛之,作事不密,反为所害。中涓自此愈横。 |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: |
The world under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite; after a long period of union, tends to divide. This has been so since antiquity. When the rule of the Zhou Dynasty weakened, seven contending kingdoms sprang up, warring one with another until the kingdom of Qin prevailed and possessed the empire. But when Qin's destiny had been fulfilled, arose two opposing kingdoms, Chu and Han, to fight for the mastery. And Han was the victor. The rise of the fortunes of Han began when Liu Bang the Supreme Ancestor slew a white serpent to raise the banners of uprising, which only ended when the whole empire belonged to Han (BC 202). This magnificent heritage was handed down in successive Han emperors for two hundred years, till the rebellion of Wang Mang caused a disruption. But soon Liu Xiu the Latter Han Founder restored the empire, and Han emperors continued their rule for another two hundred years till the days of Emperor Xian, which were doomed to see the beginning of the empire's division into three parts, known to history as The Three Kingdoms. But the descent into misrule hastened in the reigns of the two predecessors of Emperor Xian—-Emperors Huan and Ling—-who sat in the dragon throne about the middle of the second century. Emperor Huan paid no heed to the good people of his court, but gave his confidence to the Palace eunuchs. He lived and died, leaving the scepter to Emperor Ling, whose advisers were Regent Marshal Dou Wu and Imperial Guardian Chen Fan. Dou Wu and Chen Fan, disgusted with the abuses of the eunuchs in the affairs of the state, plotted the destruction for the power-abusing eunuchs. But Chief Eunuch Cao Jie was not to be disposed of easily. The plot leaked out, and the honest Dou Wu and Chen Fan were put to death, leaving the eunuchs stronger than before. | |
3 | 宴桃园豪... : | 建宁二年四月望日,帝御温德殿。方升座,殿角狂风骤起,只见一条大青蛇,从梁上飞将下来,蟠于椅上。帝惊倒,左右急救入宫,百官俱奔避。须臾,蛇不见了。忽然大雷大雨,加以冰雹,落到半夜方止,坏却房屋无数。建宁四年二月,洛阳地震;又海水泛溢,沿海居民,尽被大浪卷入海中。光和元年,雌鸡化雄。六月朔,黑气十馀丈,飞入温德殿中。秋七月,有虹见于玉堂;五原山岸,尽皆崩裂。种种不祥,非止一端。 |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: |
It fell upon the day of full moon of the fourth month, the second year, in the era of Established Calm (AD 168), that Emperor Ling went in state to the Hall of Virtue. As he drew near the throne, a rushing whirlwind arose in the corner of the hall and, lo! from the roof beams floated down a monstrous black serpent that coiled itself up on the very seat of majesty. The Emperor fell in a swoon. Those nearest him hastily raised and bore him to his palace, while the courtiers scattered and fled. The serpent disappeared. But there followed a terrific tempest, thunder, hail, and torrents of rain, lasting till midnight and working havoc on all sides. Two years later the earth quaked in Capital Luoyang, while along the coast a huge tidal wave rushed in which, in its recoil, swept away all the dwellers by the sea. Another evil omen was recorded ten years later, when the reign title was changed to Radiant Harmony (AD 178): Certain hens suddenly crowed. At the new moon of the sixth month, a long wreath of murky cloud wound its way into the Hall of Virtue, while in the following month a rainbow was seen in the Dragon Chamber. Away from the capital, a part of the Yuan Mountains collapsed, leaving a mighty rift in the flank. Such were some of various omens. | |
4 | 宴桃园豪... : | 帝下诏问群臣以灾异之由,议郎蔡邕上疏,以为霓堕鸡化,乃妇寺干政之所致,言颇切直。帝览奏叹息,因起更衣。曹节在后窃视,悉宣告左右·遂以他事陷邕于罪,放归田里。后张让,赵忠,封諝,段圭,曹节,候览,蹇硕,程旷,夏恽,郭胜十人朋比为奸,号为“十常侍”。帝尊信张让,呼为“阿父”,朝政日非,以致天下人心思乱,盗贼蜂起。 |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: |
