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《张翼德大闹长板桥,刘豫州败走汉津 - Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs At Long Slope Bridge; Defeated Liu Bei Marches To Hanjin》 |
1 | 张翼德大... : | 却说锺缙、锺绅,二人拦住赵云厮杀。赵云挺枪便刺。锺缙当先挥大斧来迎。两马相交,战不三合,被云一枪刺落马下,夺路便走。背后锺绅持戟赶来,马尾相冲,那枝戟只在赵云后心内弄影。云急拨转马头,恰好两胸相拍。云左手持枪隔过画戟,右手拔出青釭宝剑砍去,带盔连脑,砍去一半,绅落马而死,馀众奔散。赵云得脱,望长板桥而走。只闻后面喊声大震。原来文聘引军赶来。赵云到得桥边,人困马乏。见张飞挺矛立马于桥上,云大呼曰:“翼德援我!”飞曰:“子龙速行,追兵我自当之。” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
As related in the last chapter two generals appeared in front of Zhao Zilong, who rode at them with his spear ready for a thrust. Zhong Jin was leading, flourishing his battle-ax. Zhao Zilong engaged and very soon unhorsed him. Then Zhao Zilong galloped away. Zhong Shen rode up behind ready with his halberd, and his horse's nose got so close to the other's tail that Zhao Zilong could see in his armor the reflection of the play of Zhong Shen's weapon. Then suddenly, and without warning, Zhao Zilong wheeled round his horse so that he faced his pursuer, and their two steeds struck breast to breast. With his spear in his left hand, Zhao Zilong warded off the halberd strokes, and in his right he swung the blue blade sword. One slash and he had cut through both helmet and head. Zhong Shen fell to the ground, a corpse with only half a head on his body. His followers fled, and Zhao Zilong retook the road toward Long Slope Bridge. But in his rear arose another tumultuous shouting, seeming to rend the very sky, and Wen Ping came up behind. However, although the man was weary and his steed spent, Zhao Zilong got close to the bridge where he saw standing, all ready for any fray, Zhang Fei. "Help me, Zhang Fei!" he cried and crossed the bridge. "Hasten!" cried Zhang Fei, "I will keep back the pursuers!" | |
2 | 张翼德大... : | 云纵马过桥,行二十馀里,见玄德与众人憩于树下。云下马伏地而泣。玄德亦泣。云喘息而言曰:“赵云之罪,万死犹轻!糜夫人身带重伤,不肯上马,投井而死。云只得推土墙掩之;怀抱公子,身突重围;赖主公洪福,幸而得脱。适才公子尚在怀中啼哭,此一会不见动静,想是不能保也。”遂解视之。原来阿斗正睡著未醒。云喜曰:“幸得公子无恙!”双手递与玄德。玄德接过,掷之于地曰:“为汝这孺子,几损我一员大将!”赵云忙向地下抱起阿斗,泣拜曰:“云虽肝脑涂地,不能报也!”后人有诗曰: |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
About seven miles from the bridge, Zhao Zilong saw Liu Bei with his followers reposing in the shade of some trees. He dismounted and drew near, weeping. The tears also started to Liu Bei's eyes when he saw his commander. Still panting from his exertions, Zhao Zilong gasped out, "My fault —-death is too light a punishment. Lady Mi was severely wounded. She refused my horse and threw herself into a well. She is dead, and all I could do was to fill in the well with the rubbish that lay around. But I placed the babe in the breast of my fighting robe and have won my way out of the press of battle. Thanks to the little lord's grand luck I have escaped. At first he cried a good deal, but for some time now he has not stirred or made a sound. I fear I may not have saved his life after all." Then Zhao Zilong opened his robe and looked: The child was fast asleep. "Happily, Sir, your son is unhurt," said Zhao Zilong as he drew him forth and presented him in both hands. Liu Bei took the child but threw it aside angrily, saying, "To preserve that suckling I very nearly lost a great general!" Zhao Zilong picked up the child again and, weeping, said, "Were I ground to powder, I could not prove my gratitude." | |
曹操军中飞虎出,赵云怀内小龙眠。无由抚慰忠臣意,故把亲儿掷马前。 | ||
From out Cao Cao's host a tiger rushed, His wish but to destroy; Though Liu Bei's consort lost her life, Zhao Zilong preserved her boy. "Too great the risk you ran to save This child," the father cried. To show he rated Zhao Zilong high, He threw his son aside. | ||
