| 弱民: |
民弱國強,民強國弱,故有道之國,務在弱民。樸則強,淫則弱;弱則軌,淫則越志;弱則有用,越志則強。故曰:「以強去強1者弱,以弱去強者強。」 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
A weak people means a strong state and a strong state means a weak people. Therefore, a country, which has the right way, is concerned with weakening the people. If they are simple they become strong, and if they are licentious they become weak. Being weak, they are law-abiding; being licentious, they let their ambition go too far; being weak, they are serviceable, but if they let their ambition go too far, they will become strong. Therefore is it said: 'To remove the strong by means of a strong people brings weakness; to remove the strong by means of a weak people brings strength.' 1. 強 : Another version reads: "弱". 《》引作「弱」。
| 弱民: |
民善之則和,利之則用;用則有任,和則匱;有任乃富於政。上舍法,任民之所善,故姦多。民貧則力富,民富則淫,淫則有蝨。故民富而不用,則使民以食出爵,爵必以其力,則農不偷。農不偷,六蝨無萌。故國富而民治,重強。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
The people, if they are benefited, are harmonious, and if they are loved, they are serviceable; being serviceable, they receive appointments, and being harmonious, they are not deficient. Receiving appointments, they will enrich themselves in government positions, the ruler will abandon the law and allow things to be done for the benefit of the people. Thus criminals will be numerous. If the people are poor, they will be rich in strength, and being rich in strength, they become licentious; being licentious, they will suffer from the parasites. Therefore, if the people are rich and unemployed, they should be made to obtain titles by means of their grain and every one of them will certainly become strong. Then there will be no derogation of agriculture, and the six parasites will not sprout out, and thus, the state being rich and the people orderly, there will be twofold strength. |
| 弱民: |
兵易弱難強,民樂生安佚,死難難正,易之則強。事有羞,多姦寡;賞無失,多姦疑。敵失必利,兵至強威。事無羞,利用兵,久處利勢,必王。故兵行敵之所不敢行,強;事興敵之所羞為,利。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
An army easily becomes weak, but it is difficult to keep it strong. The people enjoy life and feel happy in leisure, but find it difficult to risk death in dangers. If they find it easy, they will be strong. If there are things that one is ashamed of doing, in the case where there are many crimes and few rewards, there is no loss, and in the case where there are many crimes and the suspicion falls on the enemy, the loss will certainly become gain and the army will become extremely strong and redoubtable. If there are no things which one is ashamed of doing, it is of advantage to use the army, and if one retains the advantage for a long time, one's position will become assuredly supreme. Therefore, if one's army accomplishes what the enemy dares not accomplish, one becomes strong, and if affairs are undertaken which the enemy is ashamed to perform, one obtains advantage. |
| 弱民: |
法有,民安其次;主變,事能得齊;國守安,主操權利。故主貴多變,國貴少變。利出一孔,則國多物;出十孔,則國少物。守一者治,守十者亂。治則強,亂則弱,強則物來,弱則物去。故國致物者強,去物者弱。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
If there is law and the people are quiet, changes made by the ruler are relegated to the second place, so that affairs become well organized; the country is interested in maintaining peace and quiet, but a ruler in wielding his authority and privileged position; thus a ruler values many changes, but the country values few changes. If the profit leaks out through only one outlet, the state will have many products, but if it leaks out through ten outlets, the state will have few products. If only one outlet is preserved, there will be orderly government; but if ten outlets are preserved, there will be disorder. Orderly government brings strength, but disorder brings weakness; when there is strength, products are imported, but when there is weakness, products are exported. Therefore a state that imports products is strong and one that exports products is weak. |
| 弱民: |
民辱則貴爵,弱則尊官,貧則重賞。以刑治民則樂用,以賞戰民則輕死。故戰事兵用曰強。民有私榮,則賤列卑官;富則輕賞。治民羞辱以刑,戰則戰。民畏死事亂而戰,故兵農怠而國弱。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
If the people live in humiliation, they value rank; if they are weak, they honour office; and if they are poor, they prize rewards. If the people are governed by means of punishments, they enjoy service, and if the people are made to fight by means of rewards, they scorn death. Therefore if, in war, one's army is efficient, one is called strong. If the people have private honours, they hold rank cheap and disdain office, if they are rich, they think lightly of rewards. Orderly people are ashamed of humiliations, and if they are made to fight by means of punishments, they will fight; if in fighting people are afraid of death and behave in a disorderly manner, the result will be that soldiers and farmers will be lazy and the country weak. |
| 弱民: |
農商官三者,國之常官也。農闢地,商致物,官治民。三官生蝨六;曰歲,曰食,曰美,曰好,曰志,曰行。六者有樸,必削。農有餘食,則薄燕於歲。商有淫利,有美好傷器。官設而不用,志行為卒。六蝨成俗,兵必大敗。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
Farming, trade and office are the three permanent functions in a state. Farmers open up the soil, merchants import products, officials rule the people. These three functions give rise to parasites, six in number, which are called: care for old age, living on others, beauty, love, ambition and virtuous conduct. If these six parasites find an attachment, there will be dismemberment. If farmers live in affluence, they seek leisure in their old age; if merchants have illicit profits, there will be beauty and love, and these will harm the means for enforcing the law; if officials are set up, but are not utilized, ambition and virtuous conduct will be the end. If the six parasites become a pervading custom, the army will certainly suffer great defeats. |