Emperor Ling, greatly moved by these signs of the displeasure of Heaven, issued an edict asking his ministers for an explanation of the calamities and marvels. Court Counselor Cai Yong replied bluntly: "Falling rainbows and changes of fowls' sexes are brought about by the interference of empresses and eunuchs in state affairs." The Emperor read this memorial with deep sighs, and Chief Eunuch Cao Jie, from his place behind the throne, anxiously noted these signs of grief. An opportunity offering, Cao Jie informed his fellows, and a charge was trumped up against Cai Yong, who was driven from the court and forced to retire to his country house. With this victory the eunuchs grew bolder. Ten of them, rivals in wickedness and associates in evil deeds, formed a powerful party known as the Ten Regular Attendants—-Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Cheng Kuang, Duan Gui, Feng Xu, Guo Sheng, Hou Lan, Jian Shuo, Cao Jie, and Xia Yun. One of them, Zhang Rang, won such influence that he became the Emperor's most honored and trusted adviser. The Emperor even called him "Foster Father". So the corrupt state administration went quickly from bad to worse, till the country was ripe for rebellion and buzzed with brigandage. | |
5 | 宴桃园豪... : | 时钜鹿郡有兄弟三人:一名张角,一名张宝,一名张梁。那张角本是个不第秀才。因入山采药,遇一老人,碧眼童颜,手执藜杖,唤角至一洞中,以天书三卷授之,曰:“此名太平要术。汝得之,当代天宣化,普救世人;若萌异心,必获恶报。”角拜问姓名。老人曰:“吾乃南华老仙也。”言讫,化阵清风而去。 |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: |
At this time in the county of Julu was a certain Zhang family, of whom three brothers bore the name of Zhang Jue, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang, respectively. The eldest Zhang Jue was an unclassed graduate, who devoted himself to medicine. One day, while culling simples in the woods, Zhang Jue met a venerable old gentleman with very bright, emerald eyes and fresh complexion, who walked with an oak-wood staff. The old man beckoned Zhang Jue into a cave and there gave him three volumes of The Book of Heaven. "This book," said the old gentleman, "is the Essential Arts of Peace. With the aid of these volumes, you can convert the world and rescue humankind. But you must be single-minded, or, rest assured, you will greatly suffer." With a humble obeisance, Zhang Jue took the book and asked the name of his benefactor. "I am Saint Hermit of the Southern Land," was the reply, as the old gentleman disappeared in thin air. | |
6 | 宴桃园豪... : | 角得此书,晓夜攻习,能呼风唤雨,号为太平道人。中平元年正月内,疫气流行,张角散施符水,为人治病,自称大贤良师。角有徒弟五百馀人,云游四方,皆能书符念咒。次后徒众日多,角乃立三十六方,─大方万馀人,小方六七千─,各立渠帅,称为将军。讹言“苍天已死,黄天当立。”又云“岁在甲子,天下大吉。”令人各以白土,书“甲子”二字于家中大门上。青、幽、徐、冀、荆、扬、兖、豫八州之人,家家侍奉大贤良师张角名字。角遣其党马元义,暗赍金帛,结交中涓封諝,以为内应。角与二弟商议曰:“至难得者,民心也。今民心已顺,若不乘势取天下,诚为可惜。”遂一面私造黄旗,约期举事;一面使弟子唐州,驰书报封諝。唐州乃迳赴省中告变。帝召大将军何进调兵擒马元义,斩之;次收封諝等一干人下狱。 |
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Zhang Jue studied the wonderful book eagerly and strove day and night to reduce its precepts to practice. Before long, he could summon the winds and command the rain, and he became known as the Mystic of the Way of Peace. In the first month of the first year of Central Stability (AD 184), there was a terrible pestilence that ran throughout the land, whereupon Zhang Jue distributed charmed remedies to the afflicted. The godly medicines brought big successes, and soon he gained the tittle of the Wise and Worthy Master. He began to have a following of disciples whom he initiated into the mysteries and sent abroad throughout all the land. They, like their master, could write charms and recite formulas, and their fame increased his following. Zhang Jue began to organize his disciples. He established thirty-six circuits, the larger with ten thousand or more members, the smaller with about half that number. Each circuit had its chief who took the military title of General. They talked wildly of the death of the blue heaven and the setting up of the golden one; they said a new cycle was beginning and would bring universal good fortune to all members; and they persuaded people to chalk the symbols for the first year of the new cycle on the main door of their dwellings. With the growth of the number of his supporters grew also the ambition of Zhang Jue. The Wise and Worthy Master dreamed of empire. One of his partisans, Ma Yuanyi, was sent bearing gifts to gain the support of the eunuchs within the Palace. To his brothers Zhang Jue said, "For schemes like ours always the most difficult part is to gain the popular favor. But that is already ours. Such an opportunity must not pass." And they began to prepare. Many yellow flags and banners were made, and a day was chosen for the uprising. Then Zhang Jue wrote letters to Feng Xu and sent them by one of his followers, Tang Zhou, who alas! betrayed his trust and reported the plot to the court. The Emperor summoned the trusty Regent Marshal He Jin and bade him look to the issue. Ma Yuanyi was at once taken and beheaded. Feng Xu and many others were cast into prison. | |