3 | 张翼德大... : | 却说文聘引军追赵云至长板桥,只见张飞倒竖虎须,圆睁环眼,手绰蛇矛,立马桥上;又见桥东树林之后,尘头大起,疑有伏兵,便勒住马不敢近前。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: | Wen Ping and his company pursued Zhao Zilong till they saw Zhang Fei's bristling mustache and fiercely glaring eyes before them. There he was seated on his battle steed, his hand grasping his terrible serpent spear, guarding the bridge. They also saw great clouds of dust rising above the trees and concluded they would fall into an ambush if they ventured across the bridge. So they stopped the pursuit, not daring to advance further. | |
4 | 张翼德大... : | 俄而曹仁、李典、夏侯敦、夏侯渊、乐进、张辽、张合、许褚等都至。见飞怒目横矛,立马于桥上,又恐是诸葛孔明之计,都不敢近前,扎住阵脚,一字儿摆在桥西,使人飞报曹操。操闻知,急上马,从阵后来。张飞圆睁环眼,隐隐见后军青罗伞盖、旄钺旌旗来到,料得是曹操心疑,亲自来看。飞乃厉声大喝曰:“我乃燕人张翼德也!谁敢与我决一死战?”声如巨雷。曹军闻之,尽皆股栗。曹操急令去其伞盖,回顾左右曰:“我向曾闻云长言,翼德于百万军中,取上将之首,如探囊取物。今日相逢,不可轻敌。” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
In a little time Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Li Dian, Yue Jing, Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Zhang He, and other generals of Cao Cao came up, but none dared advance, frightened not only by Zhang Fei's fierce look, but lest they should become victims of a ruse of Zhuge Liang. As they came up, they formed a line on the west side, halting till they could inform their lord of the position. As soon as the messengers arrived and Cao Cao heard about it, he mounted and rode to the bridge to see for himself. Zhang Fei's fierce eye scanning the hinder position of the army opposite him saw the silken umbrella, the axes and banners coming along, and concluded that Cao Cao came to see for himself how matters stood. So in a mighty voice he shouted: "I am Zhang Fei of Yan. Who dares fight with me?" At the sound of this thunderous voice, a terrible quaking fear seized upon Cao Cao, and he bade them take the umbrella away. Turning to his followers, he said, "Guan Yu had said that his brother Zhang Fei was the sort of man to go through an army of a hundred legions and take the head of its commander-in-chief, and do it easily. Now here is this terror in front of us, and we must be careful." | |
5 | 张翼德大... : | 言未已,张飞睁目又喝曰:“燕人张翼德在此!谁敢来决死战?”曹操见张飞如此气概,颇有退心。飞望见曹操后军阵脚移动,乃挺矛又喝曰:“战又不战,退又不退,却是何故!” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
As he finished speaking, again that terrible voice was heard, "I am Zhang Fei of Yan.Who dares fight with me?" Cao Cao, seeing his enemy so fierce and resolute, was too frightened to think of anything but retreat. Zhang Fei, seeing a movement going on in the rear, once again shook his spear and roared, "What mean you? You will not fight nor do you run away!" | |
6 | 张翼德大... : | 喊声未绝,曹操身边夏侯杰惊得肝胆碎裂,倒撞于马下。操便回马而走。于是诸军众将一齐望西逃奔。正是:黄口孺子,怎闻霹雳之声;病体樵夫,难听虎豹之吼。一时弃枪落盔者,不计其数。人如潮涌,马似山崩,自相践踏。后人有诗曰: |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: | This roar had scarcely begun when one of Cao Cao's staff, Xiahou Jie, reeled and fell from his horse terror-stricken, paralyzed with fear. The panic touched Cao Cao and spread to his whole surroundings, and he and his staff galloped for their lives. They were as frightened as a suckling babe at a clap of thunder or a weak woodcutter at the roar of a tiger. Many threw away their spears, dropped their casques and fled, a wave of panic-stricken humanity, a tumbling mass of terrified horses. None thought of ought but flight, and those who ran trampled the bodies of fallen comrades under foot. | |
长板桥头杀气生,横枪立马眼圆睁。一声好似轰雷震,独退曹家百万兵。 | ||
