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《废汉帝陈留为皇,谋董贼孟德献刀 - Deposition Of The Emperor: The Prince Of Chenliu Gets The Throne; Schemes Against Dong Zhuo: Cao Cao Presents A Sword》 |
1 | 废汉帝陈... : | 且说董卓欲杀袁绍,李儒止之曰:“事未可定,不可妄杀。”袁绍手提宝剑,辞别百官而出,悬节东门,奔翼州去了。卓谓太传袁隗曰:“汝侄无礼,吾看汝面,姑恕之。废立之事若何?”隗曰:“太尉所见是也。”卓曰:“敢有阻大议者,以军法从事。”群臣震恐,皆云:“一听尊命。”宴罢,卓问侍中周毖、校尉伍琼曰:“袁绍此去若何?”周毖曰:“袁绍忿忿而去,若购之急,势必为变,且袁氏树恩四世,门生故吏,遍于天下;倘收豪杰以聚徙众,英雄因之而起,山东非公有也。不如赦之,拜为一郡守,则绍喜于免罪,必无患矣。”伍琼曰:“袁绍好谋无断,不足为虑;诚不若加之一郡守,以收民心。” |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
Dong Zhuo was on the point of slaying Yuan Shao, but Li Ru checked him, saying, "You must not kill rashly while the business hangs in the balance." Yuan Shao, his sword still unsheathed, left the assembly. He hung up the seals of his office at the east gate and went to Jizhou Region. Dong Zhuo said to Imperial Guardian Yuan Wei, "Your nephew behaved improperly, but I pardon him for your sake. What think you of my scheme?" "What you think is right," was the reply. "If anyone opposes the great scheme, he will be dealt with by military law!" said Dong Zhuo. The ministers, thoroughly dreaded, promised obedience, and the feast came to an end. Dong Zhuo asked Counselor Zhou Bi and Commander Wu Qiong what they thought of the flight of Yuan Shao. Zhou Bi said, "He left in a state of great anger. In such a state of excitement much harm may ensue to the present state of affairs, especially as the Yuan family have been noted for their high offices for four generations, and their proteges and dependents are everywhere. If they assemble bold people and call up their clients, all the valiant warriors will be in arms, and the whole Shandong Mountains will be lost. You had better pardon Yuan Shao and give him a post. He will be glad at being forgiven and will do no harm." Wu Qiong said, "Yuan Shao is fond of scheming, but he fails in decision and so is not to be feared. But it would be well to give him rank and thus win popular favor." | |
2 | 废汉帝陈... : | 卓从之,即日差人拜绍为渤海太守。九月朔,请帝升嘉德殿,大会文武。卓拔剑在手,对众曰:“天子暗弱,不足以君天下。今有策文一道,宜为宣读。”乃令李儒读策曰:“孝灵皇帝,早弃臣民;皇帝,海内仰望。而帝天资轻佻,威仪不恪,居丧慢惰:否德既彰,有忝大位。皇太后教无母仪,统政荒乱。永乐太后暴崩,众论惑焉。三纲之道,天地之纪,毋乃有阙?陈留王协,圣德伟懋,规矩肃然;居丧哀戚,言不以邪;休声美誉,天下所闻:宜承洪业,为万世统。兹废皇帝为弘农王,皇太后还政。请奉陈留王为皇帝,应天顺人,以慰生灵之望。” |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
Dong Zhuo followed this advice, and within that day sent a messenger to offer Yuan Shao the governorship of Bohai. On the first day of the ninth month, the Emperor was invited to proceed to the Hall of Virtue where was a great assembly of officials. There Dong Zhuo, sword in hand, faced the gathering and said, "The Emperor is a weakling unequal to the burden of ruling this land. Now listen ye to the document I have prepared!" And Li Ru read as follows: "The dutiful Emperor Ling too soon left his people. The emperor is the cynosure of all the people of this land. Upon the present Emperor Bian, Heaven has conferred but small gifts: In dignity and deportment he is deficient, and in mourning he is remiss. Only the most complete virtue can grace imperial dignity. Empress He has trained him improperly, and the whole state administration has fallen into confusion. Empress Dong died suddenly and no one knew why. The doctrine of the three bonds —-Heaven, Earth, and Human —-and the continuity of Heaven and Earth interdependence have both been injured. "But Liu Xian, Prince of Chenliu, is sage and virtuous beside being of handsome exterior. He conforms to all the rules of propriety: His mourning is sincere, and his speech is always correct. Eulogies of him fill the empire. He is well fitted for the great duty of consolidating the rule of Han. "Now therefore the Emperor is deposed and created Prince of Hongnong, and Empress He retires from the administration. "I pray the Prince of Chenliu to accept the throne in conformity with the decrees of Heaven and Earth, the desires of people, and the fulfillment of the hopes of humankind." | |