7 | 宴桃园豪... : | 张角闻知事露,星夜举兵,自称天公将军,─张宝称地公将军,张梁称人公将军─。申言于众曰:“今汉运将终,大圣人出;汝等皆宜顺从天意,以桨太平。”四方百姓,裹黄巾从张角反者,四五十万。贼势浩大,官军望风而靡。何进奏帝火速降诏,令各处备御,讨贼立功;一面遣中郎将卢植,皇甫嵩,朱隽,各引精兵,分三路讨之。 |
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The plot having thus become known, the Zhang brothers were forced at once to take the field. They took up grandiose titles: Zhang Jue the Lord of Heaven, Zhang Bao the Lord of Earth, and Zhang Liang the Lord of Human. And in these names they put forth this manifesto: "The good fortune of the Han is exhausted, and the Wise and Worthy Man has appeared. Discern the will of Heaven, O ye people, and walk in the way of righteousness, whereby alone ye may attain to peace." Support was not lacking. On every side people bound their heads with yellow scarves and joined the army of the rebel Zhang Jue, so that soon his strength was nearly half a million strong, and the official troops melted away at a whisper of his coming. Regent Marshal and Imperial Guardian, He Jin, memorialized for general preparations against the Yellow Scarves, and an edict called upon everyone to fight against the rebels. In the meantime, three Imperial Commanders—-Lu Zhi, Huangfu Song, and Zhu Jun—-marched against them in three directions with veteran soldiers. | |
8 | 宴桃园豪... : | 且说张角一军,前犯幽州界分。幽州太守刘焉,乃江夏竟陵人氏,汉鲁恭王之后也;当时闻得贼兵将至,召校尉邹靖计议。靖曰:“贼兵众,我兵寡,明公宜作速招军应敌。”刘焉然其说,随即出榜招募义兵。榜文行到涿县,乃引出涿县中一个英雄。 |
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Meanwhile Zhang Jue led his army into Youzhou, the northeastern region of the empire. The Imperial Protector of Youzhou was Liu Yan, a scion of the Imperial House. Learning of the approach of the rebels, Liu Yan called in Commander Zhou Jing to consult over the position. Zhou Jing said, "They are many and we few. We must enlist more troops to oppose them." Liu Yan agreed, and he put out notices calling for volunteers to serve against the rebels. One of these notices was posted up in the county of Zhuo, where lived one man of high spirit. | |
9 | 宴桃园豪... : | 那人不甚好读书;性宽和,寡言语,喜怒不形于色;素有大志,专好结交天下豪杰;生得身长七尺五寸,两耳垂肩,双手过膝,目能自顾其耳,面如冠玉,唇若涂脂;中山靖王刘胜之后,汉景帝阁下玄孙;姓刘,名备,字玄德。昔刘胜之子刘贞,汉武时封涿鹿亭侯,后坐酬金失侯,因此遗这一枝在涿县。玄德祖刘雄,父刘弘。弘曾举孝廉,亦尝作吏,早丧。玄德幼孤,事母至孝;家贫,贩屦织席为业。家住本县楼桑村。其家之东南,有一大桑树,高五丈馀,遥望之,童童如车盖。相者云:“此家必出贵人。” |
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This man was no mere bookish scholar, nor found he any pleasure in study. But he was liberal and amiable, albeit a man of few words, hiding all feeling under a calm exterior. He had always cherished a yearning for high enterprise and had cultivated the friendship of humans of mark. He was tall of stature. His ears were long, the lobes touching his shoulders, and his hands hung down below his knees. His eyes were very big and prominent so that he could see backward past his ears. His complexion was as clear as jade, and he had rich red lips. He was a descendant of Prince Sheng of Zhongshan whose father was the Emperor Jing (reigned BC 157-141), the fourth emperor of the Han Dynasty. His name was Liu Bei. Many years before, one of his forbears had been the governor of that very county, but had lost his rank for remissness in ceremonial offerings. However, that branch of the family had remained on in the place, gradually becoming poorer and poorer as the years rolled on. His father Liu Hong had been a scholar and a virtuous official but died young. The widow and orphan were left alone, and Liu Bei as a lad won a reputation for filial piety. At this time the family had sunk deep in poverty, and Liu Bei gained his living by selling straw sandals and weaving grass mats. The family home was in a village near the chief city of Zhuo. Near the house stood a huge mulberry tree, and seen from afar its curved profile resembled the canopy of a wagon. Noting the luxuriance of its foliage, a soothsayer had predicted that one day a man of distinction would come forth from the family. | |
10 | 宴桃园豪... : | 玄德幼时,与乡中小儿戏于树下,曰:“我为天子,当乘此车盖。”叔父刘元起奇其言,曰:“此儿非常人也!”因见玄德家贫,常资给之。年十五岁,母使游学,尝师事郑玄、卢植;与公孙瓒等为友。及刘焉发榜招军时,玄德年己二十八岁矣。当日见了榜文,慨然长叹。随后一人厉声言曰:“大丈夫不与国家出力,何故长叹?” |