Zhang Fei was wrathful; and who dared To accept his challenge? Fierce he glared; His thunderous voice rolled out, and then In terror fled Cao Cao's armed soldiers. | ||
7 | 张翼德大... : | 却说曹操惧张飞之威,骤马望西而走,冠簪尽落,披发奔逃。张辽、许褚赶上扯住辔环。曹操仓皇失措。张辽曰:“丞相休惊。料张飞一人,何足深惧!今急回军杀去,刘备可擒也。”曹操方才神色稍定,乃令张辽、许褚再至长板桥探听消息。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Panic-stricken Cao Cao galloped westward with the rest, thinking of nothing but getting away. He lost his headdress, and his loosened hair streamed behind him. Presently Zhang Liao and Xu Chu came up with him and seized his bridle; fear had deprived him of all self-control. "Do not be frightened," said Zhang Liao. "After all Zhang Fei is but one man and not worthy of extravagant fear. If you will only return and attack, you will capture your enemy." That time Cao Cao had somewhat overcome his panic and become reasonable. Two generals were ordered back to the bridge to reconnoiter. | |
8 | 张翼德大... : | 且说张飞见曹军一拥而退,不敢追赶,速唤回原随二十馀骑,解去马尾树枝,令将桥梁拆断,然后回马来见玄德,具言断桥一事。玄德曰:“吾弟勇则勇矣,惜失于计较。”飞问其故。玄德曰:“曹操多谋:汝不合拆断桥梁。彼必追至矣。”飞曰:“他被我一喝,倒退数里,何敢再追?”玄德曰:“若不断桥,彼恐有埋伏,不敢进兵;今拆断了桥,彼料我无军而怯,必来追赶。彼有百万之众,虽涉江汉,可填而过,岂惧一桥之断耶?”于是即刻起身,从小路斜投汉津,望沔阳路而走。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Zhang Fei saw the disorderly rout of the enemy but he dared not pursue. However, he bade his score or so of dust-raising followers to cut loose the branches from their horses' tails and come to help destroy the bridge. This done he went to report to his brother and told him of the destruction of the bridge. "Brave as you are, brother, and no one is braver, but you are no strategist," said Liu Bei. "What mean you, brother?" "Cao Cao is very deep. You are no match for him. The destruction of the bridge will bring him in pursuit." "If he ran away at a yell of mine, think you he will dare return?" "If you had left the bridge, he would have thought there was an ambush and would not have dared to pass it. Now the destruction of the bridge tells him we are weak and fearful, and he will pursue. He does not mind a broken bridge. His legions could fill up the biggest rivers that we could get across." So orders were given to march, and they went by a bye-road which led diagonally to Hanjin by the road of Minyang. | |
9 | 张翼德大... : | 却说曹操使张辽、许褚探长板桥消息,回报曰:“张飞已拆断桥梁而去矣。”操曰:“彼断桥而去,乃心怯也。”遂传令差一万军,速搭三座浮桥,只今夜就要过。李典曰:“此恐是诸葛亮之诈谋,不可轻进。”操曰:“张飞一勇之夫,岂有诈谋?”遂传下号令,火速进兵。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
The two generals sent by Cao Cao to reconnoiter near Long Slope Bridge returned, saying, "The bridge has been destroyed. Zhang Fei has left." "Then he is afraid," said Cao Cao. Cao Cao at once gave orders to set ten thousand men at work on three floating bridges to be finished that night. Li Dian said, "I fear this is one of the wiles of Zhuge Liang. So be careful." "Zhang Fei is just a bold warrior, but there is no guile about him," said Cao Cao. He gave orders for immediate advance. | |
10 | 张翼德大... : | 却说玄德行近汉津,忽见后面尘头大起,鼓声连天,喊声震地。玄德曰:“前有大江,后有追兵,如之奈何?”急命赵云准备抵敌。曹操下令军中曰:“今刘备釜中之鱼,阱中之虎;若不就此时擒捉,如放鱼入海,纵虎归山矣。众将可努力向前。”众将领令,一个个奋威追赶。忽山坡后鼓声响处,一队军马飞出,大叫曰:“我在此等候多时了!” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Liu Bei was making all speed to Hanjin. Suddenly there appeared in his track a great cloud of dust whence came loud rolls of drums and shoutings. Liu Bei was dismayed and said, "Before us rolls the Great River; behind is the pursuer. What hope is there for us?" But he bade Zhao Zilong organize a defense. Now Cao Cao in an order to his army had said, "Liu Bei is a fish in the fish kettle, a tiger in the pit. Catch him this time, or the fish will get back to the sea and the tiger escape to the mountains. Therefore every general must use his best efforts to press on." In consequence every leader bade those under him hasten forward. And they were pressing on at great speed, when suddenly a body of soldiers appeared from the hills and a voice cried, "I have waited here a long time!" | |