3 | 废汉帝陈... : | 李儒读策毕,卓叱左右扶帝下殿,解其玺绶,北面长跪,称臣听命。又呼太后去服候敕。帝后皆号哭。群臣无不悲惨。阶下一大臣,愤怒高叫曰:“贼臣董卓,敢为欺天之谋,吾当以颈血溅之!”挥手中象简,直击董卓。卓大怒,喝武士拏下,乃尚书丁管也。卓命牵出斩也。管骂不绝口,至死神色不变。后人有诗叹曰: |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: | This having been read, Dong Zhuo bade the officials lead the Emperor down from the throne, remove his seal, and cause him to kneel facing the north, styling himself faithful servant of the Throne and requesting commands. Moreover Dong Zhuo bade Empress He strip off her royal dress of ceremony and await the imperial command. Both victims of this oppression wept bitterly, and every minister present was deeply affected. One minister put his discontent into words, crying, "The false Dong Zhuo is the author of this insult, which I will risk my life to wipe away!" And with this he rushed at Dong Zhuo threatening with his ivory baton of office. It was Chair of the Secretariat Ding Guan. Dong Zhuo had Ding Guan removed and summarily put to death. Before his death, Ding Guan ceased not to rail at the oppressor, nor was he frightened at death. | |
董贼潜怀废立图,汉家宗社委丘墟。满朝臣宰皆囊括,惟有丁公是丈夫。 | ||
The rebel Dong Zhuo conceived the foul design To thrust the King aside and wrong his line. With folded arms the courtiers stood, save one Ding Guan, who dared to cry that wrong was done. | ||
4 | 废汉帝陈... : | 卓请陈留王登殿。群臣朝贺毕,卓命扶何太后并弘农王及帝妃唐氏于永安宫闲住,封锁宫门,禁群臣无得擅入。可怜少帝四月登基,至九月即被废。卓所立陈留王协,表字伯和,灵帝中子,即献帝也,时年九岁。改元初平。董卓为相国,赞拜不名,入朝不趋,剑履上殿,威福莫比。李儒劝卓擢用名流,以收人望,因荐蔡邕之才。卓命徵之,邕不赴。卓怒,使人谓邕曰:“如不来,当灭汝族。”邕惧,只得应命而至。卓见邕大喜,一月三迁其官,拜为侍中,甚见亲厚。 |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
Then the emperor designate, Prince of Chenliu, went to the upper part of the hall to receive congratulations. After this the former Emperor —-now Prince of Hongnong —-, his mother, and the Imperial Consort, Lady Tang, were removed to the Palace of Forever Calm. The entrance gates were locked against all comers. It was pitiful! There was the young emperor, after reigning less than half a year, deposed and another put in his place. The new Emperor was Liu Xian, the second son of the late Emperor Ling. He was nine years of age, five years younger than his deposed brother. The new reign-style was changed to Inauguration of Tranquillity, the first year (AD 190). Becoming the Prime Minister, Dong Zhuo was most powerful and arrogant. When he bowed before the throne, he did not declare his name. In going to court he did not hasten. Booted and armed he entered the reception halls. He amassed a wealth exceeding any other's. His adviser, Li Ru, impressed upon Dong Zhuo constantly to employ people of reputation so that he should gain public esteem. Therefore, Dong Zhuo restored many offices of those who had been victims of the eunuchs. For those who had died, he gave ranks and positions to their progeny. When they told him Cai Yong was a man of talent, Dong Zhuo summoned him. But Cai Yong would not go. Dong Zhuo sent a message to him that if he did not come, he and his whole clan should be exterminated. Then Cai Yong gave in and appeared. Dong Zhuo was very gracious to him and promoted him thrice in a month. Cai Yong became Court Counselor. Such was the generosity of the Prime Minister. | |