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As a child, Liu Bei played with the other village children beneath this tree, and he would climb up into it, saying, "I am the Son of Heaven, and this is my chariot!" His uncle, Liu Yuanqi, recognized that Liu Bei was no ordinary boy and saw to it that the family did not come to actual want. When Liu Bei was fifteen, his mother sent him traveling for his education. For a time he served Zheng Xuan and Lu Zhi as masters. And he became great friends with Gongsun Zan. Liu Bei was twenty-eight when the outbreak of the Yellow Scarves called for soldiers. The sight of the notice saddened him, and he sighed as he read it. Suddenly a rasping voice behind him cried, "Sir, why sigh if you do nothing to help your country?" | |
11 | 宴桃园豪... : | 玄德回视其人:身长八尺,豹头环眼,燕颔虎须,声若巨雷,势如奔马。玄德见他形貌异常,问其姓名。其人曰:“某姓张,名飞,字翼德。世居涿郡,颇有庄田,卖酒屠猪,专好结交天下豪杰。适才见公看榜而叹,故此相问。”玄德曰:“我本汉室宗亲,姓刘,名备。今闻黄巾倡乱,有志欲破贼安民;恨力不能,故长叹耳。”飞曰:“吾颇有资财,当招募乡勇,与公同举大事,如何?”玄德甚喜,遂与同入村店中饮酒。 |
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Turning quickly he saw standing there a man about his own height, with a bullet head like a leopard's, large eyes, a swallow pointed chin, and whiskers like a tiger's . He spoke in a loud bass voice and looked as irresistible as a dashing horse. At once Liu Bei saw he was no ordinary man and asked who he was. "Zhang Fei is my name," replied the stranger. "I live near here where I have a farm; and I am a wine seller and a butcher as well; and I like to become acquainted with worthy people. Your sighs as you read the notice drew me toward you." Liu Bei replied, "I am of the Imperial Family, Liu Bei is my name. And I wish I could destroy these Yellow Scarves and restore peace to the land, but alas! I am helpless." "I have the means," said Zhang Fei. "Suppose you and I raised some troops and tried what we could do." This was happy news for Liu Bei, and the two betook themselves to the village inn to talk over the project. | |
12 | 宴桃园豪... : | 正饮间,见一大汉,推著一辆车子,到店门首歇了;入店坐下,便唤酒保:“快斟酒来吃,我待赶入城去投军。”玄德看其人:身长九尺,髯长二尺:面如重枣,唇若涂脂;丹凤眼,卧蚕眉:相貌堂堂,威风凛凛。玄德就邀他同坐,叩其姓名。其人曰:“吾姓关,名羽,字寿长,后改云长,河东解良人也。因本处势豪,倚势凌人,被吾杀了;逃难江湖,五六年矣。今闻此处招军破贼,特来应募。”玄德遂以己志告之。云长大喜。同到张飞庄上,共议大事。 |
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As they were drinking, a huge, tall fellow appeared pushing a hand-cart along the road. At the threshold he halted and entered the inn to rest awhile and he called for wine. "And be quick!" added he. "For I am in haste to get into the town and offer myself for the army." Liu Bei looked over the newcomer, item by item, and he noted the man had a huge frame, a long beard, a vivid face like an apple, and deep red lips. He had eyes like a phoenix's and fine bushy eyebrows like silkworms. His whole appearance was dignified and awe-inspiring. Presently, Liu Bei crossed over, sat down beside him and asked his name. "I am Guan Yu," replied he. "I am a native of the east side of the river, but I have been a fugitive on the waters for some five years, because I slew a ruffian who, since he was wealthy and powerful, was a bully. I have come to join the army here." Then Liu Bei told Guan Yu his own intentions, and all three went away to Zhang Fei's farm where they could talk over the grand project. | |
13 | 宴桃园豪... : | 飞曰:“吾庄后有一桃园,花开正盛;明日当于园中祭告天地,我三人结为兄弟,协力同心,然后可图大事。”玄德、云长、齐声应曰:“如此甚好。”次日,于桃园中,备下乌牛白马祭礼等项,三人焚香,再拜而说誓曰:“念刘备、关羽、张飞,虽然异姓,既结为兄弟,则同心协力,救困扶危;上报国家,下安黎庶;不求同年同月同日生,但愿同年同月同日死。皇天后土,实鉴此心。背义忘恩,天人共戮。”誓毕,拜玄德为兄,关羽次之,张飞为弟。祭罢天地,复宰牛设酒,聚乡中勇士,得三百馀人,就桃园中痛饮一醉。来日收拾军器,但恨无马匹可乘。 |
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Said Zhang Fei, "The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower. Tomorrow we will institute a sacrifice there and solemnly declare our intention before Heaven and Earth, and we three will swear brotherhood and unity of aims and sentiments: Thus will we enter upon our great task." Both Liu Bei and Guan Yu gladly agreed. All three being of one mind, next day they prepared the sacrifices, a black ox, a white horse, and wine for libation. Beneath the smoke of the incense burning on the altar, they bowed their heads and recited this oath: "We three—-Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei—-though of different families, swear brotherhood, and promise mutual help to one end. We will rescue each other in difficulty; we will aid each other in danger. We swear to serve the state and save the people. We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, the all-producing, read our hearts. If we turn aside from righteousness or forget kindliness, may Heaven and Human smite us!" They rose from their knees. The two others bowed before Liu Bei as their elder brother, and Zhang Fei was to be the youngest of the trio. This solemn ceremony performed, they slew other oxen and made a feast to which they invited the villagers. Three hundred joined them, and all feasted and drank deep in the Peach Garden. The next day weapons were mustered. But there were no horses to ride. This was a real grief. | |