11 | 张翼德大... : | 当头那员大将,手执青龙刀,坐下赤兔马。原来是关云长,去江夏惜得军马一万,探知当阳长板大战,特地从此路截出。曹操一见云长,即勒住马回顾众将曰:“又中诸葛亮之计也!”传令大军速退。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
The leader who had shouted this bore in his hand the green-dragon saber and rode Red Hare, for indeed it was no other than Guan Yu. He had gone to Jiangxia for help and had returned with a whole legion of ten thousand. Having heard of the battle, he had taken this very road to intercept pursuit. As soon as Guan Yu appeared, Cao Cao stopped and said to his officers, "Here we are, tricked again by that Zhuge Liang!" Without more ado he ordered a retreat. | |
12 | 张翼德大... : | 云长追赶十数里,即回军保护玄德等到汉津,已有船只伺候;云长请玄德并甘夫人、阿斗至船中坐定。云长问曰:“二嫂如何不见?”玄德诉说当阳之事。云长叹曰:“昔日猎于许田时,若从吾意,可无今日之患。”玄德曰:“我于此时亦‘投鼠忌器’耳。” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Guan Yu followed him some three miles and then drew off to act as guard to his elder brother on his way to the river. There boats were ready, and Liu Bei and family went on board. When all were settled comfortably in the boat, Guan Yu asked where was his sister, the second wife of his brother, Lady Mi. Then Liu Bei told him the story of Dangyang. "Alas!" said Guan Yu. "Had you taken my advice that day of the hunting in Xutian, we should have escaped the misery of this day." "But," said Liu Bei, "on that day it was 'Ware damaged when pelting rats.'" | |
13 | 张翼德大... : | 正说之间,忽见江南岸战鼓大鸣,舟船如蚁,顺风扬帆而来。玄德大惊。船来至近,只见一人白袍银铠,立于船头上大呼曰:“叔父别来无恙?小侄得罪来迟!”玄德视之,乃刘琦也。琦过船哭拜曰:“闻叔父困于曹操,小侄特来接应。”玄德大喜,遂合兵一处而行。在船中正诉情由,忽西南上战船一字儿摆开,乘风唿哨而至。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Just as Liu Bei spoke, he heard war drums on the south bank. A fleet of boats, thick as a flight of ants, came running up with swelling sails before the fair wind. He was alarmed. The boats came nearer. There Liu Bei saw the white clad figure of a man wearing a silver helmet who stood in the prow of the foremost ship. The leader cried, "Are you all right, my uncle? I am very guilty." It was Liu Qi. He bowed low as the ship passed, saying, "I heard you were in danger from Cao Cao, and I have come to aid you." Liu Bei welcomed Liu Qi with joy, and his soldiers joined in with the main body, and the whole fleet sailed on, while they told each other their adventures. Unexpectedly in the southwest there appeared a line of fighting ships swishing up before a fair wind. | |
14 | 张翼德大... : | 刘琦惊曰:“江夏之兵,小侄已尽起至此矣。今有战船拦路,非曹操之军,即江东之军也,如之奈何?” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: | Liu Qi said, "All my troops are here, and now there is an enemy barring the way. If they are not Cao Cao's ships, they must be from the South Land. We have a poor chance. What now?" | |
15 | 张翼德大... : | 玄德出船头视之,见一人纶巾道服,坐在船头上,乃孔明也,背后立著孙乾。玄德慌请过船,问其何故却在此。孔明曰:“亮自至江夏,先令云长于汉津登陆地而接应。我料曹操必来追赶,主公必不从江陵来,必斜取汉津矣;故特请公子先来接应,我竟往夏口,尽起军前来相助。” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Liu Bei went to the prow and gazed at them. Presently he made out a figure in a turban and Daoist robe sitting in the bows of one of the boats and knew it to be Zhuge Liang. Behind him stood Sun Qian. When they were quite near, Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang how he came to be there. And Zhuge Liang reported what he had done, saying, "When I reached Jiangxia, I sent Guan Yu to land at Hanjin with reinforcements, for I feared pursuit from Cao Cao and knew that road you would take instead of Jiangling. So I prayed your nephew to go to meet you, while I went to Xiakou to muster as many soldiers as possible." | |