5 | 废汉帝陈... : | 却说少帝与何太后、唐妃困于永安宫中,衣服饮食,渐渐欠缺;少帝泪不曾乾。一日,偶见双燕飞于庭中,遂吟诗一首。诗曰: |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: | Meanwhile the deposed ruler, his mother, and his consort were immured in the Palace of Forever Calm and found their daily supplies gradually diminishing. The deposed Emperor wept incessantly. One day a pair of swallows gliding to and fro moved him to verse: | |
嫩草绿凝烟,袅袅双飞燕。洛水一条青,陌上人称羡。远望碧云深,是吾旧宫殿。何人仗忠义,泄我心中怨! | ||
"Spring and the green of the tender grass, Flushes with joy as the swallows pass; The wayfarers pause by the rippling stream, And their eyes will new born gladness gleam; With lingering gaze the roofs I see Of the Palace that one time sheltered me. But those whom I sheltered in all righteousness, Let's not stay in silence when the days pass useless?" | ||
6 | 废汉帝陈... : | 董卓时常使人探听。是日获得此诗,来呈董卓。卓曰:“怨望作诗,杀之有名矣。”遂命李儒带武士十人,入宫弑帝。帝与后、妃正在楼上,宫女报李儒至,帝大惊。儒以鸩酒奉帝,帝问何故。儒曰:“春日融和,董相国特上寿酒。”太后曰:“既云寿酒,汝可先饮。”儒怒曰:“汝不饮耶?”呼左右持短刀白练于前曰:“寿酒不饮,可领此二物!”唐妃跪告曰:“妾身代帝饮酒,愿公存母子性命。”儒叱曰:“汝何人,可代王死?”乃举酒与何太后曰:“汝可先饮!”后大骂何进无谋,引贼入京,致有今日之祸。儒催逼帝,帝曰:“容我与太后作别。”乃大恸而作歌。其歌曰: |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
The messenger, sent by Dong Zhuo from time to time to the palace for news of the prisoners, got hold of this poem and showed it to his master. "So he shows his resentment by writing poems, eh! A fair excuse to put them all out of the way," said Dong Zhuo. Li Ru was sent with ten men into the palace to consummate the deed. The three were in one of the upper rooms when Li Ru arrived. The Emperor shuddered when the maid announced the visitor's name. Presently Li Ru entered and offered a cup of poisoned wine to the Emperor. The Emperor asked what this meant. "Spring is the season of blending and harmonious interchange, and the Prime Minister sends a wine cup of longevity," said Li Ru. "If it be the wine of longevity, you may share it too," said Empress He. Then Li Ru became brutally frank. "You will not drink?" asked he. He called the men with daggers and cords and bade the Emperor look at them. "The cup, or these?" said he. Then said Lady Tang, "Let the handmaid drink in place of her lord. Spare the mother and her son, I pray!" "And who may you be to die for a prince?" said Li Ru. Then he presented the cup to the Empress once more and bade her drink. She railed against her brother, the feckless He Jin, the author of all this trouble. She would not drink. Next Li Ru approached the Emperor. "Let me say farewell to my mother," begged he, and he did so in these lines: | |
天地易兮日月翻,弃万乘兮退守藩。为巨逼兮命不久,大势去兮空泪潸! | ||
"The heaven and earth are changed, Alas! the sun and the moon leave their courses, I, once the center of all eyes, am driven to the farthest confines, Oppressed by an arrogant minister my life nears its end, Everything fails me and vain are my falling tears." | ||
7 | 废汉帝陈... : | 唐妃亦作歌曰: |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: | Lady Tang sang: | |
皇天将崩兮,后土颓;身为帝姬兮,恨不随。生死异路兮,从此别;奈何茕速兮,心中悲! | ||
"Heaven is to be rent asunder, Earth to fall away, I, handmaid of an emperor, would grieve if I followed him not. We have come to the parting of ways, the quick and the dead walk not together; Alas! I am left alone with the grief in my heart." | ||
8 | 废汉帝陈... : | 歌罢,相抱而哭。李儒叱曰:“相国立等回报,汝等俄延,望谁救耶?”太后大骂:“董贼逼我母子,皇天不佑!汝等助恶,必当灭族!”儒大怒,双手扯住太后,直撺下楼,叱武士绞死唐妃,以鸩酒灌杀少帝,还报董卓。卓命葬于城外。自此每夜入宫,奸淫宫女,夜宿龙床。尝引军出城,行到阳城地方,时当二月,村民社赛。男女皆集,卓命军士围住,尽皆杀之,掠妇女财物,装载车上,悬头千馀颗于车下,连轸还都,扬言杀贼大胜而回;于城门下焚烧人头,以妇女财物分散众军。 |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
