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[春秋 (公元前772年 - 公元前476年)] 英文翻译:理雅各(James Legge)[?]
提到《尚书》的书籍 电子图书馆
[又名:《书》, 《书经》, "The Classic of History", "The Book of Documents"]

尚书 中检索:

(汉)孔安国传(唐)陆德明音义 尚书《四部丛刊初编》本
(汉)孔安国传(唐)孔颖达疏 尚书正义《武英殿十三经注疏》本
(唐)孔颖达等奉勅撰 尚书正义《四部丛刊三编》本
(宋)苏轼 书传《乾隆御览四库全书荟要》本
[更多(共84项资料)](宋)史浩 尚书讲义《钦定四库全书》本
 虞书 - Yu Shu
  尧典 - Canon of Yao

  舜典 - Canon of Shun

  大禹谟 - Counsels of the Great Yu
  皋陶谟 - Counsels of Gao-yao
  益稷 - Yi and Ji

 夏书 - Xia Shu
  禹贡 - Tribute of Yu
  甘誓 - Speech at Gan
  五子之歌 - Songs of the Five Sons
  胤征 - Punitive Expedition of Yin

 商书 - Shang Shu
  汤誓 - Speech of Tang
  仲虺之诰 - Announcement of Zhong-hui
  汤诰 - Announcement of Tang
  伊训 - Instructions of Yi
  太甲上 - Tai Jia I
  太甲中 - Tai Jia II
  太甲下 - Tai Jia III

  咸有一德 - Common Possession of Pure Virtue
  盘庚上 - Pan Geng I

  盘庚中 - Pan Geng II
  盘庚下 - Pan Geng III
  说命上 - Charge to Yue I
  说命中 - Charge to Yue II
  说命下 - Charge to Yue III
  高宗肜日 - Day of the Supplementary Sacrifice to Gao Zong
  西伯戡黎 - Chief of the west's Conquest of Li
  微子 - Count of Wei

 周书 - Zhou Shu
  泰誓上 - Great Declaration I
  泰誓中 - Great Declaration II
  泰誓下 - Great Declaration III
  牧誓 - Speech at Mu
  武成 - Successful Completion of the War

  洪范 - Great Plan
  旅獒 - Hounds of Lu
  金滕 - Metal-bound Coffer
  大诰 - Great Announcement
  微子之命 - Charge to the Count of Wei
  康诰 - Announcement to the Prince of Kang
  酒诰 - Announcement about Drunkenness
  梓材 - Timber of the Rottlera
  召诰 - Announcement of the Duke of Shao
  洛诰 - Announcement concerning Luo
  多士 - Numerous Officers
  无逸 - Against Luxurious Ease
  君奭 - Prince Shi
  蔡仲之命 - Charge to Zhong of Cai
  多方 - Numerous Regions
  立政 - Establishment of Government
  周官 - Officers of Zhou
  君陈 - Jun-chen
  顾命 - Testamentary Charge
  康王之诰 - Announcement of King Kang
  毕命 - Charge to the Duke of Bi
  君牙 - Kun-ya
  冏命 - Charge to Jiong
  吕刑 - Marquis of Lu on Punishments
  文侯之命 - Charge to the Marquis Wen
  费誓 - Speech at Bi
  秦誓 - Speech of the Marquis of Qin


Source: "Sacred Books of the East, Volume III", James Legge, 1879. Note that this differs in places from the translation in Legge's 1865 "The Chinese Classics, Volume III".

电子底本 [?]



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