16 | 张翼德大... : | 玄德大悦,合为一处,商议破曹之策。孔明曰:“夏口城险,颇有钱粮,可以久守。请主公到夏口屯住。公子自回江夏,整顿战船,收拾军器,为犄角之势,可以抵当曹操。若共归江夏,则势反孤矣。”刘琦曰:“军师之言甚善。但愚意欲请叔父暂至江夏,整顿军马停当,再回夏口不迟。”玄德曰:“贤侄之言亦是。”遂留下云长,引五千军守夏口。玄德、孔明、刘琦共投江夏。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
The new-comers added to their strength, and they began once more to consider how their powerful enemy might be overcome. Said Zhuge Liang, "Xiakou is strong and a good strategic point. It is also rich and suited for a lengthy stay. I would ask you, my lord, to make it a permanent camp. Your nephew can go to Jiangxia to get the fleet in order and prepare weapons. Thus we can create two threatening angles for our position. If we all return to Jiangxia, the position will be weakened." Liu Qi replied, "The Directing Instructor's words are excellent, but I wish rather my uncle stayed awhile in Jiangxia till the army was in thorough order. Then he could go to Xiakou." "You speak to the point, nephew," replied Liu Bei. Then leaving Guan Yu with five thousand troops at Xiakou he, with Zhuge Liang and his nephew, went to Jiangxia. | |
17 | 张翼德大... : | 却说曹操见云长在旱路引军截出,疑有伏兵,不敢来追;又恐水路先被玄德夺了江陵,便星夜提兵赴江陵来。荆州治中邓义、别驾刘先。已备知襄阳之事,料不能抵敌曹操,遂引荆州军民出郭投降。 |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
When Cao Cao saw Guan Yu with a force ready to attack, he feared lest a greater number were hidden away behind, so he stopped the pursuit. He also feared lest Liu Bei should take Jiangling, so he marched thither with all haste. The two officers in command at Jingzhou City, Deng Yi and Liu Xin, had heard of the death of their lord Liu Zong at Xiangyang and, knowing that there was no chance of successful defense against Cao Cao's armies, they led out the people of Jingzhou to the outskirts and offered submission. | |
18 | 张翼德大... : | 曹操入城,安民已定,释韩嵩之囚,加为大鸿胪。其馀众官,各有封赏。曹操与众将议曰:“今刘备已投江夏,恐结连东吴,是滋蔓也。当用何计破之?”荀攸曰:“我今大振兵威,遣使驰檄江东,请孙权会猎于江夏,共擒刘备,分荆州之地,永结盟好。孙权必惊疑而来降,则吾事济矣。” |
Screaming Zhang Fei Triumphs...: |
Cao Cao entered the city and, after restoring order and confidence, he released Han Song and gave him the dignified office of Director of Ambassadorial Receptions. He rewarded the others. Then said Cao Cao, "Liu Bei has gone to Jiangxia and may ally himself with the South Land, and the opposition to me will be greater. Can he be destroyed?" Xun You said, "The splendor of your achievements has spread wide. Therefore you might send a messenger to invite Sun Quan to a grand hunting party at Jiangxia, and you two could seize Liu Bei, share Jingzhou with Sun Quan, and make a solemn treaty. Sun Quan will be too frightened not to come over to you, and your end will be gained." | |
19 | 张翼德大... : | 操从其计,一面发檄遣使赴东吴;一面计点马步水军共八十三万,诈称一百万,水陆并进,船骑双行,沿江而来。西连荆峡,东接蕲黄,寨栅联络三百馀里。 |
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Cao Cao agreed. He sent the letters by a messenger, and he prepared his army —-horse and foot and marines. He had in all eight hundred thirty thousand troops, but he called them a million. The attack was to be by land and water at the same time. The fleet advanced up the river in two lines. On the west it extended to Jingxia, on the east to Qichun. The stockades stretched one hundred miles. | |
20 | 张翼德大... : | 话分两头。却说江东孙权,屯兵柴桑郡,闻曹操大军至襄阳,刘琮已降,今又星夜兼道取江陵,乃集众谋士商议御守之策。鲁肃曰:“荆州与国邻接,江山险固,士民殷富。吾若据而有之,此帝王之资也。今刘表新亡,刘备新败,肃请奉命往江夏吊丧,因说刘备使抚刘表,众将同心一意,共破曹操;备若喜而从命,则大事可成矣。”权喜从其言,即遣鲁肃赍礼往江夏吊丧。 |