When they had sung these lines, they fell weeping into each others' arms. "The Prime Minister is awaiting my report," said Li Ru, "and you delay too long. Think you that there is any hope of succor?" The Empress broke into another fit of railing, "The rebel forces us to death, mother and son, and Heaven has abandoned us. But you, the tool of his crime, will assuredly perish!" Thereupon Li Ru grew more angry, laid hands on the Empress and threw her out of the window. Then he bade the soldiers strangle Lady Tang and forced the lad to swallow the wine of death. Li Ru reported the achievement to his master who bade them bury the victims without the city. After this Dong Zhuo's behavior was more atrocious than before. He spent his nights in the Palace, defiled the imperial concubines there, and even slept on the Dragon Couch. Once he led his soldiers out of the city to Yangcheng when the villagers, men and women, were assembled from all sides for the annual spring festival. His troops surrounded the place and plundered it. They took away booty by the cart loads, and women prisoners and more than one thousand severed heads. The procession returned to Capital Luoyang and published a story that they had obtained a great victory over some rebels. They burned the heads beneath the walls, and the women and jewelry were shared out among the soldiers. | |
9 | 废汉帝陈... : | 越骑校尉伍孚,字德瑜,见卓残暴,愤恨不平。尝于朝服内披小铠,藏短刀,欲伺便杀卓。一日,卓入朝,孚迎至阁下,拔刀直刺卓。卓气力大,两手抠住;吕布便入,揪倒伍孚。卓问曰:“谁教汝反?”孚瞪目大喝曰:“汝非吾君,吾非汝臣,何反之有?汝罪恶盈天,人人愿得而诛之!吾恨不车裂汝以谢天下!”卓大怒,命牵出剖剐之。孚至死骂不绝口。后人有诗赞之曰: |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
A general named Wu Fu was disgusted at this ferocity and sought a chance to slay Dong Zhuo. Wu Fu constantly wore a breastplate underneath his court dress and carried in conceal a sharp dagger. One day when Dong Zhuo came to court, Wu Fu met him on the steps and tried to stab him. But Dong Zhuo was a very powerful man and held Wu Fu off till Lu Bu came to his help. Lu Bu struck down the assailant. "Who told you to rebel?" said Dong Zhuo. Wu Fu glared at him and cried, "You are not my prince, I am not your minister: Where is the rebellion? Your crimes fill the heavens, and every person would slay you. I am sorry I cannot tear you asunder with chariots to appease the wrath of the world!" Dong Zhuo bade the guards take him out and hack him to pieces. Wu Fu only ceased railing as he ceased to live. | |
汉末忠臣说伍孚,冲天豪气世间无。朝堂杀贼名犹在,万古堪称大丈夫! | ||
That loyal servant of the latter days of Han. His valor was high as the heavens, in all ages unequaled; In the court itself would he slay the rebel, great is his fame! Throughout all time will people call him a hero. | ||
10 | 废汉帝陈... : | 董卓自此出入常带甲士护卫。时袁绍在渤海,闻知董卓弄权,乃差人赍密书来见王允。书略曰:卓贼欺天废主,人不忍言;而公恣其跋扈,如不听闻,岂报国效忠之臣哉?绍今集兵练卒,欲扫清王室,未敢轻动。公若有心,当乘间图之。若有驱使,即当奉命。 |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: | Thereafter Dong Zhuo always went well guarded. At Bohai, Yuan Shao heard of Dong Zhuo's misuse of power and sent a secret letter to Minister of the Interior Wang Yun: "That rebel Dong Zhuo outrages Heaven and has deposed his ruler. Common people dare not speak of him: That is understandable. Yet you suffer his aggressions as if you knew naught of them. How then are you a dutiful and loyal minister? I have assembled an army and desire to sweep clean the royal habitation, but I dare not lightly begin the task. If you are willing, then find an opportunity to plot against this man. If you would use force, I am at your command." | |