14 | 宴桃园豪... : | 正思虑间,人报“有两个客人,引一夥伴当,赶一群马,投庄上来。”玄德曰:“此天佑我也!”三人出庄迎接。原来二客乃中山大商:一名张世平,一名苏双,每年往北贩马,近因寇发而回。玄德请二人到庄,置酒管待,诉说欲讨贼安民之意。二客大喜,愿将良马五十匹相送;又赠金银五百两,镔铁一千斤,以资器用。玄德谢别二客,便命良匠打造双股剑。云长造青龙偃月刀,又名冷艳锯,重八十二斤。张飞造丈八点钢矛。各置全身铠甲。共聚乡勇五百馀人,来见邹靖。邹靖引见太守刘焉。三人参见毕,各通姓名。玄德说起宗派,刘焉大喜,遂认玄德为侄。 |
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But soon they were cheered by the arrival of two horse dealers with a drove of horses. "Thus does Heaven help us!" said Liu Bei. And the three brothers went forth to welcome the merchants. They were Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang from Zhongshan. They went northwards every year to buy horses. They were now on their way home because of the Yellow Scarves. The brothers invited them to the farm, where wine was served before them. Then Liu Bei told them of the plan to strive for tranquillity. Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang were glad and at once gave the brothers fifty good steeds, and beside, five hundred ounces of gold and silver and one thousand five hundred pounds of steel fit for the forging of weapons. The brothers expressed their gratitude, and the merchants took their leave. Then blacksmiths were summoned to forge weapons. For Liu Bei they made a pair of ancient swords; for Guan Yu they fashioned a long-handled, curve blade called Green-Dragon Saber, which weighed a full one hundred pounds; and for Zhang Fei they created a ten-foot spear called Serpent Halberd. Each too had a helmet and full armor. When weapons were ready, the troop, now five hundred strong, marched to Commander Zhou Jing, who presented them to Imperial Protector Liu Yan. When the ceremony of introduction was over, Liu Bei declared his ancestry, and Liu Yan at once accorded him the esteem due to a relation. | |
15 | 宴桃园豪... : | 不数日,人报黄巾贼将程远志统兵五万来犯涿郡。刘焉令邹靖引玄德等三人,统兵五百,前去破敌。玄德等欣然领军前进,直至大兴山下,与贼相见。贼众皆披发,以黄巾抹额。当下两军相对,玄德出马,─左有云长,右有翼德─,扬鞭大骂:“反国逆贼,何不早降!” |
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Before many days it was announced that the rebellion had actually broken out, and a Yellow Scarves chieftain, Cheng Yuanzhi, had invaded the region with a body of fifty thousand rebels. Liu Yan bade Zhou Jing and the three brothers to go out to oppose them with the five hundred troops. Liu Bei joyfully undertook to lead the van and marched to the foot of the Daxing Hills where they saw the rebels. The rebels wore their hair flying about their shoulders, and their foreheads were bound with yellow scarves. When the two armies had been drawn up opposite each other, Liu Bei rode to the front, Guan Yu to his left, Zhang Fei to his right. Flourishing his whip, Liu Bei began to hurl reproaches at the rebels, crying, "O malcontents! Why not dismount and be bound?" | |
16 | 宴桃园豪... : | 程远志大怒,遣副将邓茂出战。张飞挺丈八蛇矛直出,手起处,刺中邓茂心窝,翻身落马。程远志见折了邓茂,拍马舞刀,直取张飞。云长舞动大刀,纵马飞迎。程远志见了,早吃一惊;措手不及,被云长刀起处,挥为两段。后人有诗赞二人曰: |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: | Their leader Cheng Yuanzhi, full of rage, sent out one general, Deng Mao, to begin the battle. At once rode forward Zhang Fei, his serpent halberd poised to strike. One thrust and Deng Mao rolled off his horse, pierced through the heart. At this Cheng Yuanzhi himself whipped up his steed and rode forth with sword raised ready to slay Zhang Fei. But Guan Yu swung up his ponderous green-dragon saber and rode at Cheng Yuanzhi. At the sight, fear seized upon Cheng Yuanzhi, and before he could defend himself, the great saber fell, cutting him in halves. | |
英雄发颖在今朝,一试矛兮一试刀。初出便将威力展,三分好把姓名标。 | ||
Two heroes new to war's alarms, Ride boldly forth to try their arms. Their doughty deeds three kingdoms tell, And poets sing how these befell. | ||