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The story of Cao Cao's movements and successes reached Sun Quan, then in camp at Chaisang. He assembled his strategists to decide on a scheme of defense. Lu Su said, "Jingzhou is contiguous to our borders. It is strong and defensive, its people are rich. It is the sort of country that an emperor or a king should have. Liu Biao's recent death gives an excuse for me to be sent to convey condolence and, once there, I shall be able to talk over Liu Bei and the officers of the late Imperial Protector to combine with you against Cao Cao. If Liu Bei does as I wish, then success is yours." Sun Quan thought this a good plan, so he had the necessary letters prepared, and the gifts, and sent Lu Su with them. | |
21 | 张翼德大... : | 却说玄德至江夏,与孔明、刘琦共议良策。孔明曰:“曹操势大,急难抵敌,不如往投东吴孙权,以为应援。使南北相持,吾等于中取利,有何不可?”玄德曰:“江东人物极多,必有远谋,安肯相容耶?”孔明笑曰:“今操引百万之众,虎踞江汉,江东安得不使人来探听虚实?”若有人到此,亮借一帆风,直至江东,凭三寸不烂之舌,说南北两军互相吞并。若南军胜,共诛曹操以取荆州之地;若北军胜,则我乘势以取江南可也。”玄德曰:“此论甚高。但如何得江东人到?” |
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All this time Liu Bei was at Jiangxia where, with Zhuge Liang and Liu Qi, he was endeavoring to evolve a good plan of campaign. Zhuge Liang said, "Cao Cao's power is too great for us to cope with. Let us go over to the South Land and ask help from Sun Quan. If we can set north and south at grips, we ought to be able to get some advantage from our intermediate position between them." "But will they be willing to have anything to do with us?" said Liu Bei. "The South Land is a large and populous country, and Sun Quan has ambitions of his own." Zhuge Liang replied, "Cao Cao with his army of a million holds the Han River and a half of the Great River. The South Land will certainly send to find out all possible about the position. Should any messenger come, I shall borrow a little boat and make a little trip over the river and trust to my little lithe tongue to set north and south at each other's throats. If the south wins, we will assist in destroying Cao Cao in order to get Jingzhou. If the north wins, we shall profit by the victory to get the South Land. So we shall get some advantage either way." "That is a very fine view to take," said Liu Bei. "But how are you going to get hold of anyone from the South Land to talk to?" | |
22 | 张翼德大... : | 正说间,人报江东孙权差鲁肃来吊丧,船已傍岸。孔明笑曰:“大事济矣!”遂问刘琦曰:“往日孙策亡时,襄阳曾遣人去吊丧否?”琦曰:“江东与我家有杀父之雠,安得通庆吊之礼?”孔明曰:“然则鲁肃之来,非为吊丧,乃来探听军情也。”遂谓玄德曰:“鲁肃至,若问曹操动静,主公只推不知。再三问时,主公只说可问诸葛亮。” |
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Liu Bei's question was answered by the arrival of Lu Su, and as the ship touched the bank and the envoy came ashore, Zhuge Liang laughed, saying, "It is done!" Turning to Liu Qi he asked, "When Sun Ce died, did your country send any condolences?" "It is impossible there would be any mourning courtesies between them and us. We had caused the death of his father, Sun Jian." "Then it is certain that this envoy does not come to present condolences but to spy out the land." So he said to Liu Bei, "When Lu Su asks about the movements of Cao Cao, you will know nothing. If he presses the matter, say he can ask me." | |
23 | 张翼德大... : | 计议已定,使人迎接鲁肃。肃入城吊丧,收过礼物,刘琦请肃与玄德相见。礼毕,邀入后堂饮酒。肃曰:“久闻皇叔大名,无缘拜会;今幸得见,实为欣慰。近闻皇叔与曹操会战,必知彼虚实:敢问操军约有几何?”玄德曰:“备兵微将寡,一闻操至即走,竟不知彼虚实。”鲁肃曰:“闻皇叔用诸葛孔明之谋,两场火烧得曹操魂亡胆落,何言不知耶?”玄德曰:“除非问孔明,便知其详。”肃曰:“孔明安在?愿求一见。” |
