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《无衣 - Wu Yi》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 无衣:
Wu Yi:
How shall it be said that you have no clothes?
I will share my long robes with you.
The king is raising his forces;
I will prepare my lance and spear,
And will be your comrade.

2 无衣:
Wu Yi:
How shall it be said that you have no clothes?
I will share my under clothes with you.
The king is raising his forces;
I will prepare my spear and lance,
And will take the field with you.

3 无衣:
Wu Yi:
How shall it be said that you have no clothes?
I will share my lower garments with you.
The king is raising his forces;
I will prepare my buffcoat and sharp weapons,
And will march along with you.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/wu-yi1