17 | 宴桃园豪... : | 众贼见程远志被斩,皆倒戈而走。玄德挥军追赶,投降者不计其数,大胜而回。刘焉亲自迎接,赏劳军士。次日,接得青州太守龚景牒文,言黄巾贼围城将陷,乞赐救援。刘焉与玄德商议。玄德曰:“备愿往救之。”刘焉令邹靖将兵五千,同玄德,关,张,投青州来。贼众见救军至,分兵混战。玄德兵寡不胜,退三十里下寨。玄德谓关、张曰、“贼众我寡,必出奇兵,方可取胜。”乃分关公引一千军伏山左,张飞引一千军伏山右,鸣金为号,齐出接应。 |
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Their leader fallen, the rebels threw away their weapons and fled. The official soldiers dashed in among them. Many thousands surrendered and the victory was complete. Thus this part of the rebellion was broken up. On their return, Liu Yan personally met them and distributed rewards. But the next day, letters came from Imperial Protector Gong Jing of Qingzhou Region saying that the rebels were laying siege to the chief city and it was near falling. Help was needed quickly. "I will go," said Liu Bei as soon as he heard the news. And he set out at once with his own soldiers, reinforced by a body of five thousand under Zhou Jing. The rebels, seeing help coming, at once attacked most fiercely. The relieving force being comparatively small could not prevail and retired some ten miles, where they made a camp. "They are many and we but few," said Liu Bei to his brothers. "We can only beat them by superior strategy." So they prepared an ambush. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, each with a goodly party, went behind the hills, right and left, and there hid. When the gongs beat they were to move out to support the main army. | |
18 | 宴桃园豪... : | 次日,玄德与邹靖,引军鼓噪而进。贼众迎战,玄德引军便退。贼众乘势追赶,方过山岭,玄德军中一齐鸣金,左右两军齐出,玄德麾军回身复杀。三路夹攻,贼众大溃。直赶至青州城下,太守龚景亦率民兵出城助战。贼势大败,剿戮极多,遂解青州之围。后人有诗赞玄德曰: |
Three Heroes Swear Brotherhood...: | These preparations made, the drums rolled noisily for Liu Bei to advance. The rebels also came forward. But Liu Bei suddenly retired. Thinking this was their chance, the rebels pressed forward and were led over the hills. Then suddenly the gongs sounded for the ambush. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei poured out from right and left as Liu Bei faced around to meet the rebels. Under three-side attack, the rebels lost heavily and fled to the walls of Qingzhou City. But Imperial Protector Gong Jing led out an armed body to attack them, and the rebels were entirely defeated and many slain. Qingzhou was no longer in danger. | |
运筹决算有神功,二虎还须逊一龙。初出便能垂伟绩,自应分鼎在孤穷。 | ||
Though fierce as tigers soldiers be, Battles are won by strategy. A hero comes; he gains renown, Already destined for a crown. | ||
19 | 宴桃园豪... : | 龚景犒军毕,邹靖欲回。玄德曰:“近闻中郎将卢植与贼首张角战于广宗,备昔曾师事卢植,欲往助之。”于是邹靖引军自回,玄德与关、张引本部五百人投广宗来。至卢植军中,入帐施礼,具道来意。卢植大喜,留在帐前听调。 |
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After the celebrations in honor of victory were over, Commander Zhou Jing proposed to return to Youzhou. But Liu Bei said, "We are informed that Imperial Commander Lu Zhi has been struggling with a horde of rebels led by Zhang Jue at Guangzong. Lu Zhi was once my teacher, and I want to go help him." So Liu Bei and Zhou Jing separated, and the three brothers with their troops made their way to Guangzong. They found Lu Zhi's camp, were admitted to his presence, and declared the reason of their coming. The Commander received them with great joy, and they remained with him while he made his plans. | |
20 | 宴桃园豪... : | 时张角贼众十五万,植兵五万,相拒于广宗,未见胜负。植谓玄德曰:“我今围贼在此,贼弟张梁,张宝在颍川,与皇甫嵩、朱隽对垒。汝可引本部人马,我更助汝一千官军,前去颍川打探消息,约期剿捕。”玄德领命,引军星夜投颍川来。时皇甫嵩、朱隽领军拒贼,贼战不利,退入长社,依草结营。嵩与隽计曰:“贼依草结营,当用火攻之。”遂令军士,每人束草一把,暗地埋伏。其夜大风忽起。二更以后,一齐纵火,嵩与隽各引兵攻击贼寨,火焰张天,贼众惊慌,马不及鞍,人不及甲,四散奔走。杀到天明,张梁、张宝引败残军士,夺路而走。 |
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At that time Zhang Jue's one hundred fifty thousand troops and Lu Zhi's fifty thousand troops were facing each other. Neither had had any success. Lu Zhi said to Liu Bei, "I am able to surround these rebels here. But the other two brothers, Zhang Ba and Zhang Lian, are strongly entrenched opposite Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun at Yingchuan. I will give you a thousand more troops, and with these you can go to find out what is happening, and we can then settle the moment for concerted attack." So Liu Bei set off and marched as quickly as possible to Yingchuan. At that time the imperial troops were attacking with success, and the rebels had retired upon Changshe. They had encamped among the thick grass. Seeing this, Huangfu Song said to Zhu Jun, "The rebels are camping in the field. We can attack them by fire." So the Imperial Commanders bade every man cut a bundle of dry grass and laid an ambush. That night the wind blew a gale, and at the second watch they started a blaze. At the same time Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun's troops attacked the rebels and set their camp on fire. The flames rose to the very heaven. The rebels were thrown into great confusion. There was no time to saddle horses or don armor: They fled in all directions. The battle continued until dawn. Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao, with a group of flying rebels, found a way of escape. | |
21 | 宴桃园豪... : | 忽见一彪军马,尽打红旗,当头来到,截往去路。为首闪出一将,身长七尺,细眼长髯;官拜骑都尉;沛国谯郡人也:姓曹,名操,字孟德。操父曹嵩,本姓夏侯氏;因为中常侍曹腾之养子,故冒姓曹。曹嵩生操,小字阿瞒,一名吉利。操幼时,好游猎,喜歌舞;有权谋,多机变。操有叔父,见操游荡无度,尝怒之,言于曹嵩。嵩责操。操忽心生一计:见叔父来,诈倒于地,作中风之状。叔父惊告嵩,嵩急视之,操故无恙。嵩曰:“叔言汝中风,今己愈乎?”操曰:“儿自来无此病;因失爱于叔父,故见罔耳。”嵩信其言。后叔父但言操过,嵩并不听。因此,操得恣意放荡。 |
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But suddenly a troop of soldiers with crimson banners appeared to oppose them. Their leader was a man of medium stature with small eyes and a long beard. He was Cao Cao, a Beijuo man, holding the rank of Cavalry Commander. His father was Cao Song, but he was not really a Cao. Cao Song had been born to the Xiahou family, but he had been brought up by Eunuch Cao Teng and had taken this family name. As a young man Cao Cao had been fond of hunting and delighted in songs and dancing. He was resourceful and full of guile. An uncle, seeing the young fellow so unsteady, used to get angry with him and told his father of his misdeeds. His father remonstrated with him. But Cao Cao made equal to the occasion. One day, seeing his uncle coming, he fell to the ground in a pretended fit. The uncle alarmed ran to tell his father, who came, and there was the youth in most perfect health. "But your uncle said you were in a fit. Are you better?" said his father. "I have never suffered from fits or any such illness," said Cao Cao. "But I have lost my uncle's affection, and he has deceived you." Thereafter, whatever the uncle might say of his faults, his father paid no heed. So the young man grew up licentious and uncontrolled. | |
22 | 宴桃园豪... : | 时人有桥玄者,谓操曰:“天下将乱,非命世之才,不能济。能安之者,其在君乎?”南阳何顒见操,言:“汉室将亡,安天下者,必此人也。”汝南许劭,有知人之名。操往见之,问曰:“我何如人?”劭不答。又问,劭曰:“子治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄也。”操闻言大喜。年二十,举孝廉,为郎,除洛阳北都尉。初到任,即设五色棒十馀条于县之四门。有犯禁者,不避豪贵,皆责之。中常侍蹇硕之叔,提刀夜行,操巡夜拏住,就棒责之。由是,内外莫敢犯者,威名颇震。后为顿丘令。因黄巾起,拜为骑都尉,引马步军五千,前来颍川助战。正值张梁、张宝败走,曹操拦住,大杀一阵,斩首万馀级,夺得旗旛、金鼓马匹极多。张梁、张宝死战得脱。操见过皇甫嵩,朱隽,随即引兵追袭张梁、张宝去了。 |
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A man of the time named Qiao Xuan said to Cao Cao, "Rebellion is at hand, and only a man of the greatest ability can succeed in restoring tranquillity. That man is yourself." And He Yong of Nanyang said of him, "The dynasty of Han is about to fall. He who can restore peace is this man and only he." Cao Cao went to inquire his future of a wise man of Runan named Xu Shao. "What manner of man am I?" asked Cao Cao. The seer made no reply, and again and again Cao Cao pressed the question. Then Xu Shao replied, "In peace you are an able subject; in chaos you are a crafty hero!" Cao Cao greatly rejoiced to hear this. Cao Cao graduated at twenty and earned a reputation of piety and integrity. He began his career as Commanding Officer in a county within the Capital District. In the four gates of the city he guarded, he hung up clubs of various sorts, and he would punish any breach of the law whatever the rank of the offender. Now an uncle of Eunuch Jian Shuo was found one night in the streets with a sword and was arrested. In due course he was beaten. Thereafter no one dared to offend again, and Cao Cao's name became heard. Soon he became a magistrate of Dunqiu. At the outbreak of the Yellow Scarves, Cao Cao held the rank of General and was given command of five thousand horse and foot to help fight at Yingchuan. He just happened to fall in with the newly defeated rebels whom he cut to pieces. Thousands were slain and endless banners and drums and horses were captured, together with huge sums of money. However, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang got away; and after an interview with Huangfu Song, Cao Cao went in pursuit of them. | |