11 | 废汉帝陈... : | 王允得书,寻思无计。一日,于侍班阁子内见旧臣俱在,允曰:“今日老夫贱降,晚间敢屈众位到舍小酌。”众官皆曰:“必来祝寿。”当晚王允设宴后堂,公卿皆至。酒行数巡,王允忽然掩面大哭。众官惊问曰:“司徒贵诞,何故发悲?”允曰:“今日并非贱降,因欲与众位一叙,恐董卓见疑,故托言耳。董卓欺主弄权,社稷旦夕难保。想高皇诛秦灭楚,奄有天下;谁想传至今日,乃丧于董卓之手:此吾所以哭也。”于是众官皆哭。坐中一人抚掌大笑曰:“满朝公卿,夜哭到明,明哭到夜,还能哭死董卓否?”允视之,乃骁骑校尉曹操也。允怒曰:“汝祖宗亦食禄汉朝,今不思报国而反笑耶?”操曰:“吾非笑别事,笑众位无一计杀董卓耳。操虽不才,愿即断董卓头,悬之都门,以谢天下。”允避席问曰:“孟德有何高见?”操曰:“近日操屈身以事卓者,实欲乘间图之耳。今卓颇信操,操因得时近卓。闻司徒有七星宝刀一口,愿借与操入相府刺杀之,虽死不恨!”允曰:“孟德果有是心,天下幸甚!”遂亲自酌酒奉操。操沥酒设誓,允随取宝刀与之。操藏刀,饮酒毕,即起身辞别众官而去。众官又坐了一回,亦俱散讫。 |
Deposition Of The Emperor:...: |
The letter arrived but Wang Yun could see no chance to plot against Dong Zhuo. One day while among the throng in attendance, mostly people of long service, Wang Yun said to his colleagues, "This is my birthday, I pray you come to a little party in my humble cot this evening." "We certainly will," they cried, "and wish you long life." That night the tables were spread in an inner room, and his friends gathered there. When the wine had made a few rounds, the host suddenly covered his face and began to weep. The guests were aghast. "Sir, on your birthday too, why do you weep?" said they. "It is not my birthday," replied Wang Yun. "But I wished to call you together, and I feared lest Dong Zhuo should suspect, so I made that the excuse. This man insults the Emperor and does as he wishes so that the imperial prerogatives are in imminent peril. I think of the days when our illustrious founder destroyed the Qin, annihilated Chu, and obtained the empire. Who could have foreseen this day when that Dong Zhuo has subjugated all to his will? That is why I weep." Then they all wept with him. Seated among the guests, however, was Cao Cao, who did not join in the weeping but clapped his hands and laughed aloud. "If all the officers of the government weep till dawn, and from dawn weep till dark, will that slay Dong Zhuo?" said Cao Cao. Wang Yun turned on him angrily. "Your forbears ate the bounty of the Hans. Do you feel no gratitude? You can laugh?" "I laughed at the absurdity of an assembly like this being unable to compass the death of one man. Foolish and incapable as I am, I will cut off his head and hang it at the gate as an offering to the people." Wang Yun left his seat and went over to Cao Cao. "These later days," Cao Cao continued, "I have bowed my head to Dong Zhuo with the sole desire of finding a chance to destroy him. Now he begins to trust me, and so I can approach him sometimes. You have a sword with seven precious jewels which I would borrow, and I will go into his palace and kill him. I care not if I die for it." "What good fortune for the world that this is so!" said Wang Yun. With this Wang Yun himself poured out a goblet for Cao Cao who drained it and swore an oath. After this the treasured sword was brought out and given to Cao Cao who hid it under his dress. He finished his wine, took leave of the guests, and left the hall. Before long the others dispersed. | |
12 | 废汉帝陈... : | 次日,曹操佩著宝刀,来至相府,问丞相何在。从人云:“在小阁中。”操竟入。见董卓坐于床上,吕布侍立于侧。卓曰:“孟德来何迟?”操曰:“马赢行迟耳。”卓顾谓布曰:“吾有西凉进来好马,奉先可亲去拣一骑赐与孟德。”布领令而去。操暗忖曰:“此贼合死!”即欲拔刀刺之。惧卓力大,未敢轻动。卓胖大不耐久坐,遂倒身而卧,转面向内。操又思曰:“此贼当休矣!”急掣宝刀在手。恰待要刺,不想董卓仰面看衣镜中,照见曹操在背后拔刀,急回身问曰:“孟德何为?” |