| 弱民: |
法枉治亂,任善言多;治眾國亂,言多兵弱。法明治省,任力言息;治省國治,言息兵強。故治大國,小;治小國,大。政作民之所惡,民弱;政作民之所樂,民強。民弱國強,民強國弱。政作民之所樂,民強;民強而強之,兵重弱。政作民之所惡,民弱;民弱而弱之,兵重強。故以強重弱,削;弱重強,王。以強攻強,弱,強存;以弱攻弱,強,強去。強存則削,強去則王。故以強攻弱,削;以弱攻強,王也。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
If the law is crooked, order turns into disorder; if reliance is placed on virtue, there is much talking; if government measures are numerous, the state is in disorder; and if there is much talking, the army is weak. But if the law is clear, government measures are limited; if reliance is placed on force, talking ceases; if government measures are limited, the country enjoys orderly administration; and if talking ceases, the army is strong. Therefore, in ruling a great country, it becomes small and in ruling a small country, it becomes great. If the government takes such measures as the people hate, the people are made weak, and if it takes such measures as the people like, the people are made strong. But a weak people means a strong state, and a strong people means a weak state. If the government takes such measures as the people like, they are made strong, and if strong people are made even stronger, the army becomes doubly weak; but if the government takes such measures as the people hate, they are made weak, and if weak people are made even weaker, the army becomes doubly strong. Therefore, by strengthening the people, one becomes doubly weak, and perishes; by weakening the people, one becomes doubly strong and attains supremacy. With a strong people to attack the strong brings weakness, whereas on the other side strength remains; with a weak people to attack the strong brings strength, whereas on the other side strength is removed. If strength remains on the other side, one perishes, but if strength is removed on the other side, one attains supremacy. Therefore, with a strong people to attack the strong brings dismemberment, but with a weak people to attack the strong brings supremacy. |
| 弱民: |
明主之使其臣也,用必加於功,賞必盡其勞。人主使其民信如日月,此無敵矣。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
The way in which an intelligent ruler uses his ministers is by always giving them employment for merits, which they have acquired, and by always fully recognizing their exertions by rewards, and if a ruler of men makes his people believe in this, as firmly as they do in the sun and moon, then he will have no equal. |
| 弱民: |
今離婁見秋毫之末,不能以明目易人;烏獲舉千鈞之重,不能以多力易人;聖人之存體性也,不能以相易也。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
Now Li Lou could see the tip of an autumn's hair, but he could not transfer his sharp vision to others; Wu Huo could lift the weight of 1,000 jun, but he could not transfer his great strength to others. So sages and men of talent are bound to their personality and nature, which cannot be transferred to others. |
| 弱民: |
今當世之用事者,皆欲為上聖,舉法之謂也。背法而治,此任重道遠而無馬牛,濟大川而無舡楫也。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
Now, those who administer affairs in our times, all desire to be more than sages; there is much talk of setting the law on high, but they rule in defiance of the law. This is like carrying a heavy load along a far road without having a horse or an ox, or like crossing a wide river without having a boat or oars. |
| 弱民: |
今夫人眾兵強,此帝王之大資也。苟非明法以守之,與危亡為鄰。故明主察法。境內之民,無辟淫之心,游處之士,迫於戰陣,萬民疾於耕農,有以知其然也。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
Now, to have a numerous population and a strong army is the great capital of an emperor or king, but if he does not have clear laws by which to keep them, he is next-door to peril and ruin. Therefore an intelligent ruler studies the law and thus understands how to bring it about that the people within his borders have no perverse and depraved hearts, that idly-living scholars are pressed into the battle line, and that the ten thousand subjects are alert in ploughing and warfare. |
| 弱民: |
楚國之民,齊疾而均,速若飄風;宛鉅鐵鉈,利若蜂蠆;脅蛟犀兕,堅若金石。江漢以為池,汝潁以為限,隱以鄧林,緣以方城。秦師至鄢郢,舉若振槁,唐蔑死於垂沙,莊蹻發於內,楚分為五,地非不大也,兵非不眾也,甲兵財用非不多也,戰不勝,守不固,此無法之所生也。 |
| Weakening the People:...: |
The people of the state of Chu, who were alert and well-balanced and fast as a whirlwind, were, with their iron lances made of the steel from Yuan, as sharp as a bee's sting. As armour they wore the skin of sharks and the hide of rhinoceros, which are as strong as metal and stone. The Yangtze and the Han Rivers were its moats, and the Ru and the Ying its boundaries, the Forest of Deng was its screen, and the Wall of the Fang Mountains was its frontier. Yet when the army of Qin marched on Yen and Ying, it took those cities as easily as if it had been merely the shaking of a dead tree. Tang Mie met his death at Chui-sha, Zhuang Qiao rose in the interior, and Chu was divided into five parts. This was not because its territory was not large or that the population was not numerous, or that the armour and weapons and resources were not many, but the reason, that in fighting it did not win and in defending it was unable to hold its own, was due to the fact that it did not have law. |