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Having thus prepared their scheme, they sent to welcome the envoy, who entered the city in mourning garb. The gifts having been accepted, Liu Qi asked Lu Su to meet Liu Bei. When the introductory ceremonies were over, the three men went to one of the inner chambers to drink a cup of wine. Presently Lu Su said to Liu Bei, "By reputation I have known you a long time, Uncle Liu Bei, but till today I have not met you. I am very gratified at seeing you. You have been fighting Cao Cao, though, lately, so I suppose you know all about him. Has he really so great an army? How many, do you think, he has?" "My army was so small that we fled whenever we heard of his approach. So I do not know how many he had." "You had the advice of Zhuge Liang, and you used fire on Cao Cao twice. You burned him almost to death so that you can hardly say you know nothing about his soldiers," said Lu Su. "Without asking my adviser, I really do not know the details." "Where is Zhuge Liang? I should like to see him," said Lu Su. | |
24 | 张翼德大... : | 玄德教请孔明出来相见。肃见孔明礼毕,问曰:“向慕先生才德,未得拜晤;今幸相遇,愿闻目今安危之事。”孔明曰:“曹操奸计,亮已尽知;但恨力未及,故且避之。”肃曰:“皇叔今将止于此乎?”孔明曰:“使君与苍梧太守吴臣有旧,将往投之。”肃曰:“吴臣粮少兵微,自不能保,焉能容人?”孔明曰:“吴臣处虽不足久居,今且暂依之,别有良图。” |
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So they sent for him, and he was introduced. When the ceremonies were over, Lu Su said, "I have long admired your genius but have never been fortunate enough to meet you. Now that I have met you, I hope I may speak of present politics." Replied Zhuge Liang, "I know all Cao Cao's infamies and wickednesses, but to my regret we were not strong enough to withstand him. That is why we avoided him." "Is the Imperial Uncle going to stay here?" "The Princely One is an old friend of Wu Ju, Governor of Changwu, and intends to go to him." "Wu Ju has few troops and insufficient supplies. He cannot ensure safety for himself. How can he receive the Uncle?" said Lu Su. "Changwu is not one to remain in long, but it is good enough for the present. We can make other plans for the future." | |
25 | 张翼德大... : | 肃曰:“孙将军虎踞六郡,兵精粮足,又极敬贤礼士,江东英雄,多归附之;今为君计,莫若遣心腹往结东吴,以共图大事。”孔明曰:“刘使君与孙将军自来无旧,恐虚费词说。且别无心腹之人可使。”肃曰:“先生之兄,现为江东参谋,日望与先生相见。肃不才,愿与公同见孙将军,共议大事。”玄德曰:“孔明是吾之师,顷刻不可相离,安可去也?” |
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Lu Su said, "Sun Quan is strongly posted in the six southern territories and is exceedingly well supplied. He treats able people and scholars with the greatest courtesy and so they gather round him. Now if you are seeking a plan for your Prince, you cannot do better than send some friend to confer with him." "There have never been any relations between my master and yours," said Zhuge Liang. "I fear there would be nothing but a waste of words. Besides, we have no one to send." "Your elder brother Zhuge Jin is there as adviser and is longing to see you. I am but a simple wight, but I should be pleased to discuss affairs with my master and you." "But Zhuge Liang is my Directing Instructor," said Liu Bei, "and I cannot do without him. He cannot go." | |
26 | 张翼德大... : | 肃坚请孔明同去。玄德佯不许。孔明曰:“事急矣,请奉命一行。”玄德方才许诺。鲁肃遂别了玄德、刘琦,与孔明登舟,望柴桑郡来。正是:只因诸葛扁舟去,致使曹兵一旦休。不知孔明此去毕竟如何,且看下文分解。 |
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Lu Su pressed him. Liu Bei pretended to refuse permission. "It is important. I pray you give me leave to go," said Zhuge Liang. Then Liu Bei consented. And they soon took leave and the two set out by boat for Sun Quan's headquarters. A little boat sailed down the stream With Zhuge Liang well content; For he could see his enemies To fiery perdition sent. The result of this journey will appear in the following chapter. |
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