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The next day Cao Cao, with this short sword girded on, came to the palace of the Prime Minister. "Where is the Prime Minister?" asked he. "In the small guest room," replied the attendants. So Cao Cao went in and found his host seated on a couch. Lu Bu was at his side. "Why so late, Cao Cao?" said Dong Zhuo. "My horse is out of condition and slow," replied Cao Cao. Dong Zhuo turned to his henchman Lu Bu. "Some good horses have come in from the west. You go and pick out a good one as a present for him." And Lu Bu left. "This traitor is doomed!" thought Cao Cao. He ought to have struck then, but Cao Cao knew Dong Zhuo was very powerful, and he was afraid to act. He wanted to make sure of his blow. Now Dong Zhuo's corpulence was such that he could not remain long sitting, so he rolled over couch and lay face inwards. "Now is the time," thought the assassin, and he gripped the good sword firmly. But just as Cao Cao was going to strike, Dong Zhuo happened to look up and in a mirror he saw the reflection of Cao Cao behind him with a sword in the hand. "What are you doing, Cao Cao?" said Dong Zhuo turning suddenly. | |
13 | 废汉帝陈... : | 时吕布已牵马至阁外,操惶遽,乃持刀跪下曰:“操有宝刀一口,献上恩相。”卓接视之,见其刀长尺馀,七宝嵌饰,极其锋利,果宝刀也;遂递与吕布收了。操解鞘付布。卓引操出阁看马。操谢曰:“借愿试一骑。”卓就教与鞍辔。操牵马出相府,加鞭望东南而去。布对卓曰:“适来曹操似有行刺之状,及被喝破,故推献刀。”卓曰:“吾亦疑之。” |
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And at that moment Lu Bu came along leading a horse. Cao Cao in a flurry dropped on his knees and said, "I have a precious sword here which I wish to present to Your Benevolence." Dong Zhuo took it. It was a fine blade, over a foot in length, inlaid with the seven precious signs and very keen —-a fine sword in very truth. Dong Zhuo handed the weapon to Lu Bu while Cao Cao took off the sheath which he also gave to Lu Bu. Then they went out to look at the horse. Cao Cao was profuse in his thanks and said he would like to try the horse. So Dong Zhuo bade the guards bring saddle and bridle. Cao Cao led the creature outside, leapt into the saddle, laid on his whip vigorously, and galloped away eastward. Lu Bu said, "Just as I was coming up, it seemed to me as if that fellow was going to stab you, only a sudden panic seized him and he presented the weapon instead." "I suspected him too!" said Dong Zhuo. | |
14 | 废汉帝陈... : | 正说话间,适李儒至,卓以其事告之。儒曰:“操无妻小在京,只独居寓所。今差人往召,如彼无疑而便来,则是献刀;如推托不来,则必是行刺,便可擒而问也。”卓然其说,即差狱卒四人往唤操。去了良久,回报曰:“操不曾回寓,乘马飞出东门。门吏问之,操曰:‘丞相差我有紧急公事’,纵马而去矣。”儒曰:“操贼心逃窜,行刺无疑矣。”卓大怒曰:“我如此重用,反欲害我!”儒曰:“此必有同谋者,待拏住曹操便可知矣。”卓遂令遍行文书,画影图形,捉拏曹操。擒献者,赏千金,封万户侯;窝藏者同罪。 |
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Just then Li Ru came in and they told him. "Cao Cao has no family here in the capital but lodges quite alone and not far away," said Li Ru. "Send for him. If he comes forthwith, the sword was meant as a gift. But if he makes any excuses, he had bad intentions. And you can arrest him." They sent four prison warders to call Cao Cao. They were absent a long time and then came back, saying, "Cao Cao had not returned to his lodging but rode in hot haste out of the eastern gate. To the gate commander's questions he replied that he was on a special message for the Prime Minister. He went off at full speed." "His conscience pricked him and so he fled. There is no doubt that he meant assassination!" said Li Ru. "And I trusted him so well!" said Dong Zhuo in a rage. "There must be a conspiracy afoot. When we catch him, we shall know all about it," said Li Ru. Letters and pictures of the fugitive Cao Cao were sent everywhere with orders to catch him. A large reward in money was offered and a patent of nobility, while those who sheltered him would be held to share his guilt. | |
15 | 废汉帝陈... : | 且说曹操逃出城外,飞奔谯郡。路经中牟县,为守关军士所获,擒见县令。操言:“我是客商,覆姓皇甫。”县令熟视曹操,沈吟半晌,乃曰:“吾前在洛阳求官时,曾认得汝是曹操,如何隐讳?且把来监下,明日解去京师请赏。”把关军士赐以酒食而去。 |