23 | 宴桃园豪... : | 却说玄德引关、张来颍川,听得喊杀之声,又望见火光烛天,急引兵来时,贼已败散。玄德见皇甫嵩,朱隽,其道卢植之意。嵩曰:“张梁、张宝势穷力乏,必投广宗去依张角。玄德可即星夜往助。” |
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Meanwhile Liu Bei and his brothers were hastening toward Yingchuan, when they heard the din of battle and saw flames rising high toward the sky. But they arrived too late for the fighting. They saw Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to whom they told the intentions of Lu Zhi. "The rebel power is quite broken here," said the commanders, "but they will surely make for Guangzong to join Zhang Jue. You can do nothing better than hasten back." | |
24 | 宴桃园豪... : | 玄德领命,遂引兵复回。到得半路,只见一簇军马,护送一辆槛车,车中之囚,乃卢植也。玄德大惊,滚鞍下马,问其缘故。植曰:“我围张角,将次可破;因角用妖术,未能即胜。朝廷差黄门左丰前来体探,问我索取贿赂。我答曰:‘军粮尚缺,安有馀钱奉承天使?’左丰挟恨,回奏朝廷,说我高垒不战,惰慢军心;因此朝廷震怒,遣中郎将董卓来代将我兵,取我回京问罪。” |
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The three brothers thus retraced their steps. Half way along the road they met a party of soldiers escorting a prisoner in a cage-cart. When they drew near, they saw the prisoner was no other than Lu Zhi, the man they were going to help. Hastily dismounting, Liu Bei asked what had happened. Lu Zhi explained, "I had surrounded the rebels and was on the point of smashing them, when Zhang Jue employed some of his supernatural powers and prevented my victory. The court sent down Eunuch Zhuo Feng to inquire into my failure, and that official demanded a bribe. I told him how hard pressed we were and asked him where, in the circumstances, I could find a gift for him. He went away in wrath and reported that I was hiding behind my ramparts and would not give battle and that I disheartened my army. So I was superseded by Dong Zhuo, and I have to go to the capital to answer the charge." | |
25 | 宴桃园豪... : | 张飞听罢,大怒,要斩护送军人,以救卢植。玄德急止之曰:“朝廷自有公论,汝岂可造次?”军士簇拥卢植去了。关公曰:“卢中郎已被逮,别人领兵,我等去无所依,不如且回涿郡。”玄德从其言,遂引军北行。 |
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This story put Zhang Fei into a rage. He was for slaying the escort and setting free Lu Zhi. But Liu Bei checked him. "The government will take the due course," said Liu Bei. "You must not act hastily!" And the escort and the three brothers went two ways. It was useless to continue on that road to Guangzong, so Guan Yu proposed to go back to Zhuo, and they retook the road. | |
26 | 宴桃园豪... : | 行无二日,忽闻山后喊声大震。玄德引关、张纵马上高冈望之,见汉军大败,后面漫山塞野,黄巾盖地而来,旗上大书“天公将军”。玄德曰:“此张角也!可速战!” |
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Two days later they heard the thunder of battle behind some hills. Hastening to the top, they beheld the government soldiers suffering great loss, and they saw the countryside was full of Yellow Scarves. On the rebels' banners were the words Zhang Jue the Lord of Heaven written large. "We will attack this Zhang Jue!" said Liu Bei to his brothers, and they galloped out to join in the battle. | |
27 | 宴桃园豪... : | 三人飞马引军而出。张角正杀败董卓,乘势赶来,忽遇三人冲杀,角军大乱,败走五十馀里。三人救了董卓回寨。卓问三人现居何职。玄德曰:“白身。”卓甚轻之,不为礼。玄德出,张飞大怒曰:“我等亲赴血战,救了这厮,他却如此无礼;若不杀之,难消我气!”便要提刀入帐来杀董卓。正是:人情势利古犹今,谁识英雄是白身?安得快人如翼德,尽诛世上负心人!毕竟董卓性命如何,且看下文分解。 |
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Zhang Jue had worsted Dong Zhuo and was following up his advantage. He was in hot pursuit when the three brothers dashed into his army, threw his ranks into confusion, and drove him back fifteen miles. Then the brothers returned with the rescued general to his camp. "What offices have you?" asked Dong Zhuo, when he had leisure to speak to the brothers. "None," replied they. And Dong Zhuo treated them with disrespect. Liu Bei retired calmly, but Zhang Fei was furious. "We have just rescued this menial in a bloody fight," cried Zhang Fei, "and now he is rude to us! Nothing but his death can slake my anger." Zhang Fei stamped toward Dong Zhuo's tent, holding firmly a sharp sword. As it was in olden time so it is today, The simple wight may merit well, Officialdom holds sway; Zhang Fei, the blunt and hasty, Where can you find his peer? But slaying the ungrateful would Mean many deaths a year. Dong Zhuo's fate will be unrolled in later chapters. |
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