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Cao Cao traveled in hot haste toward Qiao, his home county. On the road at Zhongmou, he was recognized by the guards at the gate and made prisoner. They took him to the Magistrate. Cao Cao declared he was a merchant, named Huang Fu. The Magistrate scanned his face most closely and remained in deep thought. Presently the Magistrate said, "When I was at the capital seeking a post, I knew you as Cao Cao. Why do you try to conceal your identity?" The Magistrate ordered Cao Cao to the prison till the morrow when he could send Cao Cao to the capital and claim the reward. He gave the soldiers wine and food as a reward. | |
16 | 废汉帝陈... : | 至夜分,县令唤亲随人暗地取出曹操,直至后院中审究;问曰:“我闻丞相待汝不薄,何故自取其祸?”操曰:“‘燕雀安知鸿鹄志哉!’汝既拏住我,便当解去请赏。”县令屏退左右,谓操曰:“汝休小觑我。我非俗吏,奈未遇其主耳。”操曰:“吾祖宗世食汉禄,若不思报国,与禽兽何异?吾屈身事卓者,欲乘间图之,为国除害耳。今事不成,乃天意也!”县令曰:“孟德此行,将欲何往?”操曰:“吾将归乡里,发矫诏,召天下诸侯兴兵共诛董卓,吾之愿也。” |
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About midnight the Magistrate sent a trusty servant to bring the prisoner into his private rooms for interrogation. "They say the Prime Minister treated you well. Why did you try to harm him?" said Magistrate. "How can swallows and sparrows understand the flight of the crane and the wild goose? I am your prisoner and to be sent to the capital for a reward. Why so many questions?" The Magistrate sent away the attendants and turning to the prisoner said, "Do not despise me. I am no mere hireling; only I have not yet found the lord to serve." Said Cao Cao, "My ancestors enjoyed the bounty of Han, and should I differ from a bird or a beast if I did not desire to repay them with gratitude? I have bowed the knee to Dong Zhuo that thereby I might find an opportunity against him, and so remove this evil from the state. I have failed for this time. Such is the will of Heaven." "And where are you going?" "Home to my county. Thence I shall issue a summons calling all the bold people to come with forces to kill the tyrant. This is my desire." | |
17 | 废汉帝陈... : | 县令闻言,乃亲释其缚,扶之上坐,再拜曰:“公真天下忠义之士也!”曹操亦拜,问县令姓名。县令曰:“吾姓陈,名宫,字公台。老母妻子,皆在东郡。今感公忠义,愿弃一官,从公而逃。”操甚喜。是夜陈宫收拾盘费,与曹操更衣易服,各背剑一口,乘马投故乡来。 |
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Thereupon the Magistrate himself loosened the bonds of the prisoner, led him to the upper seat, and bowed, saying, "I am called Chen Gong. My aged mother and family are in the east county of Dongjun. I am deeply affected by your loyalty and uprightness, and I will abandon my office and follow you!" Cao Cao was delighted with this turn of affairs. Chen Gong at once collected some money for the expenses of their journey and gave Cao Cao a different dress. Then each took a sword and rode away toward Qiao. | |
18 | 废汉帝陈... : | 行了三日,至成皋地方,天色向晚。操以鞭指林深处,谓宫曰:“此间有一人姓吕,名伯奢,是吾父结义弟兄;就往问家中消息,觅一宿,如何?”宫曰:“最好。”二人至庄前下马,入见伯奢。奢曰:“我闻朝廷遍行文书,捉汝甚急,汝父已避陈留去了。汝如何得至此?”操告以前事,曰:“若非陈县令,已粉骨碎身矣。”伯奢拜陈宫曰:“小侄若非使君,曹氏灭门矣。使君宽怀安坐,今晚便可下榻草舍。”说罢,即起身入内。良久乃出,谓陈宫曰:“老夫家无好酒,容往西村沽一樽来相待。”言讫,匆匆上驴而去。 |
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Three days later at eventide they reached Chenggao. Cao Cao pointed with his whip to a hamlet deep in the woods and said, "There lives my uncle, Lu Boshe, a sworn-brother of my father. Suppose we go and ask news of my family and seek shelter for the night?" "Excellent!" said his companion Chen Gong, and they rode over, dismounted at the farm gate and entered. Lu Boshe greeted them and said to Cao Cao, "I hear the government has sent stringent orders on all sides to arrest you. Your father has gone into hiding to Chenliu. How has this all come about?" Cao Cao told him and said, "Had it not been for this man here with me, I should have been already hacked to pieces." Lu Boshe bowed low to Chen Gong, saying, "You are the salvation of the Cao family. But be at ease and rest, I will find you a bed in my humble cottage." Lu Boshe then rose and went into the inner chamber where he stayed a long time. When he came out, he said, "There is no good wine in the house. I am going over to the village to get some for you." And he hastily mounted his donkey and rode away. | |
19 | 废汉帝陈... : | 操与宫坐久,忽闻庄后有磨刀之声。操曰:“吕伯奢非吾至亲,此去可疑,当窃听之。”二人潜步入草堂后,但闻人语曰:“缚而杀之,何如?”操曰:“是矣!今若不先下手,必遭擒获。”遂与宫拔剑直入,不问男女,皆杀之,一连杀死八口。搜至厨下,却见缚一猪欲杀。宫曰:“孟德心多,误杀好人矣!”急出庄上马而行。行不到二里,只见伯奢驴鞍前悬酒二瓶,手携果菜而来,叫曰:“贤侄与使君何故便去?”操曰:“被罪之人,不敢久住。”伯奢曰:“吾已分付家人宰一猪相款,贤侄、使君何憎一宿?速请转骑。” |
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The two travelers sat a long time. Suddenly they heard at the back of the house the sound of sharpening a knife. Cao Cao said to Chen Gong, "He is not my real uncle. I am beginning to doubt the meaning of his going off. Let us listen." So they silently stepped out into a straw hut at the back. Presently someone said, "Bind before killing, eh?" "As I thought," said Cao Cao. "Now unless we strike first, we shall be taken!" Suddenly Cao Cao and Chen Gong dashed in, sword in hand, and slew the whole household male and female, in all eight persons. After this they searched the house. In the kitchen they found a pig bound ready to kill. "You were too suspicious," said Chen Gong, "and we have slain honest folks!" Cao Cao and Chen Gong at once mounted and rode away. Soon they met their host Lu Boshe coming home, and over the saddle in front of him they saw two vessels of wine. In his hands he carried fruits and vegetables. "Why are you going, Sirs?" Lu Boshe called to them. "Wanted people dare not linger," said Cao Cao. "But I have bidden them kill a pig! Why do you refuse my poor hospitality? I pray you ride back with me." | |
20 | 废汉帝陈... : | 操不顾,策马便行。行不数步,忽拔剑复回,叫伯奢曰:“此来者何人?”伯奢回头看时,操挥剑砍伯奢于驴下。宫大惊曰:“适才误耳,今何为也?”操曰:“伯奢到家,见杀死多人,安肯干休?若率众来追,必遭其祸矣。”宫曰:“知而故杀,大不义也!”操曰:“宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我。”陈宫默然。 |
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Cao Cao paid no heed, urging his horse forward. But he suddenly drew his sword and rode back after Lu Boshe. "Who is that coming along?" called Cao Cao. Lu Boshe turned and looked back, and Cao Cao at the same instant cut Lu Boshe down. Chen Gong was frightened. "We were wrong enough before," cried Chen Gong. "What now is this?" "When he got home and saw his family killed, think you he would bear it patiently? If he had raised an alarm and followed us, we should have been killed." "To kill deliberately is very wrong," said Chen Gong. "Rather we let down the world than the world let us down!" was the reply. Chen Gong only thought. | |
21 | 废汉帝陈... : | 当夜行数里,月明中敲开客店门投宿。喂饱了马,曹操先睡。陈宫寻思:“我将谓曹操是好人,弃官跟他;原来是个狠心之徒!今日留之,必为后患。”便欲拔剑来杀曹操。正是:设心狠毒非良士,操卓原来一路人。毕竟曹操性命如何,且听下文分解。 |
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They rode on some distance by moonlight and presently knocked up an inn for shelter. Having first fed their horses, Cao Cao was soon asleep, but Chen Gong lay thinking. "I took him for a true man and left all to follow him, but he is as cruel as a wolf. If I spare him, he will do more harm later," thought Chen Gong. And Chen Gong rose intending to kill his companion. In his heart lie cruelty and venom, he is no true man; In nought does he differ from his enemy Dong Zhuo. The further fortunes of Cao Cao will be told in later chapters. |
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